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Breakfast Special
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Breakfast Special

Stumbling along from one waitress job to another since high school, I seem destined to be stuck in the service of others. For the past two years of college, it's been Libby's Diner that's been my purgatory. The money's poor, but I do make a few extra bucks on the infrequent tips. The average tipper in Libby's Diner sure as fuck had nothing to do with coining the phrase ‘It's better to give than to receive'. That I know.

Libby's is a small one room diner pigeon-holed between two, three story buildings in the older section of downtown. The developers either miscalculated on their measurements, there was a land dispute about an Indian burial ground, or perhaps someone just wanted a cork in the narrow alley between the larger buildings. Whatever the reason, this spit of property came to be home to the diner. Despite the rather dated and disheveled exterior, Libby's is actually a bright and very respectable little eating establishment once you're through the front door. Although my personal feelings toward the owner border on homicidal, the food's good.

Lately our regulars have been the construction crew working on a high-rise refurbishment just across the street. They're an archetypical construction crew that whistles and catcalls to every passing woman under the age of eighty, and of course they have no qualms at all about making lewd remarks about either my breasts or my ass. I don't actually mind though, as I enjoy the company of a room-full of boisterous men. I'd never admit it to them though. Besides, with a little flirt here and there, mixed with a few appropriately timed wiggles, the tips roll in from this crowd. I'd give them some cleavage too, but I couldn't muster that with both hands pressing with all my might. It's ok though; the wiggles seem to work almost as well.

"Miriam would you quit daydreaming!" my boss Constantine hisses. "Try and earn your wages just for once!"

Constantine Capriaza, now he's a true prick if one ever walked the earth. His short and rake-thin stature doesn't seem capable of backing up his constantly sharp barbs, and I like to think his personality is the result of a ‘little dick' complex. I pray I never have occasion to find out either. A little shiver of disgust ripples through me as a very disturbing visual of a greasy, and very naked, Constantine wheels though my thoughts.

I'm desperate for some sort of diversion from Constantine's incessant nattering and the construction foreman's blatant ogling of my ass, when in it walks, a diversion of monumental proportions. He's the best looking guy to frequent this diner in ages.

"Today!" Constantine snaps as I glare at him and follow the handsome guy to table nine, the farthest from the door and the only one free. If I didn't need money for college, I'd tell Constantine to shove this job straight up his ass and march right out the front door. Since I can't afford that, I settle for simply swearing under my breath. I'm still cursing the ground Constantine walks on as I arrive at the table.

My mood suddenly brightens the moment I look into those dreamy hazel eyes. Catching myself before it appears I'm outright gawking, I say, "Morning sir, can I get you anything to start?" as I place a menu before him.

He's wearing a slate-gray sports jacket, and a pale blue shirt lacking the almost perfunctory tie. I like his business-casual look, and also his smile. It's been a while since any customer here has ever done anything but leer. This guys is looking me right in the eye, and without so much a quick peek anywhere below my chin. Given his dashing looks, I'm almost disappointed.

" would be excellent, and I'll have that breakfast special you have advertised, with bacon and scrambled eggs."

"Umm...good choice on the scrambled eggs, but I recommend the ham," I whisper to him as I lean closer. "The bacon is beyond crisp this morning, if you know what I mean."

"Thanks for the tip," he smiles back. "Sounds to me you should consider a better cook?"

"Our regular chef was a no-show this morning, so my boss is filling in, and he's not all that great," I giggle. "But since he's my boss, don't tell him I said so."

"It's our little secret Miriam," he whispers back, reading my name tag fastened just below my collar.

"That coffee's coming right up sir."

I make a pass around the diner with the pot as I bring the guy at table nine his coffee. Thankfully most of the construction workers are almost late for work at the hi-rise, and they're clearing out fast. At least I'll have a few hours of peace and quiet until I'll have to again wade through testosterone and innuendo when they flood the place for lunch. It'll give me some time to concentrate on ogling the guy at table nine too. He's gorgeous.

As I collect the bill from the last stragglers on the construction crew, Constantine barks, "Order up for nine!"

"Thank you Miriam," the gentleman replies as I set the platter of ham and eggs in front of him and freshen his coffee.

I'm so mesmerized by those eyes and that smile I almost forget to thank him. I'm all aflutter inside, and I can't think straight as I move away from the table. It's been ages since a guy had such an immediate effect, and I like it.

I busy myself with clearing and cleaning the counter and tables. I pile the dishes in a bus cart and roll it into the tiny kitchen where another employee has just arrived. Ralph works part time as a dishwasher, and he's a major distraction for Constantine. Being even lower on the food chain and far closer in proximity to Constantine, he's the brunt of the wrath and frustrations that plague the kitchen this morning. Poor bastard.

I pour myself a coffee and amble down to the end of the counter and sit down at a stool just opposite table nine. I kind of lean and allow my butt to slightly hang over the seat of the stool, hoping the handsome stranger will notice. I'm on my third sip when I hear an "Excuse me".

"Yes sir, can I get you anything?" I ask as I spin the stool to face him.

"No, I'm fine. I was just wondering if we've ever met before? You look very familiar."

I know he hasn't seen my ass before, so I take it as a simple pick-up line.

"Uh, I don't think so, no," I reply. "Not that I can recall." I know damn well I'd remember this guy no matter how long ago it was.

"I'd swear I've seen you somewhere, the university perhaps?"

"Well I'm taking classes there in the afternoons and evenings, perhaps that's where you've seen me. Are you a student?"

"Me, no. I work in the administration department. One of the infamous bean-counters that are forever trying to increase tuitions."

"Oh so you're one of those huh," I laugh. "You're not too popular with a lot of students' right at the moment."

"I know," he grins. "But it's the best we can do with the cost of everything is getting to be almost unmanageable."

"Tell me about it," I reply. "That's what keeps me slugging it out here. I need the money."

"Miriam. I need a hand here!" Constantine yells from the kitchen, not bothering to even stick his head out the small window where we pass through the orders, instead choosing to bellow at the top of his lungs. "And sometime today would be good!"

"Isn't he a sweetheart?" I laugh as I walk slowly to the kitchen, knowing that every second that passes will enrage Constantine further, and I do love to yank his chain at every opportunity.

"They just delivered the meat for tomorrow's specials, and I need you and Ralph to stack them in the cooler. Now get at it!"

Ralph meekly turns toward the door leading to the narrow delivery dock out back. I give Constantine a spiteful look before turning on my heels and following Ralph. Constantine hates it when I question anything about his authority.

I'm on my forth trip up to the cooler when Constantine rails, "The customer at nine wants to leave. Go get his bill!"

Fuming at the fact Constantine is ragging on me again, I slam my hand against the kitchen door and walk toward the cash register. The guy at table nine is just getting up, and I spot his smile all the way across the room.

"Everything ok Sir?"

"Perfect. Well except for the way your boss treats you. That bugs me."

"I'm sure he doesn't mean anything by it Sir. He's just one of those types."

He leans closer to me and whispers, "He's an ass, and he doesn't deserve your making excuses for his behavior."

"He really is an ass, isn't he," I whisper back with a little twitter.

"Yes indeed Miriam. Yes indeed."

"So will that be everything for you then?"

"Yes...well except for one other little thing I'd like."

"Certainly...and what would that be?"

"A date. You and me going on a date. That's what I'd like."

I'm a little taken aback. It's been a while since anyone but some grime-covered jackhammer jockey was quite as bold as this, and given the appeal of the guy making the offer, I'm speechless.

"Well...I don't..."

"It's ok. If you're already involved I understand. I just thought...perhaps we could," he replies, cutting me off in mid sentence.

"No, it's not that, it's just I don't have any time really. I only get Sunday evening off between classes and this job." I blurt out, not wanting the opportunity to slip away.

"So if I asked you out Sunday night you'd go out with me? Is that what you're saying?"

"No that's not...but...but I guess..."

"You guess what?" he grins, "Is that a yes?"

"I'm not sure. I don't even know your name."

"It's Devlin, Devlin O'Leary, and now that you know my name does it help you to decide on a yes?"

"Yes it..."

"Perfect!" Devlin replies quickly, "Here's a card of mine, and if you give me your number, I'll call you later, say Wednesday night. We can finalize some plans."

"I didn't really say yes you know," I reply, laughing at his cocky audacity. "And I'm not going to give you my number."

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to wait until Wednesday night and talk to you when you call me!"

"And what if I don't?"

"You will," he laughs as he tosses a ten on the counter and gives me a quick wave as he steps out the front door.

* * * * * *

The bathwater's soothing away every thought of anything but Devlin as I stretch out in the tub. Our well-into-the-night phone conversation Wednesday night was the best gab I've had in months, and well worth the fact I nearly fell asleep in class the next afternoon. He was so sweet and understanding, and not to mention a bit of a joker. He had me laughing until my sides ached, and he had the smoothest way of arousing me.

Since I haven't been intimate with a guy for ages, naturally I'm more than a little horny at the prospect of being around Devlin. It's been a long time since a guy aroused me enough to spend two nights in a row thrashing around in bed masturbating my brains out.

My fingers trace the outer lips of my pussy, and I feel nothing but absolute smoothness and a silky texture. Perfect.

I'm almost ready to succumb to the temptation to let my fingers part my pussy lips and begin that slow windup to an intense orgasm as I think of the wonderfully delicious things I've been fantasizing Devlin doing to me. Can one man be such a lover?

Still giddy with inflamed desires, I force myself out of the sudsy bath and towel off.

As I stand there naked in front of the full length mirror, I wonder what Devlin would think should he see me naked. My mother always said I had an athletic build. That certainly is a lot more flattering than the truth; a willowy petite girl with miniscule tits. When the genes for boobs were blended, I definitely ended up with the runts of the litter. Then again perhaps Devlin's the sort of guy that enjoys small perky breasts that meld into a flat belly and small hips. I twist and examine the small tight ass I think is my best feature. Maybe it'll be the long legs that go on forever that will catch Devlin's eye. Perhaps his eyes will simply look into the pooling dark of my own, and savor my fine delicate features and the new easy-care pixie I'm sporting these days.

I've about gotten myself worked into a sexual frenzy before I even manage to wiggle into the tight little denim skirt that displays my ass and legs so well. I tease and twist the few little spikes of my hair that accentuate my features. A final tuck of my filmy beige blouse, and I'm good to go.

I've been in the living room for all of ten seconds, and giving the place a final inspection when the doorbell rings. He's right on time.

I try not to appear overeager and race for the door, but it takes all the resolve I can muster to not be there to open it before the second ring of the doorbell. Devlin looks so handsome as I open the door fully and invite him inside. He's wearing an off-white polo shirt that fits to perfection, and a pair of tan Dockers that appear tailored for him. His broad muscular chest just shows through the thin knit of his shirt, and of course the tanned and powerful arms are impressive. His wide smile and the slightly tousled look of his hair gives him a casual flair that instantly relaxes me.

"Oh sweet Mary and Joseph, I'm looking upon an angel," Devlin exclaims in the best Irish brogue I've ever heard a mid-westerner use.

"Umm, a handsome devil, quick with the flattery, and punctual too. What other little surprises does Devlin O'Leary have up his sleeve?"

"Ach, I'm right out of surprises I'm afraid. No sleeves!" and he momentarily lifts both of his bare arms. We both laugh.

"Come on in. I just have to grab my purse and I'm ready to go."

I can't help but notice that Devlin's eyes never leave me, and he doesn't pay the slightest attention to my apartment. I wonder why I bothered to clean so meticulously. I've got a good little wiggle going as we walk to the parking area, thanks to the strappy little heels I chose to wear.

We begin talking the moment we get rolling toward Devlin's apartment. It's like a continuation of our phone conversation from Wednesday night. We both reveal even more little snippets of ourselves, families and friends. I find myself opening up to him so easily; it's like playing catch-up with a dear friend, only spicier. It's a pleasant time, and I'm almost disappointed as we arrive at his apartment.

The look of the enormous brownstone is impressive as we walk up the front steps. There are carved pillars supporting a large overhang above the front door, and off to one side on a far corner I see a bronze-colored winged gargoyle looking down on the street, it's mouth agape and displaying formidable canines. It adds a particular character to the already impressive building.

"I'm on the second floor, and it's a walk-up," Devlin remarks as he unlocks the glass paneled front door, holding it and ushering me inside.

The interior is half-plastered walls with the lower halves lathed with strips of oak planking. The patina of many hands shines on the banister of the stairwell leading up. I love the mood of old buildings, and this one impresses me.

The upper hallway is carpeted in a dark brown Berber, and I follow silently behind Devlin as we approach the last apartment on the extreme end of the building. It's the apartment with the gargoyle directly above, and I wonder why that excites me.

"Welcome to my humble home," Devlin grins as he opens the door for me again. His manners are impeccable.

I'm immediately struck by how unique and tastefully furnished the apartment is. There's a large overstuffed sofa that dominates one wall, and adjacent to it is a love-seat of the same design. Opposite the sofa are a large screen television and an impressive sound system and stereo combination. There's a smattering of renaissance style prints hanging on the walls, and a small armoire to one side. One door is slightly ajar and I can see its shelves are stacked with books. The living room has a very masculine quality, not unlike a gentleman's smoking room or library. Even the earth-toned carpeting lends a sense of an easy and relaxed atmosphere. It's far beyond my twenty inch television, dinky stereo, and two bean bag chairs.

"Sit down and relax while I have a peek at dinner and see how it's doing," Devlin says, indicating for me to take a seat on the sofa, "Would you like to listen to some music?"

"No, no music. Can I give you a hand in the kitchen?"

"Sure if you really want to, but it's not necessary."

"I'd like to."

"Come on in and welcome to my kitchen," Devlin laughs as he places his hand at my waist and playfully steers me toward the kitchen. His touch excites me.

The kitchen is a brightly lit and open room with a counter separating the cooking area from a small dining area. The dark wooden table is spread with a muslin lace tablecloth, with a raised Celtic motif centerpiece. There are two red candles in crystal holders that I'm certain are Waterford, and very elegant. The table has the appeal of one in a very classy restaurant, and I'm stunned that Devlin would go to such lengths for me.

"I've been wondering what that delicious aroma is since we entered the apartment. What on earth are you cooking? It smells absolutely wonderful."

"Oh just a little dish my mother always referred to as a simple meal," Devlin smiles, "My mother insisted my brothers and I knew how to cook. She said it wasn't always a woman's place to cook in a household, and besides, it sure beat starving once I moved away from home."

We both laugh at his bit of humor as I quickly decide to not disclose it to him just now that I can't manage to boil water without fucking it up somehow. If it's not pre-packaged or out of a can, well it's not on my menu.

"So what exactly is this simple meal you're preparing?"

"It's nothing but pork loin spiced with garlic and coriander. A simple dish really, but great tasting. The secret to it is marinating the meat in hard apple cider. That's what brings out the true flavor. Well that and the roasted apple garnish."

"So what can I do to help?"

"Lets see. You could set the table. All the dishes are here in the cupboard, and the utensils are in this drawer," Devlin replies, pulling open a drawer on the cabinet closest to the oven.

"Ok, that I can handle," I laugh.

"Would you like a glass of wine while we wait? I have a couple of bottles I've been waiting to share with someone special."

"Sure, some wine would be nice thanks," I reply, giddy with the thought he considers me special.

"Well let me see what I have in the cellar," Devlin laughs as he opens the refrigerator door, "I have an excellent zinfandel, how about that?"

"Oh perfect. It's my favorite actually."

I begin setting the table as Devlin opens the wine and pours two tall stemmed glasses. We begin talking and he tells me of the hours he spent with his mother puttering in the kitchen and her teaching him about cooking, and really nurturing his love for it. I tell him how I've never been much of a cook, being more the studious type and spending a lot of my free time reading. I neglect to tell him about any of the tom-boy antics I was notorious for. We're still talking and sipping wine when the oven alarm suddenly breaks the moment.

"Ahh...time for dinner," Devlin remarks.

The meat smells heavenly as Devlin slices it into even portions and arranges it on a small platter. I notice how everything, even the vegetables, looks perfect. It's as though a famous chef has prepared a private and very intimate meal for some lucky couple. I've never had a man prepare anything this elegant and special. Never.

The candlelight dinner is a delicious treat, and a wonderful interlude with a man that whets both appetite and hormones. Two glasses of wine has a tendency to loosen my inhibitions, and I'm working on my third. Between the wonderful conversation, soft lighting, and the sinfully delicious apple-crisp for desert, I'm fully aroused.

We continue to talk and sip at our wine, and I begin to wonder where I should let this evening end. Sudden thoughts of Devlin sweeping his arm across the table to clear it, and bending me over and wildly fucking me right between the candlesticks begin to drift through my thoughts. That's got me to thinking one way about the evening; not wanting to move too fast has me thinking another. The warm stirring in my crotch has me leaning toward the fucking when Devlin suggests we move into the living room.

Devlin turns down the lights to a soft glow and asks, "Any particular music you'd like to listen to?"

"You pick."

"Something soft perhaps, and relaxing?"

"Sure, soft would be nice."

Devlin has a great physique, and his finely fit Dockers highlight his perfectly shaped butt as he bends over the stereo. I think he catches me gawking as he suddenly turns toward me. I try and avert my eyes, but not before stealing a look at the slight bulge in the crotch of those pants.

The beautiful strains of a soft classical string piece surround the sofa. The acoustics of the living room are awesome, and I'm feeling more than just a little romantic as I sip at the last of my wine.

"This ok?" Devlin asks.

"Better than ok. This is perfect. I love listening to classical on a quiet romantic evening."

"So this is romantic is it?"

"Umm, of course. It's not everyday a girl has a man cook and pamper her."

"So what would cap your evening perfectly? What's the one thing that you'd love right this very minute?"

"Bet you'll never guess?" I laugh.

"I think I know, but I should get at least one little hint."

"Nope, no hints. You just get one guess," I reply coyly.

"Ok, but what's my reward if I guess correctly?"

"I'll let you make my wish come true of course," I reply coyly. "But what's in it for me if you guess wrong?"

"If I guess wrong I'll do the dishes," Devlin laughs. "Fair enough?"

"The dishes! If you guess right I have to do the dishes, is that what's on the line here?"

"Yes indeed, that's the bet," Devlin laughs.

"Ok, you're on," I reply with a cocky air. "Take your guess."

"Ok," Devlin says softly, "I'll bet that what you'd like more than anything right this very minute is, let's see, a nice foot massage."

"A foot massage!" I laugh. "Whatever possessed you to guess that?"

"Well is it right or not?" He laughs.

"Yeah it's right," I reply, lifting both feet and swiveling them toward his lap. "Massage away." I just can't muster the courage to tell him I really want to be royally fucked.

He holds one foot in both hands and begins to slowly manipulate my toes and sole, "I can't believe you traded a foot massage for dishwashing detail," he laughs.

"I can't believe you never picked something far more, shall we say, adventurous."

"Oh I thought about it," He grins, "But then I'd simply be left doing the dishes. Wouldn't I?"

"Maybe," I purr, arching a little as his fingers work their magic on my tired feet, "Maybe not."

"Is it too late to change my choice?"

"Oh yeah, a bet's a bet mister. Ooh, right there, that's perfect."

I'm not sure just when the foot massage became more than just someone doing wonderful things with their fingers, but I think it was when Devlin began to nibble at my wriggling toes and kissing upward on my foot.

Setting down my wine, I lay back deeply into the sofa, Devlin continues kissing upward, and I begin to writhe as his lips move up my leg and approach my exposed thigh. I'm so aroused I'm about to hike up my skirt and direct his kisses and nibbles elsewhere. As Devlin moves atop me, our lips meet in a wonderful and lingering kiss. My arms fly around his neck as I feel his tongue searching. It's been far too long since a man kissed me with this much intensity, and I'm lost in the moment. I'm panting with desire as our tongues entwine, and I can feel the growing hardness in his crotch pressing hard against mine. He's as aroused as I am.

As we slowly break from the intense kissing, Devlin asks, "I'm not moving to fast for you am I?"

"Don't stop with those kisses, please," I croon with a voice laden with desire.

"Kisses, you want more kisses?"

"Yes kisses. Kiss me, more. Everywhere!"

"You want kisses everywhere?"

"Yes," I pant, my arms wrapping his neck as I pull him into another frantic embrace.

As we breathlessly break, Devlin whispers, "Let's get a little more comfortable."

"Is this where you whisk me into the bedroom, tear off all my clothes, and make mad passionate love to me for the rest of the night?"

"Uh, yeah. That's pretty much what I was thinking," Devlin laughs.

" we think alike or what?"

Devlin's on his feet in a heartbeat, and scoops me into his arms. I'm not sure if he thinks he's fallen into paradise or hooked up with a downright skanky slut, but either way he's getting laid. I have my blouse unbuttoned and my bra half off by the time we reach the bedroom.

My arms cling to his neck as his powerful arms cradle me, and my head rests against his chest as he places me on the turned-down bed. The crisp sheets feel cool against my legs.

I've gotten off my blouse and bra when Devlin's hands undo the button at the waist of my skirt. I fall back on the bed and he tugs my skirt off, tossing it aside. He then slowly peels my panties past my hips, and wriggles them off and tosses them aside too. I simply watch his reaction in the dim light; only the meager hallway light is illuminating the bedroom, adding to the romantic mood. I like watching his eyes lock on the little Mohawk just above my shaven pussy lips. I spread slightly, and briefly expose myself for a fleeting tease.

I lay waiting in anticipation as Devlin whips off his shirt and begins removing his trousers. I notice the prominent bulge in the blue jockey's as his pants drop past his narrow waist and hips. My eyes are riveted to his hands as his fingers slide beneath the waistband of his jockey's, and he begins to slowly peel them off. He's teasing me. I'm impressed with his considerable endowment as his growing erection bobs free of the restraining fabric. He's all cock.

As I wriggle to the far side of the bed, we silently give each other a savored once-over. I simply let my eyes freely roam his body. I'm aroused fully in observing the tousled hair, his smile, and the beautifully well-defined torso. I revel in the chiseled pecs and rippled belly that blends into his narrow waist. His cock is swelled to beyond half-mast, and it arches higher with every heartbeat. It's eye-catching.

I note the smell of very masculine and enticing cologne. It's an exciting aroma when mingled with the odor of the freshly laundered sheets. He stalks me onto the bed, his arms wrapping me as he slips in beside me.

"Now isn't this better than the sofa?" he whispers.

"So tell me, do you always sprinkle a little cologne on the sheets, or had you already planned to get me into the sack tonight?" I ask softly, toying with his hair just above his ear.

"No I always do that to my sheets," he replies, trying to act indignant. "I can't believe you'd think otherwise."

"Oh gotta work on your lying," I laugh, "Now kiss me and I might forgive you."

His kisses increase in urgency, and I feel his hand roam down my back and cup my ass.

"Has anyone ever mentioned that you have the cutest ass?" Devlin whispers as we break.

"No, you're the first, but thanks," I murmur in reply.

"Someone else needs to work on their lying too," He laughs as his lips start a slow nibble of my nape, and inching lower.

I'm dampening as I feel his lips close on a rigid nipple, his tongue swirling the sensitive flesh of my small areola. I can feel his cock, ramrod hard, slammed against my thigh as desire races through my every vein. I need this so badly.

His lips make a slow nibbling traverse of my torso, moving from side to side, and lingering to swirl a tongue-tip around my navel before moving lower. His nibbling lips follow the thin little tuft of hair downward, and I gasp and spread my legs in anticipation. It's been forever since I've enjoyed the sensation of a man kissing me there.

My breath comes in ragged gasps as Devlin begins the slow and soft kissing of my pussy lips. I curl into the pillow and expose myself fully, my hand reaching to grasp his throbbing hard cock. I run my fingers down the length of it before he moves between my legs, spreading my thighs with gentle pressure from both hands.

Devlin is an expert when it comes to tonguing a woman. He's licking everywhere, and just at the precisely right moment too. I'm raging with desire as his tongue swirls in wet rings around my ass, slips deep into my pussy, and then furrows between the feathery lips seeking my clit. He touches every secretive point of pleasure on the journey, and I'm on the ragged edge of orgasm as his tongue dances across my swollen clit, curling and flicking at the exposed tip.

I'm so horny I can't do anything but moan my delight at the fluttering sensations. My fingers clench handfuls of his hair, pulling him tighter into my crotch as the sensations build.

"There. Oh god Devlin lick me there! That feels so good. So good. So good!"

I yank his face hard against my pussy, grinding my engorged clit against his tongue as a fierce orgasm charges through me.

"I'm coming baby! Right there! Oh fuck...right there!!! Right there!! Unnnngh....oh fuck!"

I scream out my intense pleasure as wave upon wave of sensations rip through every nerve and fiber of my very being. My legs vibrate and toes clench hard as Devlin sucks on my throbbing clit, and I feel my pussy grasp tight to a plunged finger. I mewl and tremble in the aftermath, and Devlin smothers my pussy in soft kisses. Oh god he's so talented.

I'm still quivering all over as Devlin moves beside me; his soft kisses taste of overheated pussy. I'm deliriously pleasured, and I whisper, "That was the best. The very best."

" really know how to stroke a guy's ego," He whispers as his lips bite at my nape.

"I know how to stroke a couple other things too," I pant. "And I'll prove it once I come to my senses. That was a killer orgasm."

I slide into his embrace and rest my head against his chest as I simply revel in the moment. I reach and grasp his cock, and slowly begin a stroking motion, running my fingers around the flared crown at the end of every stroke.

"Anyone ever tell you that you have a really big cock?" I giggle.

"No, not really. You're the first"

"Umm, I doubt that," I whisper as I slowly move lower, my mouth closing on a hard little nipple.

"I'm going to suck you Devlin. I'm going to suck you like you've never been sucked before," I whisper, looking into his eyes as my hand moves lower and my fingers trace the outline of his throbbing hard cock.

He says nothing, but his eyes never leave mine as I run my tongue down his flat ridged belly. He sucks in his breath audibly as my lips graze his knob, and flicking my tongue on my continuing movement down his shaft. He raises up on his elbows to watch as I lick and kiss his balls, sucking on one before moving back to his cock.

I grasp his cock in my hand, reveling in the length, thickness and intense rigidity. I just love a raging erection. Pre-cum oozes from the tip as I swirl the engorged ridge with my tongue, flicking the underside as I begin a slow-stroking movement. My other hand toys with his nipples.

Devlin's moaning and writhing beneath my relentless tongue as I move my other hand to assist as I stroke harder. As I roll his balls in my palm, he lifts his hips and spreads for more access. I marvel at how readily a man will expose his most intimate vulnerabilities when it's a woman squeezing his balls. I love the sense of power.

"Oh God Miriam...slow down ...I'm too close...too close." Devlin moans.

Giving his balls a final squeeze before getting a two handed grip on his cock, I begin to strum my tongue across the sensitive little V at the head of his cock. I can feel the intensity of his hardness, and the final swelling as a stream of pre-cum oozes from the tip.

Popping his cock out of my mouth as I feel his orgasm welling, I simply hold tight as the intensity slowly ebbs. He was right on the absolute edge, and I love it. I relish sucking a man to the point of orgasm, and beyond.

"I think I need you to come somewhere else tonight, at least the first time," I whisper as I straddle him, pressing my inflamed pussy against his cock. "I want you to fuck me Devlin. I need to fuck your beautiful big cock."

His kisses betray the urgency of his wants and desires. I position myself over his cock, and guide the rigid stiffness to my pussy.

I slowly work him into me, gasping as his length and girth fill and stretch. Oh god it feels so fantastic, so huge, and so filling.

Beginning a slow and easy rocking that works his entire length into me, I settle fully onto his ramrod hardness, gasping at the newfound sensations.

Devlin's hands fall to my hips, and he presses me tighter to him as I increase the tempo of my rocking. An impending orgasm builds as I grind my pussy against his pelvis at the bottom of every deep stroke. His bites and kisses at my nipples intensify my arousal, and I moan wantonly as orgasm approaches.

"Oh fuck Devlin...fuck me hard...fuck...I'm coming!"

He's thrusting as hard as he can as I wail in release. My pussy cramps hard against the unyielding hardness. Shaking and trembling, I collapse onto his chest.

Without slipping out, he rolls me onto my back and he's atop me, kissing and slow stroking.

I wrap my legs around his narrow waist and pull him tighter to me with every plunging stroke. His length and thickness stretching me fully, and arousing me beyond my wildest fantasy.

He supports his weight on his arms as he rises to mouth and bite a nipple. I moan at the surge of sensation as he bites, his teeth grasping my nipple in a gentle nip. It feels exquisite.

His plunging cock has me gripping and grinding against him as another orgasm looms. I lunge my hips at his, crushing my engorged clit against him as he thrusts deep into untouched recesses. He excites me so.

"Fuck me Devlin...fuck me now...come in me hard...I need it...I need it...please," I beg wantonly.

My pleas have the desired effect, and his thrusts become wildly slammed deep lunges, his arms at my shoulders, pulling me into him, his powerful grip overcoming my efforts. I feel the crush of his weight as my legs grip his waist as hard as I can, grinding my pussy against him.

As his primal grunts of pleasure betray his urgent needs, he drives his cock deep into me with a last ferocious lunge. I'm reeling in sensation, and I can feel his cock swell and pulsate as the hot deluge begins.

The flood of semen triggers a life-threatening orgasm that makes me feel as though I'm being turned inside out. Every nerve and fiber from head to toe is screaming out in pleasure beyond compare. Colors flash behind tightly closed eyes, and muscles cramp almost painfully hard. I cry out openly at the intensity as Devlin plows his squirting cock to my very core, my pussy's rippling grasp urging more as the hot wetness gushes into me. I can feel the heat and wetness of every throbbing spurt.


The ferocity of my orgasm leaves me spent, and my arms and legs drop to the bed. I gasp and mewl as Devlin slowly glides his wilting cock in and out in slow strokes that intensify the last remaining ripples of orgasm. The soft and gentle mouthing of my eraser-hard nipple feels divine.

I'm still quivering and completely overcome as he slowly pulls his softening cock from me, and I can feel the wetness creeping down my ass.

His kisses smother my breasts as he moves from one to the other, and begins kissing lower. He mouths and bites gently at my heaving belly, and kissing lower still.

I gasp audibly as his hands touch my thighs and gently push them apart. I shudder in delight as he softly kisses my pussy, his tongue stroking on either side of my oh-so-sensitive clit. I've never experienced a man doing this before, and I moan at the unaccustomed delight.

With a final soft kiss, Devlin moves beside me and gently cradles me. I savor the taste of semen on his tongue as we share a deep wet kiss.

"Oh my god Devlin, you're a spectacular lover," I gasp out. "You're the very best. O god that was awesome."

"You're something else too," He laughs softly. "I didn't know women could orgasm like that."

"I didn't know it either!" I laugh weakly.

We simply lay there, whispering little endearments while holding tight to each other, and kissing softly as we catch out breath. I can see the sheen of sweat across our bodies in the dim light and the scent of sex and cologne mingles into the most enticing aroma. This was fucking of the highest order.

"I'm so glad I mustered up the courage to ask you out." Devlin whispers, his eyes looking directly into mine.

"Courage? Why on earth would you need courage to ask me out?"

"Beautiful women can be a little, well intimidating," He replies, "I guess I thought you'd turn me down for sure."

"I'll bet you're surprised at what a little chippy you hooked up with?" I laugh. "I never even put up a good fight before you whipped me into the bedroom."

"Uh uh. I could never think of you as anything but a fantasy come true."

"Oh god, you do know how to flatter a woman," I giggle. "And everyone says that flattery will get you everywhere."

"So, where do we go from here?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to pee," I laugh as I roll to the side of the bed.

"Hey you want a little more wine?"

"Sure, more wine sounds good."

As I finish with a quick pee and a primp in the bathroom and return to the bed, Devlin still hasn't gotten back with the wine. I sneak onto his side of the bed and almost start giggling at my crafty way of sticking him with the wet spot.

I'm still gloating at my little coup with the wet spot as Devlin returns with two tall goblets of wine. He leaves the door fully ajar so the bedroom is better illuminated, still softly lit, but now I can see clearly. He also notices I've switched places.

"Here's your wine you little trickster," Devlin laughs. "Don't think I don't know why you swapped sides either."

"Sorry," I laugh in reply. "But thank you so much getting for the wine."

"Got room for one more on that side?"

"Yes indeed," I reply, sliding over as I turn the covers back as an invite. It's also an excuse to expose my nudity.

I fluff and place the pillows along the headboard and Devlin passes me my wine before sliding in beside me. We simply lay there for a minute, shoulder to shoulder as we sip at the wine.

As I turn toward Devlin, I notice his head turned toward me, and he's looking directly at me, almost staring.

"What? I grow a wart on my nose or something?"

"No," He laughs, "I was just looking at you, and thinking about you."

"AH. Is this where you're wondering just how to get rid of me now that you got laid?"

"No! What made you say that for heavens sake?"

"Oh, just checking. I mean we hardly know each other, so maybe that's what you were thinking as far as I know."

"Actually I was thinking something quite the opposite," Devlin says quietly.

"You're not going to go all mushy on me now, are you?"

"No. No I was just thinking that we should get to know each other better. You know?"

"This isn't just the extremely good sex talking is it?"

"No, but I do have to agree with you on the great sex," Devlin laughs.

"So what exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, some more dating...and things."

"Can we combine the ‘things' with the dates? I just love how you do those things!"

"Oh yeah, a combination is exactly what I was thinking," Devlin laughs.

"Oooh, doing the nasty. Wine me, dine me, sixty-nine me. I can't wait." I giggle.

"Me either."

Devlin and I share a little laugh as we sip at the wine. Turning to set my glass back on the nightstand, I brush my breasts across his lips, and not accidentally. He's quick with a couple fleeting nibbles.

Smiling at his response, I turn and place a pillow over his arm as I wriggle in tight to him. He pulls me tighter as my head settles against his chest, and my hand wraps his cock.

"Umm, I feel so good right now you can't imagine," I whisper.

"Oh I think I know exactly how you feel," Devlin whispers softly. "Exactly."

"Umm, you're so sweet, and this was so great." I murmur.

"Do we have to wait until next Sunday to have another, you know, date?"

"I don't think I can wait that long. You fuck too good," I murmur.

"Me either. Why don't we make some plans in the morning? I'll whip up my breakfast special."

"Is this going to be our first official sleep-over?"

"Yeah, that's ok isn't it?" Devlin chuckles.

"Can I warn you about something?"

"Umm hmm."

"I look like shit in the morning, and I'm not even civilized until I've had a coffee. Are you ready for that already, me being me, warts and all?"

"You're not scaring me. Besides, I often snore."

"I don't care if you sing in your sleep, I love being tucked in with you like this," I whisper as the drowsiness of complete satisfaction settles over me. I'm drifting, and I can hear the same in Devlin's voice.

"I've never went to sleep with a woman's hand around my cock before," Devlin murmurs.

"Better get used to it."


I vaguely feel the sensation of Devlin pulling the covers over us as I toss a leg over his and snuggle closer, letting the gentle swell of his rhythmic breathing lull me.

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