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It was our first vacation in three years. For the first few years we were married Alan and I had gotten away regularly, even though we couldn't afford much in the way of luxury. Then our jobs had gotten more involved and we just had not been able to take a break for any length of time. But due to the sizable bonuses we both got this year (because we'd been working our asses off) we were going to splurge with a week in Jamaica. We went through a lot of brochures and settled on a resort outside of Montego Bay.

"You want to go there because the beaches are topless. You just want to look at the boobs," I kidded.

"Well, yes, Kim," he answered with mock seriousness, "and because I want other guys to admire yours." He gave a squeeze to one of the body parts under discussion.

Throwing my shoulders back to stick them out, I said, "And I'm gonna be proud to display them." I had always been something of an exhibitionist, and Alan approved of my showing off. While I've never actually flashed anybody, I have let a lot of guys peak down my blouse - and sometimes up my skirt. Alan keeps me completely shaved down there, just in case some guy gets a good shot. I'm not all that pretty, but I do have a nice body. It excites Alan when I tease other men with glimpses of my body parts, and it almost always ends up with some great sex as soon as we're alone.

"So, why don't we go to a nude beach. Then I could get a look at some of these," I said, reaching over to his pants and giving his body part a squeeze.

Looking down, he said, "Do you think women would admire that?"

"They would if they had any sense." The fact of the matter was, I really had little to compare it with. We were both virgins when we married, and Alan was the only man I had ever been with. I had seen very few men's body parts. I was very happy with the part Alan used on me, although I wouldn't have minded seeing a few more.

The night before we were to leave on our trip, Alan shaved me. I always love it when he does that. We both strip naked and go into the bathroom where Alan uses his hands to soap me up. He's very careful with the razor - trying to get every bit of hair without nicking or scratching me. Then he rubs baby oil all over the shaved parts as well as some of the parts he hasn't shaved. By the time we're through he is hard as a piece of steel and I am very hot. We can't get to the bed quick enough. I'm so sensitive I can feel every bump, every vein, of his cock when he enters me. Because of the baby oil there is almost no friction and Alan seems to last forever, but I cum almost immediately. After all, he's been stimulating me throughout the whole process. I cum continuously until he finally gives up and fills me with his semen. Sometimes the wet spot is big enough I have to change the sheets before we go to sleep.

He did such a good job that night I gave him a special treat the next morning. I way-layed him as he got out of the shower, I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock into my mouth. As I'd expected, two minutes, three tops, and he was shooting a full load down my throat. I will admit that I tried to hurry him because I didn't want to miss the plane.

When we got to O'Hare, Alan dropped me off and went to park the car. As I was waiting for him, I met an attractive older woman also waiting for her husband. It turned out we were both going to the same resort. "We went there last year," she told me. "It's a very nice place. We've got a friend joining us later in the week. She went with us before and we had so much fun. We made lots of friends to play with."

"That's nice," I said, not understanding what she meant by 'play with.'"

"I guess I should tell you, we are a 'lifestyle' couple. That means some of our friends are more than just friends. And we hope to make more on our vacation." I didn't know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut. "I hope that doesn't shock you," she added.

"Well, maybe a little. We've never done anything like that. Never thought about it, actually." Not quite true. Both of us had admitted thinking about it. We just hadn't had the nerve to act on those thoughts.

"But don't worry," she added quickly. "We also have friends who are just friends. We'd never pressure anybody to do anything they didn't want to."

Just then Alan came in the door accompanied by a slender, bald headed man.

"Hi honey," he called to me. "This is Richard. He and his wife are going to the same resort we are."

"And this is Marion," I retorted. "I think she and Richard are together." Reaching out to shake Richard's hand, I said, "I'm Kim. Your wife and I have been getting acquainted."

We went through the rigamarole of checking in and getting to the gate, where we had time for one more cup of coffee. We talked aimlessly about the resort and all there was to do there (well, not all, that's for sure) and generally got acquainted. I had to admit we liked the couple and got on well together. I did notice that Richard looked down my blouse every time I leaned over. Okay, I leaned over a lot, especially after opening a couple of buttons I regretted that I had put on a bra that morning. "What the hell," I thought. He'd probably be seeing my tits on the beach in a few hours anyway. Alan and Marion seemed to be bonding a little more than I was sure I was comfortable with. But hey, they were at least twenty years older than us. Surely we weren't their idea of 'playmates.' Were we?

Once on the plane and airborne, I said to Alan, "Did you know that Marion and Richard are looking for couples to 'play' with? I think that means have sex with."

"Yeah," Alan answered. "Richard told me."

"Do you think they're interested in 'playing' with us?"

"I don't know," he answered gravely. "What do you think?"

"We're pretty young for them, but could be."

"If they ask, what should we tell them?"

"We'd say 'No,' of course. Or 'maybe.' Or - hell - I have no idea. What do you think? Would you be angry if I was . . . you know . . . with Richard?"

"While I was doing the same thing with Marion? No I wouldn't be mad. As long as you were okay with it."

"Well, it is a vacation. Let's just wait and see what happens. They probably aren't interested in us anyway."

When we finally got to the resort and got checked in, we agreed to meet Marion and Richard in an hour for a walk on the beach. Once we were unpacked, I headed to the shower to wash the travel sweat off me. When I got out, Alan got in the shower and I laid down naked on the bed. My mind was a jumble of thoughts. Relief and excitement at being here at last. Anticipation of showing off on the beach. Confusion about Richard and Marion. Would they ask? Would we say yes? Would they be disappointed if we said no? Would I be disappointed if they didn't ask?

One thing I knew for sure - I was horny as hell and needed some attention. I rubbed my palms over my nipples, remembering Richard trying to see them down my blouse. Slowly I ran my fingertips down my body to my crotch. I enjoyed the smooth feel of the shaved skin. As I expected, I was wet. "Hurry up, Alan. Get out of that shower and get in here," I thought. I rubbed the moisture over my lips, making them even slicker than before. I closed my eyes as the warmth spread through my body. Who was I imagining was touching me? Alan? Richard? Some unknown stud on the beach. I let out an involuntary gasp as my fingers brushed over my clit.

"Damn, Kim. You are so fucking sexy." Opening my eyes I saw Alan standing in the doorway watching me. He was holding up his cock, pointing it straight at me. A thin string of anticipation was hanging from its tip.

"See something you like?" I said, holding my lips open. Then I wriggled on the bed as I inserted a finger into myself. Pulling it out, I held it under my nose. "Yeah," I said. "I think I'm ready for you. Remember that treat I gave you this morning?" The string hanging from his dick-head got longer.

"Yes," he said, stroking himself.

"It's payback time."

"At your service, Ma'am."

Alan laid on the bed between my knees, his face poised directly over my pubic mound. Again I held my lips open, then moaned as I felt his tongue penetrate me. I moaned again as he began teasing my clit. Alan knows the places I like to be licked, and he hit every one of them. Again and again he brought me to the brink of orgasm, then slowed down to keep me there, keep me wanting more. My body was on fire and needed release. "Do it Honey. Please. Make me cum, make me cum," I mumbled. Immediately he sucked my clit between his lips and shoved two fingers into my cunt, pushing me over the cliff. "DONTSTOPDONTSTOP," I screamed, arching my back to force my pussy harder against his face. I could feel his finger teasing my ass. I knew it was slick with the juice flowing out of me. As the climax started to fade, he shoved the finger deep into my backside, setting off an even stronger set of orgasms.

Finally I pulled him away from me. His face was shiny with my cum. I pulled him up on me and kissed him open-mouthed, intoxicated by the taste and smell of my own sex. He moved his hips and suddenly his cock was buried completely in me. "Oh god yes," I said. "Fuck me Alan. Fuck me now." He repeatedly banged into me, his balls slapping my ass. It wasn't long until another orgasm hit me. Alan pulled my hips up, forcing his dick as deep into my cunt as he could get it. I could feel him pulse, and feel the warm cum shooting out of him.

When he finished emptying his balls into me, Alan fell onto the bed, gasping for breath. "Wow, that was fast," I said.

"Let's just say we were in a hurry so we wouldn't be late meeting Marion and Richard," Alan said.

"Or, let's say we were both so fucking horny we couldn't hold back," I commented.

"Yeah, that too," Alan admitted.

We laid and cuddled for a while, then I suggested that we should shower again.

"Why?" Alan asked. "We both just showered."

"Yes, but we've been busy since then. We both look like we just had sex. And," I added after I kissed his cheek, still reeking of my orgasm, "at least one of us smells like it too."

"So. Is that gonna shock Richard and Marion?"

"Good point. Let's get dressed." Actually, I secretly wanted Marion to smell my sex on Alan's face. Just to let her know I'd marked my territory.

After I pulled on my suit bottom, we had to decide if I'd wear the top. "I want to go topless," I said, "but what if Marion isn't. I don't want to be the only one with her tits sticking out."

"Do you really think she'd keep herself covered up? Remember, they're trolling for playmates," Alan pointed out. We finally decided that I would go topless, but keep my bra in my purse just in case. I pulled a cover-up on and Alan donned his swim trunks and a tee. We finally got downstairs only fifteen minutes after the appointed time. As soon as we saw Marion I knew we hadn't needed to worry. She was wearing a fishnet robe, her tiny nipples were sticking through the mesh.

"Sorry we're late,"I said. "We got a little sidetracked."

"I understand," Marion said. Then she kissed Alan on the cheek, the same cheek I'd kissed him on earlier. Turning to Richard, she said, "Told you so. They've been fucking. He definitely smells like pussy." Alan started to blush, but I just smiled. I was proud to let them know this handsome man had just gone down on me.

I turned and kissed Richard, but didn't detect anything except his aftershave. "And how 'bout you?" I said. "Maybe you got a little something, too?"

"Yep," Richard said with a smile. "Sure did."

"Just a quick blow job," Marion threw in. "We were in a hurry."

"Alan got his bj this morning," I told them. "This afternoon was my turn. And my loving hubby did a great job," I said, giving him a hug and kiss. Alan was bright red.

As soon as we got to the beach, Marion and I pulled our robes off. For the first time in my life I was openly displaying myself in front of strangers. Even though I had been looking forward to this, I was still a little self-conscious. Marion, whose boobs were half the size of mine, was so casual about it I knew she was used to being seen nearly naked. Probably completely naked, for that matter.

As we walked along the beach, Alan and Richard were doing their best not to stare at all the bare breasts on display. Even under his sunglasses I could see Alan's eyes flicking from tit to tit. But I was also pleased to see a lot of the men we passed were checking mine out. "This is going to be a fun week," I thought happily.

After walking around a while we stopped to get something to eat from a stall on the beach. Finding a picnic table in the shade, I sat with Alan across from me so we could share a plate of jerk chicken. Richard sat next to me as he and Marion ate their burgers. I could feel Richard's thigh pressing against mine under the table.

I'd been warned that the jerk sauce would be hot, but it was still something of a shock to find out just how hot, but very good. As I put the last piece in my mouth I dripped some of the sauce onto my chest. "You'd better get that off you before you get burnt," Marion said. "Richard, help her get cleaned up, will you."

"Sure," Richard said. Then he leaned over and licked the drips off my breast.

After the drops were taken care of, Richard kept licking. "I don't believe I got any on my nipple," I said.

"Just making sure," Richard answered with a grin.

Looking at Marion, Alan said, "Aren't you going to drip anything?"

"My boobs are too small to catch any drips. Everything would just fall to my lap." Pausing a second, she said, "Hmm, maybe . . . "

Even though I knew she was teasing, I quickly said, "Honey, before you do anything I'd regret, why don't you get us some more beer."

"And while you're at it," Marion added, "take this stuff to the trash. Us girls need to talk a minute." Alan and Richard gathered up the remains of our lunch and headed off. When they were gone, Marion took hold of my hands and said, "Kim, I hope we aren't upsetting you two. We tend to get carried away sometimes."

"Oh no," I answered truthfully. "We're having fun."

"Well, you should know that there is one rule we follow absolutely. That is 'No means no.' Anytime Richard, or I, go farther than is acceptable to you, just tell us and we'll stop. You decide what is okay, and you can change your minds at any time."

"Thank you, Marion. I appreciate knowing that. I'm not going to say we aren't a little uncomfortable. But we're pushing our limits, and enjoying it. Besides, it's fun to embarrass Alan.?"

"Yeah, he's cute when he blushes," Marion said with a smile. And one more thing," she added, "you've really do have nice tits." With that, she reached over and took my breasts in her hands. The abrupt switch from seriousness to playfulness surprised me almost as much as the fact this woman was groping me.

When it finally got through to me what was happening, I did the only thing I could think of - I grabbed hers. Each of her breasts barely filled a hand, but they were firm and shapely. I could feel the hard points on my palms and had to admit that they felt good. It also felt good when she started rolling my nipples between her fingers. I thought to myself, "Is this what it means to be a 'playmate.' I thought it would be Richard, not Marion, playing with me."

Just then, the men returned carrying beers. Spotting what we were doing, Richard spoke up, "There's nothing quite as sexy as stumbling on two beautiful women feeling each other up." Alan was speechless, but the lump in the front of his suit told me that he agreed with Richard about the sexiness factor.

"We're just bonding," Marion said with a smile.

We released each other and both took a beer from the guys. I realized I needed the beer to allay the heat I was feeling. Heat from the sun. Heat from the feel of Richard's thigh against mine. Heat from the way Alan kept sneaking peaks at Marion's body. And heat from the memory of Marion breasts in my hands. I hadn't even realized how hard my nipples were until Richard tweaked one between his thumb and forefinger. "My, someone's sure sticking out," he said as I blushed. "Alan, check and see if Marion's are this hard."

My obedient hubby pinched Marion and said, "I think they are. Let me compare." With that he reached his other hand to fondle me. "Yep, both hard."

"And hot," I said. "How 'bout another beer." I wasn't trying to get the focus off my chest - not much.

"Hey, better than that," Marion interjected, "we've got beer and wine in the fridge in our rooms. Why don't we go back there for a drink."

"Is this the moment of truth?" I thought. I looked at Alan and he shrugged slightly. Mentally taking a deep breath I said, "Sure. That sounds great." I think I meant it.

As we walked back to the hotel I took Alan's arm in mine and we lagged behind so we could talk. "Did Richard tell you about the rule?" I asked.

"Yes. Do you think this is our invitation?"

"I'm sure it is."

"So," he went on, "what's your answer?"

"Probably," I said hesitantly. "And your answer?"

"The same."

"Well, I added, "we can always say no if we change our minds." But I was sure we weren't going to.

Marion and I covered ourselves before going into the resort, but once we were in their room our tops came off again. While Alan and I had splurged on a small suite, it was nothing compared to what our new friends had. Two bedrooms. Two baths. A kitchenette off the sitting room, and a private balcony overlooking the ocean. Seeing our awe at their digs, Marion said, "We only got this big a place because our friend Stella is going to be joining us later in the week. So, do you like it?"

"What's not to like," I said. This is beautiful."

Marion said, "Now excuse me while I get into something more comfortable."

"More comfortable?" I thought. The woman's only wearing bikini bottoms. Then she pulled those off and threw them on a chair.

"Much better," Marion said, displaying her shaved pussy.

The show off in me did not want to be outdone. I reached down and pulled my suit off too. "Yes, you're right," I said, my own bare body open for all to see.

"Nice," Richard said. "The only thing I like to see more than a shaved pussy is two shaved pussies. And yours is very nice, Kim."

"Thanks," I said, lightly running my fingers over it. "Alan did this last night. And did you shave Marion?"

"No," he responded. "Her friend Stella did. I just watched."

"I like to have Alan do it," I said. "Then if he nicks me he has to kiss it and make it well."

"So does Stella," Richard said. "Sometimes even when she doesn't nick it." That's when I decided for sure that 'playmates' really did mean more than I first imagined.

"How 'bout you fellas," Marion threw in. "You just going to stand there with those tents in your shorts or are you gonna show us what you've got?" She was right, both men had poles holding their shorts straight out.

"Yeah," I said. "Show us." With that, both men pulled their shorts off, revealing two very hard dicks, giving me my first chance at a comparison. Alan's was definitely longer, however Richard looked a little heftier. But then, what did I know. This was only the second adult one I'd ever seen in real life.

"Thank you dear," Marion said, kissing her husband on the mouth and giving his dick a quick squeeze. "And thank you too, Alan," she added. Then she kissed him and gave him a squeeze.

God, what did I think about that. This woman, who we only met hours ago, had her hand on my loving husband's penis. I did the only logical thing - I reached over and grabbed Richard's. "Thanks to both of you," I said. I looked at Alan and he winked at me. What the hell did that mean?

"Okay," Richard said, breaking an uncomfortable silence. "What would you like to drink. We've got wine, beer and champagne."

"I'd like a glass of wine," I said.

"Beer for me," Alan said.

"Wine is good," Marion agreed. Richard fetched the drinks and Marion suggested we go sit on the balcony.

"Like this?" I asked, indicating our nakedness.

"Don't worry, it's mostly private," Marion assured us, "as long as we're sitting down. We settled ourselves around the small round table on the balcony while I wondered if our nudity was being observed by others. I decided I didn't care - I had enough on my mind already.

I sat between the two men, but closer to Richard than to my husband. As I sipped my wine I felt Richard's hand on my leg. With my free hand and reached down and covered it with my own hand. Richard must have thought I was objecting as he started to pull away. But the opposite was true. I firmly pulled his hand higher until the edges of his fingers were against my slit. He smiled, probably because of the wetness he felt there. I smiled as he ran his fingertips along my lips. He smiled more when I slowly began to stroke his cock. I smiled at the thought that what we were doing was clearly visible to everybody through the glass-topped table. Did I mention that I am an exhibitionist?

Of course also visible was the fact that Alan and Marion were equally occupied under the table. I could see drops of moisture seep from both men. Using my finger, I rubbed the slick emission around Richard's head. Looking at Alan I said, "Honey, 'probably' just turned into 'yes.' How 'bout you?"

"No argument here," he replied.

"I like the sound of that," Marion said. "Let's go inside."

"Why's that, Dear?" Richard asked.

"Because this tile floor will be too hard on my knees," she replied, getting up and pulling Alan toward the door.

It took me about two seconds to figure out what she meant. "This is it," I thought. "Come on," I said aloud to Richard.

When we got to the sitting room Marion dropped two pillows on the floor in front of the sofa. "You boys sit down, we've got a treat for you." Marion knelt on one pillow between Alan's knees and I got down on the other, grasping Richard's dick and holding it in front of my face.

"Turning to me, Marion said, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Giving me one more chance to back out.

"I am if Alan is," I responded.

"I don't think he'll object to what I'm gonna do."

"I mean if he's okay with what I'm going to do."

Alan's answer was cut off by the gasp that came out of him. Marion had his cock half-way down her throat. "I'll take that as a yes," I said. Still not quite as bold as my older friend, I ran my tongue around Richard's crown, then licked at the drop seeping from him. "Sweet, but not as sweet as Alan's," I thought. "But still good." Slowly I lowered my mouth over him, getting used to the wider girth. When I had half of him in my mouth, I held still, then slid my lips back up until just his head was covered. Both men were moaning and mumbling. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Alan's cock disappear into Marion's mouth once again. I briefly wondered that I wasn't shocked or angry. Then the thing in my mouth twitched, reminding me that I was in no position to be angry at my husband. After that, I concentrated on the task at hand. Slowly I slid my mouth down onto Richard's hard tool until my nose was in his pubic hair.. Then just as slowly slid it back out. After repeating this a few times, I took him completely out and ran my tongue down his underside until I was licking and kissing his balls. I gently sucked one, then the other, between my lips. I teased the underside of his sac with my tongue, enjoying the silky feel of his skin and the sounds of pleasure coming out of him mouth. Then I worked my way back up and covered his head with my lips.

"I'm about to cum," Richard whispered. "Are you sure you want me to cum in your mouth?"

My mouth being full, I didn't answer. Instead I looked him in the eye and sucked him completely down my throat. I moved him in and out as his moaning increased in tempo. Next to Richard I could see Alan's face, contorted by his struggle at control. "He's gonna blow," I thought. Then I lost sight of him as I dropped my face back down, taking the hard cock as deeply into my throat as I could get it.

"Oh fuck yes," Richard cried out, his cock pulsing his first shot directly down my throat. I pulled him half-way out and milked him with my mouth. As the rest of his cum slid over my tongue I found it saltier, more bitter than what I got from Alan. Definitely a heavier taste, maybe because the cock itself was heavier. Again and again the dick throbbed as Richard fed me his cream. Next to him Alan was making those noises I knew meant he was rewarding Marion's cock-sucking efforts.

When Richard finally stopped pulsing, I took him out of my mouth and kissed the head of his deflating penis. Looking over at Marion, I saw my husband's semen leaking out of the corners of her mouth. "I should have warned you," I said. "When he cums, he cums a lot."

"Oh, but it's so sweet. Honey," she said to Richard, "find out what this man eats." Then to me she said, "Different men's cum tastes different. A lot of it depends on what they eat. I'd say Alan eats a lot of fruit and vegetables (he had been on a diet in preparation for the vacation) while Richard eats far too much garlic."

"And maybe pretzels," I added. "I didn't expect it to be so salty. But then, I didn't know what to expect. Alan is the only man I've ever been with."

"Oh yes," Marion said, "I forgot you're virgins at this."

"Well she's the most talented virgin I've even been with," Richard said.

"Honey, I was a virgin when we got married," Marion said.

"Yes you were dear. But you were a quick learner."

While the two of them were teasing each other, I stood up and kissed Alan on the mouth. I knew he could probably taste Richard on my lips, but I didn't care. I needed to kiss him, to assure both of us that what had happened had nothing to do with what we had together. "Thank you, Honey," Alan said. "That was wonderful."

"It's not over yet," Marion announced. "Okay boys, off your seats and on your knees. It's our turn now."

Richard and I exchanged places with him kneeling between my legs. I held my lips slightly open with my fingers. "Be good to it, now. It's used to the best."

"I'll do the best I can," Richard said. Then he stuck his tongue out and ran it up and down my lips. As I let out a sigh, I felt him penetrate me, slurping at the juice that was running out.

Glancing at the couple next to me, it excited me to see my husband's face pressed into another woman's crotch. Marion had one leg draped over his shoulder and she was pinching her own tits with her hands. She looked over at me watching her. Our heads moved closer together, and for no reason that I could understand, I kissed her. "What the hell am I doing?" I thought, "kissing another woman. And what's my tongue doing in her mouth." I moaned against her face as Richard started sucking on my clit. Marion bit at my lips from the pleasure I knew Alan was giving her. We kissed again, crying out into each other's mouths. Then I pulled away, the feelings in my pussy too intense for me to think of anything else. Alan may have learned where all the right spots are over the years, but Richard seemed to be able to go right to them - and to some new ones as well.

I put my hands behind his head, not guiding him but just enjoying the presence of it. I could also feel fingers against my asshole. Then he slid his tongue down until he was rimming me, licking the pussy juice out of my butt. I think I screamed at the unexpected excitement of a man's tongue in my ass. "Oh fuck that feels good!" Did that come out of me? But it did feel good. I was rocking in pleasure, not yet at orgasm but just from the pure enjoyment Richard was giving me.

"Oh god yes," Marion whispered to my husband. "That's it, that's it," she encouraged. "Yes, yes, OHFUCKYES!" I imagined that Alan had a finger in her cunt - or her ass, which was where Richard had stuck his.

As Richard moved his finger in and out of my backside, he rubbed the flat of his tongue against my clit. I was pushed to the limit, so close to cumming I could taste it. Richard forced most of his hand into me, into my cunt, and my body exploded. I knew I was screaming, my body on fire. As I shook in passion, Richard's finger came out of my ass and was replaced by his tongue. I arched my back, lifting my bottom clear of the sofa, pressing myself hard against him. Next to me Marion was also crying out in orgasm. Richard pinched my clit, sending me off again, cumming harder than I could remember. Over and over I was rocking in climax until finally Richard pulled his face back.

"Enough?" he asked with a smile.

"God yes, enough for now," I gasped. Glancing over I saw that Alan had also pulled back. His face was glistening with Marion's sex.

"Damn Alan's good," Marion said. "Did you teach him all that yourself?"

"Well, he was an enthusiastic student," I said, looking over at her. She had a very satisfied look on her face, which I certainly did also. As we looked at each other, Marion leaned over, kissed me, then said, "Thank you for teaching him, and for sharing him also."

Both men got up, and I nodded at Alan to come over to me. I pulled him close and kissed him hard on the mouth. His face was slick with Marion's emissions. As I kissed him I realized that for the first time in my life I was tasting another woman's pussy, another woman's sex. "Goddam," I said, "the taste of pussy on your face is so fucking sexy." Alan sat down next to me. After cuddling together a while I asked our hosts, "Would you two mind if we step outside a few minutes?"

"Oh no, go ahead," Richard said. "I'll have drinks ready when you come back in." It said something for the condition of my mind that I didn't even think about the fact that Alan and I were standing on the balcony naked.

"You weren't mad or jealous or anything, were you honey?" I asked. "I mean, about what I was doing to Richard.

"Oh no," my husband assured me. "If anything, I was proud of you. I wanted them to know how good you really are, how good you can make me feel. How 'bout you? Any reservations?"

"Not really. I guess I was proud to, proud of how you were able to make Marion scream, and proud of how I could do the same to Richard." After thinking a minute, I added, "And it was a hell of a lot of fun, wasn't it?"

"Sure was," Alan said. Now, let's get some drinks. I gave him a hug and kiss, once more tasting Marion on his face. I hoped he could taste Richard in my mouth also. I held him close and against my leg I could feel that he was regaining his erection.

"Someone's almost ready for round two," I kidded, rubbing him with my thigh.

"I hope we all are," he said.

"I know I am," I assured him. I could see Richard and Marion inside the suite, Richard with drinks in his hand. I signaled them to join us on the balcony.

"Everything okay?" Marion asked.

"Everything is just fine," I said, taking my glass of wine from Richard. "We're having a wonderful time. Thank you both."

"Our pleasure," Richard said, stepping behind me, nibbling on my shoulder. The flacid cock against my backside told me someone was not quite ready for round two yet. Alan put his arm around Marion's waist and pulled her to him. As he hugged her, she casually ran her hand up and down on his thigh.

Looking to one side, I noticed a young couple two balconies down staring at us. "I think we've got an audience," I said.

"Then let's put on a show," Richard responded. He turned me around so my back was to the couple, kissed me with his hands cupping my butt, pulling me against him. Meanwhile, Marion leaned over and kissed one of Alan's nipples.

Straightening up, she said, "Okay, let's go inside. We've given them enough of a show. They can make their own entertainment now." I casually wondered if the young couple would be shocked and call the management about us, or go inside and fuck their brains out. Probably the latter. That would have been my reaction in the past. What I did know was this exhibitionist was getting wet at the thought of showing off.

Once inside the door, Richard kissed me again. I had been told that older guys took a long time to recover, but from the condition of the thing pushing into my lower belly, either I heard wrong, or Richard wasn't nearly as old as I believed. "With a little more encouragement," I thought, "this guys gonna be hard enough to fuck. And I'm just the lady to give encouragement.

"We've got two bedrooms," Marion said, "with a king-sized bed in each. We can go to separate rooms, or all get on the same bed. What's your choice?"

Immediately I said, "Same bed, or course. I want to watch, and be watched."

Marion led us to the main bedroom. She pulled the bed spread back and laid down, pulling Alan onto her. I laid down with Richard standing next to me. I held his cock in my hand, "Almost there," I thought. I pulled him to me and put my lips around his penis. Holding it halfway in my mouth, I flicked my tongue across his head. I gently sucked him in, then slid him nearly out, satisfied with the way the tool was growing fatter and longer. Again I was struck by the fact that Richard was so much bigger around than Alan. I liked the variety of a different size and was looking forward to having that thing fill me up down below as it had done to my mouth. "Stop it, Kim," I said to myself. "Alan's not making any comparisons."

"My god, Marion, your pussy is so tight," my husband called out next to me. Maybe I was wrong about that comparison thing.

Pulling Richard's new erection from my mouth, I said, "I think you're ready now. Come on and fuck me with this fat thing." Richard knelt on the bed between my legs. Next to me Alan was holding still, his cock buried completely in Marion. He smiled at me, and I winked, then gasped. Richard's dick, which had been pressing against my pussy lips, had pushed into me, stretching me much further than Alan did. I wondered to myself how Marion could have such a tight pussy if she regularly had this thing in it. Then I stopped thinking at all as he slammed it hard into me.

[To be continued]

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The author of this story: moodcouple

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