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He's a Really Nice Guy - A Four Foxes Story
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He's a Really Nice Guy A Four Foxes Story

This is a long story. It starts a little slow to introduce and develop both the characters and the premise. If you're patient enough to read further you'll discover lots of hot sex.


Ashley Delaney sat back in her chair and contemplated her lunchtime companions, Stephanie Sharp, Meghan Baker, and Wendy Cole. She reflected on the topic of their conversation, Roger Hawkins, or, more accurately, Roger and his wife, Brenda Hawkins. The other three continued in their discussion, while Ashley let her mind wander. She tried to think back to when Roger and Brenda first came to her attention.

Ashley had been with the company for nearly three years now and had worked in the same department as Roger for the entire time, but he worked with different projects for most of that time. Then, about a year ago, he was promoted. About the same time Ashley's responsibilities were reassigned, and they came into more frequent contact, usually at meetings. They had a nodding acquaintance. They knew each other, but seldom did anything together, and then always in a group.

Roger had become a focal point for the little group about four months earlier, when Stephanie discovered that Brenda Hawkins was married to Roger. Brenda worked in accounting. Her responsibilities included running data on Stephanie's ... and Ashley's department. Brenda was a focus of loathing among the girls at the table, partly because of her abrasive and arrogant approach to her job. She seemed to enjoy being an enforcer of rules and being an impediment to progress.

The thing that the four foxes noted was that Roger was the exact opposite of Brenda. He was easy to get along with, progressive and effective in handling people. Everyone liked him and enjoyed working with him. He had a relaxed, low key sense of humor and he could very persuasive when the occasion called for it. Brenda Hawkins, on the other hand, preferred marching through the day with army boots, forcing compliance because of her position rather than facilitating progress, or even being correct.

The girls known as the four foxes, or sometimes as the foxy foursome, had endured Brenda's unsuitable behavior for some time before finally making the connection. It had come about in an unusual way, Ashley recalled.

About four months earlier, a larger group of women from work had gathered for lunch. Brenda was part of the group as were all four foxes. When the group was seated, Brenda and a co-worker of hers from accounting were at the large round table with the foursome. It was a pleasant enough lunch and everyone pretty much avoided bringing work into the conversation. So, naturally, the discussion migrated to the topic of sex.

Now the four foxes are not prudes. In fact Ashley, Stephanie and Meghan were married now, and Wendy had been until about a year ago. Ashley enjoyed a healthy sex life with her husband. He was the only man she had ever bedded. Meghan was a few years younger than Ashley. She had married while in college, put her husband through college, and then completed her own education. She was completely devoted to her husband and had never even contemplated any sexual relationship outside her marriage. Stephanie was more experienced, having enjoyed several affairs, but maintained a loving relationship with her husband of seven years. Wendy had slept around as well and her marriage had broken up when she found a more compatible relationship with a different man. Unfortunately, he had since returned to his own wife, leaving Wendy on her own. Wendy's beauty made her quite an attraction and she had little difficulty getting sex any time she felt so inclined.

So, it was surprising when this foursome was astonished at Brenda's claims of sexual satisfaction. They sat in muted silence as she bragged about her husband's prowess, offering details about the attention he provided her as he pleased her sexually. Sometime during the conversation, the foursome realized that she was talking about Roger ... their Roger ... their co-worker. Now they didn't exactly feel possessive about him, they were just surprised to make the connection between the two.

As Brenda carried on and boasted of how well he was endowed, and how considerate a lover he was, the four girls frankly grew irritated with her and chafed under her outrageous claims. To their credit, they did not dispute her, but their annoyance grew during the luncheon.

Later that afternoon at break, they found themselves together whispering about their aggravation with Brenda. They giggled as they shared that each of them had gone out of their way to visit or watch Roger and they had looked at him through more curious eyes than ever before.

Nothing really came of the incident, although individually the girls paid closer attention to Roger. They couldn't tell if he even noticed. The girls observed that men were so dense about such things.

The whole situation was exacerbated a few weeks later when Brenda made the implausible claim that Roger had always been faithful to her and that he would never stray. That assertion annoyed Wendy, and she began lobbying her foxy friends to flirt with Roger.

The problem was that everybody agreed that Roger was a genuinely nice guy. Now for most males, the "nice guy" label is a kiss of death, but it didn't seem to bother Roger one way or the other. He just kept on going, usually focused on work.

Ashley concluded that Wendy was going to attempt to seduce Roger. Well, Wendy said as much, and tried to encourage the other three to do the same. Ashley didn't think she could do anything like that. She really wasn't interested in straying from her marriage, but she wouldn't mind flirting a little. After all, she enjoyed watching men fawn over her whenever she got a little playful with them. That would have to do. Meghan also refused to consider going to bed with Roger. "I'm just not that type," was her statement.

Ashley's thought was that she was not that type either. Nevertheless, the four foxes were at lunch, discussing an upcoming trip to a convention where vendors would display new product. Their entire department was scheduled for the event, including Roger Hawkins.

The interesting development was that Brenda Hawkins would be staying behind. This was a business trip, and her department was not part of the contingent scheduled to participate in the product show. And Brenda had just irritated the foxy foursome with another arrogant outburst. That annoyance, together with the recent challenge Brenda unwittingly expressed when she bragged about her husband's fidelity, had Wendy fuming and the other three speculating how Roger might be seduced.

Ashley and Meghan were participating in the planning, but more as a fun exercise in girl talk. As lunch broke up, the girls laughed at how fun it would be to have something up on Brenda Hawkins. Roger was just a tool in their little game. They all thought that it would be fun to flirt with Roger during the trip.


Several days later, the four shared a cab from the airport to the hotel. The rooming assignments paired Ashley and Meghan, while Stephanie and Wendy would share a room. They all noted that Roger had a room all to himself. He was at a level in the company where he was not required to share a room when traveling. Wendy commented that it would make it convenient to use his room if they managed to seduce him on the trip. All four girls giggled at the thought.

In their room, as they unpacked and got ready for the first meeting, Meghan asked, "Do you think Wendy is seriously going to try and go to bed with Roger?"

Ashley smiled at the thought. "She might," Ashley replied, "but I think it's more likely that we'll all just tease him. It'll be fun to see if he will squirm when four women pay attention to him."

Meghan laughed and agreed.

As the company's contingent gathered in a meeting room to go over strategies, Meghan and Ashley tried to sit close to Roger. They were amused that Wendy had beaten them to him. She was sitting next to him at the table. Stephanie sat across the table from him. Ashley selected a nearby table, and then positioned herself so that Roger could view her legs without too much provocation. Ashley was wearing a skirt with a modest length, just above the knee. Meghan wore a pants suit outfit. Ashley allowed the skirt to rise a bit and show extra thigh as she sat down and crossed her legs. Meghan kept an eye open to see if Roger noticed Ashley. It took a little while, but he did check out Ashley's legs.

Wendy and Stephanie engaged Roger in conversation at their table, entertaining him and laughing at his jokes. He did have a good sense of humor, so they enjoyed themselves without effort.

During the meeting, Wendy was careful to volunteer to follow the same pattern as Roger. Stephanie joined in as well, along with several others. When the conference doors opened, they headed to their assigned areas in the trade show arena. All afternoon, Stephanie and Wendy stayed close to Roger. They were casual as they wandered the floor gathering information about various products. Roger demonstrated surprising product knowledge and proved to be helpful in examining different product opportunities.

At the end of the afternoon, the group gathered back together as scheduled for a debriefing, then moved on to a group meal. Stephanie and Wendy managed to sandwich Roger between them at supper. After supper, several people announced they were going to visit the bar. Roger tried to decline, but Wendy prevailed with him and they went to a darkened room and settled down at a table, just the three of them.

Ashley and Meghan noticed them there and figured that Wendy and Stephanie had things under control, so they went on to their room. They decided that Wendy was making great progress toward bedding Roger and debated curiously about her chances of success.

The next morning, Meghan and Ashley met Stephanie and Wendy for breakfast. They noticed right away that Wendy was sipping black coffee, wearing sunglasses and appeared to be in a grumpy mood. "What happened?" Ashley asked.

Stephanie grinned. "He turned her down. She overdid it a bit on the alcohol last night trying to get him interested. Turns out he doesn't drink."

"Doesn't drink?" Meghan repeated.

"Not a drop. Oh, he was friendly and funny, and even loosened up. But he didn't have any liquor. And Wendy kept going with the drinks."

Wendy groaned in response.

"So, how'd he turn you down? What happened there?" Ashley was curious and surprised that Roger, or any man, would spurn advances from a woman as attractive as Wendy.

Wendy took another sip of her coffee, and then replied, "We were talking. I'd drunk a lot - I thought it'd make things easier. Finally, when no one else was around, I asked him if I could come up to his room." She paused and took another sip of coffee.

"Okay," Meghan responded. "Then what happened?"

"He asked me what I wanted to do in his room," Wendy said.

"And you told him ...." Ashley prompted.

"I told him we could figure out some fun things to do."

"Well, that was pretty straight forward," Ashley observed. "What'd he say?"

"He told me that it wasn't a good idea." Wendy sipped her coffee.

"Not a good idea?" Meghan exclaimed. "All that most men think about is how to get you into their room. What else did he want?"

Stephanie laughed. "Well, it appears that our Mr. Hawkins is different. He told her that she had too much to drink and that she might have regrets about what would happen. Maybe Brenda was right about her husband after all - that he will be faithful to her."

Ashley and Meghan were surprised at this revelation. Soon breakfast time was over and the two beauties had to head out to their first seminar of the morning. Ashley felt more comfortable about the situation. She felt that Roger was a nice guy, a genuine gentleman. Perhaps the plans they developed as a result of their frustration with Brenda would come to nothing. Ashley relaxed a bit.

After their first seminar, Ashley and Meghan ran into Roger. He was heading toward the second seminar the girls were attending. They ended up sitting with him at the seminar, and then went to lunch with him afterwards. They had a delightful time. He was charming and they felt he was harmless. They teased, but kept it low-key, not getting outrageous or suggestive.

After lunch, they split up and headed back to the convention floor. Finally, as the afternoon drew to a close, they bumped into Roger again. They walked with him back to the hotel where they rejoined the rest of the company group in the daily debriefing session. After that meeting, there was a break before supper. Ashley and Meghan retreated to their room to change and freshen up for the evening. Then, at supper, they hooked up with Wendy and Stephanie. The four of them discussed the day's business, exchanging ideas on various products. Eventually the conversation returned to Roger. The consensus was that he was pretty much harmless, but they all felt a challenge to see what it would take to break down his resolve.

Both Ashley and Meghan felt that it had become a competition, maybe even a dare, to see if he could be enticed into a liaison, especially since Wendy had been unsuccessful. As supper broke up, Ashley wandered in Roger's direction and stood nearby while he completed a conversation with a colleague.

When Roger noticed her, Ashley moved in closer. "Do you have any plans for the evening, Roger?" she asked.

"Not really, do you have something in mind?" he responded.

"Well, a couple of us thought we'd check out the area and see if we can find some place to dance."

"I'm not much of a dancer," Roger said, "But I'll be happy to go along. It could be dangerous going out alone in a strange city."

Ashley hadn't thought of that and she appreciated Roger's concern and his willingness to be a protector. He really was a nice guy. She led him back over to the girls. When they arrived, Wendy had already split, heading back to her room. Ashley wasn't sure if Wendy was embarrassed, disappointed, or just tired. She kept her mouth shut.

After a brief discussion, Meghan, Ashley, Stephanie and Roger piled into a cab and headed out for a nearby night spot where they could drink and dance. Roger sat in the back with Meghan in the middle and Ashley on the other side. Stephanie with her long legs, rode shot-gun in the front.

The night spot was nice. The music was loud and varied. They sat around a table and shouted at each other. Meghan hauled Roger out to the dance floor and kept him busy there to the fast music. Her compact body shook and moved with remarkable rhythm to the music. She had moves that brought notice from a lot of men. Roger noticed as well. After a couple of songs, they sat down.

Soon Stephanie coerced him into taking her to the dance floor. She was much taller than Meghan and her long legs attracted a lot of attention as she moved gracefully in time with the music. Roger paid attention to her as well. It flattered him that a lot of the men around were watching him with the girls.

After a couple more dances, Stephanie and Roger returned to the table. Conversation was difficult because of the decibel level of the music. The little communication there was centered on light teasing. Finally, Roger asked Ashley to dance. She followed him to the dance floor and gyrated to the music. When the song ended, the first slow music of the evening played. Ashley settled into Roger's arms and snuggled against his chest as the music continued. Their bodies pressed tightly together. Soon Ashley felt pressure against her abdomen. She recognized Roger's arousal. To her surprise, she felt pleased at his reaction. She also acknowledged to herself that it was the first time she had felt that intimate pressure from anyone but her husband since her high school days, when it was more of a curiosity. She felt Roger attempt to retreat his lower body from hers. She pressed more tightly against him, refusing to let his obvious excitement be disregarded.

Roger felt uncomfortable with the situation and Ashley's insistent pressure against his groin both excited and bothered him. Was she coming on to him? She had never seemed that type in all their previous encounters. Involuntarily, his pelvis pressed back at her in a vain attempt to gain some relief.

Ashley smiled to herself as she felt him return the pressure. She drew her head back and looked into his eyes, smiling at him. Unspoken sparks passed between them, causing Roger's erection to increase in intensity. Ashley returned her cheek to his and softly told him, "That's a very nice compliment."

Roger could hardly believe her words, but he responded, "It's because you are a beautiful, sexy girl."

Ashley kissed him gently on the neck and ground her body tightly against his. Roger thought he was going to cream in his pants. The song ended at a very inappropriate time. Ashley sensed his discomfort and lingered in his arms, which didn't help his condition. Finally she released him and, holding his hand, she turned on the crowded floor as if she were going to their table. Instead of walking forward, she pulled him close to her so that he bumped up against her from behind. She felt his protrusion imprint her buttocks. She stayed close while he adjusted his pants so he could be more comfortable, then she led him back to the table. After he seated her, she watched him, to see if he would avert his gaze. He didn't, instead he returned her intent look with a nod of appreciation.

Roger stayed at the table while his erection subsided. He pondered that dance, replaying it in his mind. What was happening? It was certainly an erotic experience for him, but he couldn't imagine Ashley coming on to him.

When another slow song started, Meghan grabbed him and asked him to dance with her. Roger followed the diminutive girl to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and had to dance on her tip toes to rest her head on his chest. Just like Ashley, Meghan clutched closely to him and pressed tightly against him. Soon she, too, felt his arousal. She was a little surprised, because she was unaware of Roger's reaction to Ashley.

Meghan remembered that Roger had turned down Wendy. She also remembered that Roger's wife, Brenda, had said that he would be faithful to her. As Meghan felt his manhood pressing against her stomach she also remembered that Brenda bragged about his equipment. Meghan, just like Ashley, had not encountered a cock other than her husband's in this manner since high school. She was intrigued with the sensation that his equipment caused in her. Because of her size, he pressed into her much higher on her abdomen.

Roger didn't attempt to move back from her as he noticed her pressing closely to him, rubbing her body against his swollen member. Now two of these attractive women seemed to be coming on to him, and they were the two most unlikely women in the company. He knew they were both happily married. What was going on here? He wasn't sure, but he did enjoy the stirring it created in him.

When the song ended, Meghan held his hand as they came back to the table. She didn't give him a chance to adjust, so he walked a little awkwardly. Once again, he stayed there until his ardor subsided, but about the time he got himself back under control, another slow song started, and Stephanie grabbed him to repeat the experience.

While Stephanie and Roger danced, Meghan and Ashley compared notes. Both agreed that he was well endowed. "Well," Ashley asked, "do you think he'll do it? Do you want to do it with him?"

Meghan looked at the couple pressed snuggly together on the dance floor. "I don't think he'll do it, but I'm not sure that I could, even if I wanted to. I really thought this was just speculation. It's already gone further than I ever expected. Do you want to do it with him?"

"I don't know, honestly. I've never cheated, and I didn't intend to start now, but he's certainly an interesting man, and I'm curious about him. He's ... um ... stimulating."

Meghan giggled and looked back out on the dance floor where the taller Stephanie was enjoying his protrusion rubbing against her crotch. "I would say he's stimula-ted," she laughed. "Besides, Stephanie may want to do him."

Ashley wasn't sure whether that thought disappointed her or relieved her.

Before too long, everyone agreed they needed to head back to the hotel. It wasn't that late, but they were still on a business trip. They found another cab. Once again, Stephanie ended up in front. This time, however, Ashley and Meghan made Roger sit between them. He wasn't all that comfortable, because his legs were too long and the hump in the floor caused him problems. Finally he moved his feet over to Meghan's side. After all, she was the shortest. The cute little dark haired beauty leaned against him, crowding him. His elbow brushed against her breasts. She didn't move.

Everyone talked about how great the band played. As they pulled up to the hotel, Ashley leaned close to Roger and said, "I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind."

"Okay," Roger said as he followed Meghan out of the car. Inside the hotel, the three girls hung around Roger a bit awkwardly, making small talk. None of them could figure out how to make a move. Finally, Meghan said she had to go and headed off to the elevators. Roger watched her wiggle away, sorry to see her go. But Stephanie and Ashley stayed with him. He asked them if they wanted to go get a drink. They both knew that he didn't drink, but they agreed.

Ashley ordered a coke, matching Roger. She elected not to drink. She wanted to be in full control of her faculties. Stephanie ordered a daiquiri. Roger was entertaining as they discussed a variety of topics. After a while, Roger excused himself to run to the men's room. Left alone, the girls put their heads together.

"Are you willing to fuck him?" Stephanie asked.

"I-I don't know," Ashley admitted. "I might be."

Stephanie was surprised. She really didn't think her friend would do it. "Tell you what," she said, fishing a quarter out of her purse. "Let's flip a coin. You call. If it comes up your way, I'll leave shortly and you can do it ... or not. But it'll be your turn to try. If it comes up my way, you leave and I'll see if I can get him."

Ashley agreed and called "tails" when the coin was lofted into the air. It landed on the table and spun around tantalizingly before dropping, heads down, tails showing.

"You win," Stephanie said as Roger approached the table. The tall blonde finished her drink, then stood up. "I've gotta run," she said. "See you two in the morning. Thanks for a fun evening." She winked at Ashley.

Roger bade her goodbye, then settled back in his chair. "You wanted to talk," he questioned.

Ashley's heart was racing. "Yes," she said softly. "Can we go somewhere?"

"Sure. Where would you like to go?"

"C-could we go to your room?"

Roger was surprised, but said, "Okay." He paid the tab and they left for the elevator. They rode the elevator in silence to his floor. He guided her down the corridor to his room and opened the door.

Ashley entered and turned toward him when he closed the door. "I'm not sure how to do this, Roger..." she began hesitantly.

"Do what?" Roger said lamely.

Ashley looked into Roger's eyes and moved toward him. "Roger, you are a nice guy, perhaps the nicest I know. But sometimes you can be dense." She stood very close to him and held his gaze.

Roger stood there dumbfounded as this strawberry blonde beauty lifted her face to him and tilted her head. He moved his head toward her and tasted her lips. It was a tender kiss. Slowly, softly her lips parted and his tongue probed her as hers shot back into his. Ashley's arms encircled Roger's neck. His arms enfolded her and pulled her tightly to him. His raging hard-on returned as her body nestled firmly against his.

Roger's hand stroked Ashley's back. Tentatively, he moved a hand down to her waist. Ashley responded by shoving her body against his, trapping his engorged member between them. "M-m-m-m," she moaned softly. He felt good against her body. His lips were soft and warm, his tongue excited her as it darted in and out, fencing with hers.

As the kiss lingered and the tongues tangled, Roger's hand traveled down to Ashley's round, firm buttocks. He grasped that delectable morsel, squeezing it and sending thrilling tremors through Ashley's body. Her breathing quickened. She trembled with excitement. She hadn't felt this hot and bothered since she had been dating her husband before they married. The sexual tension that she built back then made her honeymoon more passionate. Those sensational emotions were flaring again, to her great surprise and delight.

Roger began kissing her neck and nibbling at her ear as his other hand explored Ashley's fabulous breasts.

"This is wonderful," Ashley thought. Her body came afire and her pledge of fidelity to her husband melted and evaporated in the heat of the passion intensifying within her. Roger began guiding her over toward the bed. She went willingly and gracefully.

At the edge of the bed, Roger stopped, pulling away from Ashley. Wordlessly he looked into her beautiful green eyes, now wide with excitement and wonder. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked softly.

Ashley's heart pounded as she had a momentary flash of her husband watching. He'd told her more than once that he would like to see her get fucked. Well he would miss out on the performance. "More than anything," she responded and began unfastening her dress. She had a smug thought that she'd like for Roger's wife, Brenda, to know that he was being seduced.

Roger's hands joined hers to help unbutton the garment. It dropped from her shoulders, catching at her hips. Roger reached around, fumbling with her bra. He couldn't get it loose. Smiling, she reached behind her and swiftly released it, tossing it aside. Her pert, well-formed breasts pointed beguilingly at Roger. Her hardened nipples crowned each majestic peak. Roger couldn't resist. He cupped each breast in a hand, then bent over and kissed them tenderly.

Ashley loved having her breasts manipulated, and Roger's tender caress delighted her. She gripped his head and held him tightly against her sensitive breasts. His hands traced paths lightly over her trim body, inching ever lower down her torso. He paused briefly at her belly button, playing with that location. Ashley trembled at the pleasure Roger was bringing her. She released her grip on his head and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Roger stepped back from her, watching her and admiring her beauty as he completed the task of removing his shirt and tossing his undershirt. Ashley stepped forward, her dress still bunched around her hips, and gripped Roger's belt. She easily loosened that apparatus and unfastened his pants. Parting his fly, she reached into his briefs and fished out his swollen cock.

Her eyes widened as it emerged. He was enormous! She gripped it with her left hand and barely was able to wrap her hand around it. They both looked down at her holding Roger's member, her wedding band clearly visible. Very slowly and deliberately Ashley moved her face toward the stiff pole rising from a forest of pubic hair. Her right hand gently cupped his scrotum sac, cradling two massive testicles. She settled to her knees as she pulled the monster toward her lips, kissing the shaft along its length. As Ashley reached the crown of that stake, she parted her lips and encircled his manhood. Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked and slurped the human popsicle.

Ashley knew that her husband loved her doing this, and she felt eager to taste this morsel and to test her capacity. She savored the salty flavor she encountered and accepted the mild masculine aroma no doubt generated by his earlier dancing efforts. She pushed forward until she gagged on it when he plugged the back of her throat. A thought flashed through Ashley's mind: Brenda was certainly right about Roger ... he was well equipped. Ashley's lips stretched wide to get that monster into her mouth. She firmly and carefully imprinted her lipstick on the appendage invading her throat.

Roger was panting and enjoying Ashley's mouth massaging his member. He could feel her tongue lapping at his tool. He didn't want to lose it yet, so he reached down and tenderly touched her face. Her eyes opened and peered up his torso. Her bright green eyes dazzled and enchanted her partner. Her plugged mouth made her an enticing vision. Her cheeks strained with the mass that occupied them. "Come up here," Roger urged, tugging at her arm.

She released him from her mouth and allowed him to help her back to her feet, holding on to his cock with her left hand for balance. He stepped close to her, trapping her hand and his cock between their bodies. He kissed her tenderly and tugged at her dress in an attempt to drop it to the floor. Ashley used her free hand to help dislodge the garment, taking her half-slip with the dress. She stepped out of the clothes collection on the floor, standing there clad only in her shoes, stockings and skimpy panties.

Ashley pushed Roger's pants down to his knees. She kicked her shoes away and raised a foot to Roger's half-mast pants and guided them the remaining distance to the floor.

Ashley maintained her firm grasp of his phallus as Roger struggled with the pants about his ankles. She rubbed some of the pre-cum oozing from his tip against her abdomen. In the process, she noticed that his length covered a significant part of her lower torso and his thickness was substantial against her tiny waist. He would no doubt displace her insides. She had a funny thought that he might tickle her tonsils from the other direction just as he did when he gagged her throat. She wasn't sure she was ready for this, but she also knew she wanted to try. She had to find out what this felt like.

Ashley tumbled onto the bed, bouncing onto her back. She reached for her panties, looping a finger around each side. Roger sat down beside her. He reached out and stopped her from removing her panties. She looked at him curiously. She was expecting that he would be eager to mount her. Her husband was always raring to go. Roger couldn't be changing his mind about this, could he?

Ashley's fingers remained looped around her skimpy panties while Roger lightly traced the outline of her panties. He inspected her gorgeous breasts, rising softly but firmly from a slender, compact body. He teased her erect nipples and played with a freckle or two as his fingers traveled her shapely flesh. His light touch teased and tickled her. Ashley's breathing increased as the exquisite torment ignited her very being.

Roger slowly inched toward her treasure. She undulated beneath his touch, moaning softly. He paused at the rim of her panties and started to slip beneath them. Instead his hand traveled outside the garment, skimming over Ashley's mound. Slight pressure there exposed evidence of a trimmed bush beneath the silken cloth. Roger's fingers continued their journey, leaving the inviting rise of her pelvis to please Ashley's inner thigh. He moved with agonizing patience. Ashley whimpered and wiggled, panting with impatience. Would he ever get to her honey pot, she wondered? Her legs parted, and then came together. Anxiously she squirmed, raising her body slightly off the bed, hoping to entice his hand to return to her valley. Instead he continued down toward her knees.

Ashley released her hold on her panties and gripped her hair with one hand and reached for his hand with her other. Her legs fidgeted as she captured his arm near his wrist. She pulled him back up her leg until his hand cupped her flaming pussy. Roger pressed his hand firmly against that tender, moist treasure, finding the crevices beneath the cloth. The pressure on her clit set her off. She cried out in pleasure, "Oh, my-y, oh, gawd, aah, AAAgh." Amazingly she enjoyed an unexpected and early orgasm. She had never in her life cum so quickly. She writhed around on the bed, enjoying his touch, squeezing her breasts and whimpering her approval.

As the tingling subsided, her breathing remained heavy and her desire grew more intense. "Oh, gawd," she gasped, "You've got to fuck me. Hurry, I can't wait."

Roger smiled at her. His hands left her body and removed the pants from his ankles. He kicked his shoes away but his socks remained. He stood at the edge of the bed, his knees between hers. He inspected the lovely creature waiting for him and reached out and grasped her panties. Ashley lifted her bottom to help him as he tugged and removed them. Her knees came together as her legs flew up to kick the garment away.

"That's right," she said huskily, "hurry and fuck me. I can't wait. I want you now." She spread her legs wide for him, exposing her moist prize crowned with a soft downy patch of trimmed reddish hair.

Roger smiled at her. He drank in this vision. He wanted to imprint it upon his brain and remember it forever. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait," he said as he lowered his face to her fragrant flower.

Ashley gasped and screamed with delight as his tongue invaded her crevice. Expertly he licked her soft, velvety valley, taunting her pleasure button with his talented tongue. Ashley cried out with pleasure as she grasped his head and wrapped her legs around his neck. Her heels dug into his shoulders as another orgasm gushed through her body. She was already wet and raring to go. His salvia mixed with her juices as her pussy produced a sensitivity and a pleasure that she could not believe. She screamed out more. She had never felt such a powerful orgasm. She bucked and tossed her body, but Roger kept his face firmly entrenched between her legs.

Twisting and turning, Ashley gasped, cried out in delight and finally pushed his face away when she was too sensitive to his touch. Laughing happily and gasping she wiggled from beneath him and curled up, holding her body. After shocks of orgasmic activity riddled her body as she rubbed her clit, tingling all over. "Oh, my," she gasped. "That was wonderful. I've never cum so quickly and so often." She rolled over back on her back and spread her legs with her knees up. "Now you've got to fuck me," she said. "I'm so hot for you, I've got to have that cock buried deep inside me."

Roger smiled and moved up on the bed, placing his knees near her buttocks. He touched her knees gently, encouraging her to spread them wider. She did so, opening herself as widely as she could. Roger stroked her incredibly damp pussy, toying with the trimmed hair and testing the velvety valley. His finger was well moistened with her juices. He probed her vagina with his finger, but only a very short distance, just enough to thoroughly dampen his digit. Then he slipped it into her back door.

Ashley widened her eyes in surprise at that moved, but the thrill detonated another explosion in her body. She couldn't believe it. She jerked and wrenched, and awkwardly tried to drive her body down on his finger. Her husband had seldom toyed with her anus, though she knew it was sensitive.

As she was wiggling, Roger shifted and once again lowered his face to her valley. This time he lapped at her cunt hole. Her legs rested on his shoulder. He took advantage of this position to roll her body up so his tongue could travel down to her back door. Now she was wild. No one had ever done that for her and the sensation was incredible. She couldn't imagine more pleasure, but it came. She gasped and screamed and wiggled. More orgasms permeated her body and fireworks went off everywhere.

While her body was still vibrating with volcanic activity, Roger shifted and aimed his cock at her vagina. Ashley was beside herself with exquisite pleasure when she became aware that he was poised at her entrance. She felt the bulbous tip of his huge probe slip into her. She gasped and thrust her body back at him, causing him to penetrate several inches into her.

Ashley moaned softly with pleasure, responding to the mass entering her. Her legs wrapped around his. She rested a hand on each of his shoulders. She looked up at the man hovering over her. He was watching their union. She glanced down at the long pole that was just barely inside her. She wondered how she could take it all ... there was so much of it.

Roger gently pushed further into her, causing Ashley to moan some more. Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed movement and looked to her side as Roger sank further into her. What Ashley saw was a mirror, in a position where it showed her a side view of their coupling. She watched the mirror in fascination, whimpering as his long, stiff member disappeared into her tight, hot box.

Roger withdrew and Ashley groaned, lifting her body to keep him embedded. Roger shoved it back in, deeper this time, and Ashley gasped. She felt his huge member dislodging her insides. It was glorious! She oohed and aahed as he patiently and deliberately moved in and out, shoving it in and withdrawing it. With each stoke he seemed to penetrate deeper as Ashley adjusted to his bulk.

Ashley responded to his invasion by lifting her head regularly to check out their union and see how much of him was sliding in her. To her amazement, only about half of his length had occupied her. She couldn't believe that she could take any more of him, but he steadily pumped in and out, sinking deeper and deeper with each stroke. She gasped and encouraged him, "Oh, yes, oh, oh, aaagh!" Ashley panted, then demanded, "Oh, gawd, fuck me. Fuck me deeper, harder." Her body became more animated as she tried to surge up his implement and capture it.

Roger grunted, enjoying the tightness gripping his manhood. He responded to her urgings by thrusting deeply into her, sinking all the way in. His pelvis crushed into hers. She screamed and squirmed wildly beneath him, thrashing around as he pinned her to the bed. Ashley felt fireworks going off as he crushed her clit between their bodies. She shrieked with joy and writhed wildly beneath him, enjoying the stake that was buried so deeply within her. He retreated and she screeched in protest, clutching at his hips with her hands and pounding her heels into his hamstrings to get him to return.

He lunged back into her with force. She gasped with delight as her body continued exploding with electric gratification. "Oh, yes-s," Ashley yelled her approval. "Yes, yes, fuck me harder."

Roger diligently and firmly pounded into her, shaking her body and rearranging her insides. Ashley rocked and bucked, heaving her body in response to his sweet assault. Her body jiggled every time he shoved his massive member in to the hilt. Their bodies slammed together in frenzied mayhem. Ashley bucked, fucking back. Roger lunged, hammering into her, nailing her to her great delight. Her body exploded again and again as she thrashed about frantically screaming in response to yet another magnificent volcanic eruption. Her entire body was electrified with an intensity she had never experienced before. Her hips gyrated and undulated.

Roger sank deeply within her. His scrotum swelled as his balls prepared to launch their seed. Their cries mingled as he flooded her with his milky semen, swamping her deeply within her womb. Her hot pussy clenched and squeezed, milking him and holding him firmly within her as violent aftershocks continued to rock her body, curling her toes. Her hands gripped his buttocks tightly, holding him firmly to her as they shivered together, gasping and lurching.

As his spurting abated, he collapsed atop her, crushing her breasts and her body against the bed. Ashley squealed with delight and wrapped her arms about his torso, holding him tightly against her body. Her legs encircled him to prevent him from pulling out of her. She wanted to prolong the delicious feeling of being filled with his manhood.

Ashley looked over at the mirror and smiled at the image of their two bodies entwined together, her legs up over his hips. She felt him surging gently within her. Both of them continued breathing heavily from their effort. For some time, they just lay there, each lost in their own thoughts, trying to unscramble the events.

Ashley felt his appendage shrinking within her. She pressed tightly against him, trying to keep it in as long as possible. Roger raised up on an elbow, his breathing beginning to return to normal. "Wow," was all he could say.

Ashley smiled winsomely at him. "I'd say wow, too." Her thoughts were returning to reality. She was conscious that she was naked, in bed with a man who was not her husband, inundated with his sperm and that he was still implanted inside her. Her body was still tingling with excitement, purring with satisfaction. Now, she was trying to sort out what happened ... and why.

Roger started to roll off of her, but she held him tenaciously, refusing to allow him to extract himself from her grasp. He lifted his chest up and they both looked at their union, their pubic hairs mingling. Gradually, Ashley released her grip on him and he began to disentangle himself from her hold. They both watch with fascination as his softened hose withdrew from her drenched hole. As he vacated her, Ashley said, "Uh-oh, bye-bye." She giggled as he rolled over and flopped next to her.

Ashley rolled onto her side and propped her head with her hand. She watched his chest rise and fall with each breath and noticed that his flaccid member was still an impressive size, draped over the left side of his abdomen. She had dozens of questions circling through her brain. She didn't know exactly where to begin. She wasn't sure if she was glad or ashamed that this had happened. Perhaps she was surprised. She hadn't expected him to go through with it because of Wendy's comments about her experience the previous evening.

With those thoughts in mind, Ashley commented softly to her new lover, "You were wonderful, incredible!" She reached out with her left hand and lightly sketched patterns on this chest with her nails. "I am curious," she said hesitantly, "Why.... " She left the question hanging in the air.

Roger looked into her eyes. "Why? Why what?"

"Why did you do this with me?"

"I should ask you that question," Roger replied. "I never dreamed that you would be willing ...."

"I didn't think you would either, especially after you turned Wendy down last night?"

"You know about that?" Roger asked suspiciously. "Do you girls talk about everything?"

"Well, not everything," Ashley replied sheepishly. "I just got the impression that you wouldn't, well, fool around."

"I don't!" Roger stated emphatically. "This is the first time I've done this since ... well, in a long, long time."

"Then why now, and why me?" Ashley was intrigued. And her body was humming with satisfaction.

"Why now? Well, because there's no time like the present. I didn't plan this, you know. Why you? That's easy. Because it is you. You are easily the most beautiful and desirable woman I've ever been with. I'd be crazy to pass up an opportunity like this with you. I wouldn't do this with just anybody."

Ashley dimpled into an enchanting smile. Her eyes danced with delight. It was the right answer. She leaned over and kissed him. Roger responded, kissing her back tenderly. He put his arm around her and pulled her to him. She snuggled close, pressing her breasts against his chest. After a few moments of loving embrace, Ashley broke off the kiss. They lay there, gazing into each other's eyes.

Finally, Roger broke the silence. "Okay, I answered your questions. Now let me ask you why."

Ashley grinned impishly and ran her left hand down to seize his cock. "To check out your equipment," she teased. Then her eyes widened while looking into his. Her hand detected that Roger's erection was returning. This surprised her because her husband was seldom able to recover so quickly. "O-o-o-h," she cooed. "We're interested in some more, are we?" Her bright eyes sparkled with pleasure at his obvious interest in her. It gave her a feeling of fulfillment that she had not felt for some time.

Ashley kissed his chest and started kissing his body as she moved her lips down his torso toward his reemerging stalk. Soon she engulfed it in her mouth as she marveled again at its girth. She tasted the exotic mixture of their mingled love juices and she enjoyed a tingling between her legs at the thought that she was doing something depraved, daring, deliciously wicked. Her body trembled with pleasure as she bobbed her head up and down on his huge member. She opened her eyes and peeked up at Roger's face. He was watching her intently, his head propped on his arm.

Ashley held on to his cock as she popped it out of her mouth, asking "What are you looking at?"

Roger smiled. "I'm looking at you and wondering how someone so beautiful could be here with me now."

Ashley melted. That was sweet. She kissed his large erection and ran her tongue up its length. "And I'm wondering how anyone could have something as fabulous as this," she responded. "How did you get it back up so quickly?"

"That's easy," Roger replied, "you're a sexy woman and you turn me on like no one ever has before."

Ashley liked the answer, but she protested, "I know better than that." She got up on her knees and straddled him across his thighs, holding his instrument tightly in her fist. "My husband never gets back up this quickly." Then she blushed slightly, realizing that she was holding another man's cock, that she was naked and straddling him, that she still had his sperm in her womb from a fresh fucking, and that she wanted to fuck him again ... right now. She instantly wondered about her bringing up her husband at a time like this, but Roger didn't seem to react. She scooted up closer to his hips and pulled his phallus up against her body. She was flabbergasted that its length extended all the way up her torso nearly to her breasts. She marveled that she had taken all of it inside her just a short while ago.

Roger was watching her as she measured his cock against her body. He noticed the wedding band on the hand that was gripping his cock. A large diamond winked at him. He enjoyed her holding tightly his equipment. He watched as she pressed his stalk against her valley, hunching her body forward to rub the moist crevice against his pole.

Ashley noticed Roger's gaze and became a little self conscious of her wedding rings on the hand that was gripping this unfamiliar and gigantic cock. The only thing she could think to do was to raise her body up and position the sizeable instrument at the entrance to her vagina. She remembered that it had been there a short time earlier, and now she wanted to experience it again. She looked into Roger's face. He was watching their impending union. Slowly, Ashley lowered herself on that pole, sinking lower and lower. Deliciously it filled her. She moaned softly with delight and passion.

Soon she was completely impaled on his staff. She gasped, and then began hopping up and down as she controlled the penetration. Ashley felt his mass was displacing her insides, rearranging her. The incursion into her womb was so great, she felt filled, fulfilled. It was a thrilling sensation to her. She went wild bouncing up and down on him until she was worn out, gasping from the exertion.

Roger sensed her energy diminish, so he rolled her over and took over the effort of driving his piston into her. Ashley was grateful and moaned her satisfaction as he pummeled her. Ashley's firm breasts jiggled under the impact. Soon Roger's energy ebbed. He withdrew from her and rolled her over so she was on her knees, then he entered her from that angle. Ashley gasped delightedly, gripping the sheets and moaning her approval as he plunged in and out of her, fucking her doggy style. They fucked all over the bed, propelled by repeated lunges into the beauty's tight twat. When they reached the edge of the bed, Roger dismounted, panting from the effort.

Ashley masked her disappointment by spinning around and engulfing his probe with her mouth. She sucked and slurped, tasting her own juices mingled with his pre-cum. Roger gripped her hair and encouraged her efforts. She was rewarded as he tensed, gasped, and then launched his seed into her throat. A torrent was loosed as he gyrated, popping his meat out of her mouth which cause streams of sperm to graze her chin, and rest in her hair and on her shoulders and breasts.

Roger sank back, drained from the effort. Ashley was pleased with herself, at her success of bringing more satisfaction to the man who was bringing such pleasure to her.

She curled up next to him. Roger's arms encircled her, clutching her close to him. They lay there for some time, recovering their breath. After a while, they began to talk to each other, cooing their satisfaction with the experience. As they talked, reality began to return to each as they regained their senses. They understood that their working relationship had changed and their future association would be different. Yet it couldn't be. They had to maintain a professional attitude toward each other.

At the same time, Ashley knew that this intimacy altered things. She had mixed feelings about this. Up until this trip, she had never seriously considered straying from her wedding vows, although her husband had occasionally suggested swapping as part of his sexual fantasy life. Ashley just didn't think that way. Now, however, she experienced a wanton encounter that produced different thoughts. She couldn't tell her husband, she knew that. But what would happen now between her and Roger? She struggled with feelings she could not have imagined a few hours earlier. Never had her body responded so dramatically. Never had she felt so totally filled and so utterly fulfilled.

Roger communicated his concerns. He had never wanted to get involved with anyone from work. He had a career that he was serious about. He enjoyed a satisfying marriage, and didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. Yet he, too, knew that this encounter clouded that picture.

Ashley's left hand rested on Roger's chest, the diamond glaring at both of them, almost in defiance. The strawberry blonde snuggled against Roger's shoulder and nuzzled his ear. "What are we going to do?" she whispered. "I didn't think it would ever come to this."

"Didn't think what would come to this?" Roger asked.

Impulsively, Ashley told him about the four foxes and their discussion about Roger's chastity. She explained their irritation with Roger's wife, Brenda and how they teasingly and playfully plotted to see if Roger could be seduced. "I never thought you would do this, and I never thought I would be the one to do it with you," Ashley concluded.

Roger sat up, stunned. "You've been talking with your friends about doing this?" He was momentarily outraged. He felt he'd been had. Then a flash of realization swept over him. Four very attractive women had been scheming about him. He could have nailed any one of those four. That was an arresting thought. Still, he jumped out of bed and began pacing the room. "What could you be thinking of? Who else knows about this? Do the others know that you're in here with me? That we're fucking?" He waved his arms as he paced, and his dong waggled as it dangled.

Ashley was surprised by Roger's vehement outburst. She was also amused by the sight of him walking around naked, ranting and raving while his monster cock hung down. My gosh, he was hung, Ashley thought. It gave her new insight into the phrase. She didn't know whether to laugh at the sight or cry at his outburst. She just sat there, wide-eyed and venerable, staring at him. Her legs were tucked under her and her arms extended to the bed. Her breasts stood out enchantingly, their nipples hardened with desire and interest. She remained confused at her feelings and at his fit of anger.

Roger stopped pacing and stared back at her, his hands on his hips. "Well?" he asked as he drank in her incredible beauty.

Still wide-eyed, Ashley responded, "W-well what?"

"Do you're friends know that we're here doing this?"

Ashley blushed prettily. "They have a pretty good idea," she admitted.

Roger stared at her, comprehending her admission. His anger at being set up subsided. He melted as he inspected the gorgeous vision perched on his bed. Incredibly his erection began returning as he contemplated the magnitude of what Ashley had told him. He could have fucked any of the foxes. He was glad that it was Ashley.

Ashley was amazed at Roger's reaction, both at his eruption, then at his emerging erection. Her wide-eyed gaze shifted to his groin. She felt a tingling sensation between her legs. She was still hot. She wanted more, and he was becoming capable of giving her more. She thrilled at being the object of his desire. She crawled over toward him, then got off the bed and walked to his side. Pressing her body against him, she rubbed her moist pussy against Roger's thigh and lovingly handled his stiffening manhood. The thought that she was going to get laid again flashed through her mind and excited her tremendously. Not even on her honeymoon had she felt so sensuous and been so actively involved in passionate lovemaking.

She raised her leg, lifting up Roger's body in an open invitation for him to enter her while they both are standing. She guided his cock back to her love hole as he helped by lifting her. She wrapped her arms about his neck as she sank down on his shaft once again. It felt glorious. From this angle, her clit was crushed between their bodies. She was on fire, bouncing up and down as he penetrated her again. She gasped and cried out as a massive orgasm overtook her.

Roger was watching their coupling in the mirror. She was enchanting as she bounced on his pole, her mouth parted as she uttered little cries of pleasure. Her strawberry blonde hair bounced and flounced around her shoulders. She tossed her head as her body shuddered with excitement from the aftershocks of her orgasm. Roger kept moving his tool, stirring her insides with his probe. He kept it up until he was weak from trying.

When Ashley relaxed a bit in response to the satisfying sensation, she began to slip, sliding her legs down his body while he still impaled her. An awkward moment ensued as his knees buckled to allow him to remain in her. They were joined at the groin, each leaning backward slightly, Ashley on her tiptoes to help keep him in her and Roger bending at the Knees to maintain that connection. They both inspected their joining, as her pale reddish blond bush mingled with Roger's dark, curly pubic hairs. Her soft mons pubis mounds were split wide apart by his massive manhood plugging her. She pressed against him until she was fully impaled and their groins crushed against each other. Ashley gasped and moaned at the satisfying sensation, then trembled as another orgasm erupted within her. She gasped and jerked forward, clinging to Roger and thrashing her body about, riding his pole in the throes of her volcanic explosion.

Her clit grew too sensitive to touch, and she backed away from him gasping and laughing with pleasure. Roger grabbed her and cornered her by the easy chair, spinning her around and bending her over the arm of the chair. He then realigned his tool at her entrance and shoved back into her, sinking all the way in. Ashley cried out in delighted response. His weight parted her legs and pushed her lower abdomen against the arm of the chair, reigniting her fiery clit. He began sawing in and out of her in long, deliberate strokes, moving the chair in the process. More orgasms surged through her body as she screamed her approval. The chair began tipping under his insistent pounding and Ashley lost her balance, falling away from the chair and leaving his erect phallus waving in the air after her.

Roger reached down for her, lifting her by her hips so she was dangling in the air with her hands on the floor. He thrust into her again, fucking her awkwardly in mid air as her legs flayed wildly. He couldn't maintain that effort and dropped to his knees with his tool still embedded in her. They fucked on the floor, scooting across the carpeting, gasping, groaning and crying out in pleasure. They bumped up against the bed. With some effort, Ashley crawled halfway on the bed absorbing his tremendous hammering all the while.

Ashley's knees were planted at the edge of the bed. Roger stood behind her, driving his prodigious pillar into her petite passage, plunging steadily into her. He reached around and teased her clit, bringing her extended pleasure. Ashley refused to retreat as he hammered into her, but soon another orgasm exploded within her. She'd lost count of the number of time she'd climaxed, but it was glorious. Trembling with the excitement of this latest detonation, she fell forward, away from him. Her body continued to throb with pleasure.

Roger gently rolled her over onto her back. She was panting and smiling at him, cooing her pleasure. He placed a hand on each inner thigh and parted her legs. She spread them wide for him, exposing her most intimate and precious treasure to his gaze. Her moist pink folds glistened back at him and her violated hole winked back at him invitingly. Ashley's treasure was crowned with a trimmed patch of soft, downy light red hair. Roger lifted her legs and rested them on his shoulders, and then lowered his face to her freshly fucked and still sensitive muff.

Ashley couldn't believe that he was doing that. She always loved being eaten. Her husband was good at it, but it was always a precursor to sex. Now she was getting this attention in the midst of a passionate love session. She was unbelievably excited. She wrapped her legs around his neck, crossing her ankles and digging her heals into his back.

Roger tenderly kissed, teased and tongued her clit. He lapped her valley from one end to the other and probed her sloppy vagina. She gushed more liquids, screaming with glee. Ashley rolled her head back and forth, gripping Roger's hair and holding him to her fiery pussy. His magic tongue took her over the top again and again until she couldn't stand it anymore.

Ashley bucked her hips, grinding her pelvis into Roger's face as she cried out in pleasure, responding to still more orgasmic cataclysms. She felt Roger's hands on her breasts and that sensation drove her into an even greater frenzy. She was so incredibly hot she couldn't stand it. "Oh, gaaah, oh, my gawd," she screamed over and over. Then she tugged at him, pulling him atop her once again. "Oh, fuck me," she pleaded. "Please fuck me again. Fuck me now!"

Roger resituated himself atop her as Ashley spread her legs wide to accommodate him. He licked and kissed her breasts on the way up, then paused with his face inches from hers. He looked into her wild eyes, and said softly, "You asked for it, and I'm going to fuck your brains out."

Her eyes danced with delight and an incredibly beautiful smile graced her face. "Oh, yes, fuck me silly," she exclaimed, and then pulled him to her lips, kissing him passionately as he thrust his massive manhood back into her. She parried his thrust, fucking him back as he rammed her.

Roger increased his intensity, nailing her to the bed. He surged and shoved in cadence with her cries as she went wild beneath him, clasping him to her, clamping her legs behind his hips. He crammed his cock into her to the hilt as his balls swelled, gushing a torrent of his love juice into her. His orgasm was tremendous and he pitched back and forth in wild thrusts. In exhaustion he withdrew suddenly, while he was still spurting, launching the creamy substance up her torso and splashing her breasts. Still more drained out onto her gaping pussy, mixing with the enticing bush. He collapsed on top of her, crushing her breasts, and then he rolled off of her and lay panting beside her.

Ashley was worn out by the incredible effort. Still, she wondered where he got all the love juice that he had implanted within her and still had a sufficient supply to decorate her body. She lay there for quite some time, listening to his breathing ... and hers as they recovered from their passion.

She must have napped. She became aware that Roger's breathing was steady and deep. She shifted so she could look over at him. Yes, he was asleep. She smiled at the man she had worn out. Satisfied with her work and impressed with the performance, she extracted herself from beside him and crawled out of bed. She was a bit unsteady on her feet. She glanced around and discovered that it was almost two o'clock in the morning. They'd been fucking for nearly three hours! Well, maybe she's slept longer than she thought, but still, she couldn't believe the stamina of her lover.

Ashley stumbled around the room, gathering her garments. She looked around recalling all the locations where they had mated during the past couple of hours. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was covered with his love juice. Some of it had already dried, but much was still sticky. She started to head to the bathroom to clean herself off. En route, she changed her mind. She took her skimpy panties and wiped some of his issue from her stomach. Then she looked at Roger, sleeping on the bed. She went over to him and laid her panties and bra on the bed beside him. She would leave these behind as a souvenir, she thought. She leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the cheek, then, as an after thought, kissed his limp cock as she retreated from the bed. She slipped her dress on, grabbed her stockings, shoes, and purse, and then silently exited the room.

She headed swiftly, if a bit unsteadily, to the elevators. She realized that she didn't want anyone to see her in this condition. Thankfully, the corridor was empty. The elevator arrived momentarily and she entered. That was when she got an updated glimpse of herself in the elevator's mirror. She still had Roger's sperm decorating her face and hair. Her dress was unkempt, and she was totally disheveled. She was a mess. She was horrified. To her relief, the elevator stopped at her floor. She hurried to her room and to safety.

Inside the room, she leaned against the door and sighed with satisfaction. As she stumbled further into the room, she accidentally bumped the bed in the dark. Almost immediately, the lamp came on and Meghan sat up in bed. She glanced at the clock and exclaimed, "You're getting in mighty late." She threw off the covers and got out of bed, approaching Ashley. "I was going to ask if you boffed him, but I can see by the evidence that the answer is a resounding ‘Yes'." She reached out and brushed Ashley's hair.

Ashley smiled feebly at her friend, and reached around to unfasten her dress.

"Here, let me help you," Meghan said, spinning Ashley around. "Now, tell me all about it." Meghan loosened Ashley's garment. She stood there wide-eyed with surprise as Ashley stepped out of her dress and tossed it over to a nearby chair. Ashley was totally nude! Meghan was stunned. "W-wha-a-a, uh, where did your clothes, uh your undies go?"

"I left them there as a souvenir for him," Ashley responded as she moved toward the bathroom. She stumbled slightly, bumping the bed again and bouncing like a pinball into Meghan.

The dark-haired beauty steadied her friend. She glanced down Ashley's body, observing the matted sperm adorning the redhead's bush. "I would say he left you a few souvenirs as well," she said. "Here, let me help you. Did he get you drunk?"

"No. We had nothing to drink," Ashley replied as she accepted Meghan's help. In the brighter light of the bathroom, more of Roger's handiwork was apparent. In addition, Meghan noticed the flush on Ashley's face, and the puffiness around her genitalia. Ashley was aware that Meghan wanted to hear all about her adventure. She reached in and turned on the water in the shower. "It - he was wonderful," Ashley explained. "He's everything as advertised." She stepped into the shower, leaving the curtain parted slightly so Meghan could hear and watch.

"I can't believe you actually did it," Meghan said, her arms folded. "But I can see that you really did."

"Yes, I really did." Ashley rinsed all the evidence off of her body and out of her hair. She soaped her body, enjoying the sensation of her soapy hands on her body.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. And, I'm glad it was you. I don't think I could go through with that." Meghan turned to leave her friend to the privacy of the shower.

"If you ever tried him, you'd be glad you changed your mind," Ashley called after her.

Meghan didn't reply. She headed back to bed and crawled under the covers. Moments later, Ashley joined her in the room, refreshed and wrapped in a towel. She thought about getting into her night gown. Instead, she left the towel wrapped around her and went around to the other side of the bed and crawled under the covers herself. Meghan watched her friend silently. She observed the glow on Ashley's skin and the contentment in her face. She reached over to turn the light out. Before long, both were asleep.

The wake-up call came early to both Ashley and Meghan's room as well as Roger's. Meghan was a bit irritable from lack of sleep, but Ashley was relaxed and refreshed. Her body positively hummed, much to Meghan's annoyance.

Ashley and Meghan were joined at breakfast by Stephanie and Wendy. They noticed the satisfied look on Ashley's face and looked inquiringly at Meghan. "Did she...?" Stephanie left the question hanging in the air.

Meghan nodded. Wendy shook her head, disbelieving. Stephanie sat down next to Ashley and said, "Tell me all about it."

Ashley looked around and noticed Roger enter the room. Suddenly she was embarrassed and flustered. She refused to comment, mindful of Roger's concern. She wasn't sure what course of action to take, so she opted to keep her mouth shut.

Roger looked around the room and saw Ashley with the other three foxes. Uh-oh, he thought. He recognized that he was in trouble. He headed for the breakfast buffet, filled a plate and stayed across the room from the girls. He wondered if the other three knew. He remembered that Ashley said that all four of the foxy group had discussed sleeping with him. Once again he entertained the thought that he could have nailed any of them. Still, he was concerned that word of his tryst would get out and damage his career. If it did, surely his wife, Brenda would find out. He had to think of something to disarm her incase she got the word. That was the problem he worked on during breakfast.

Occasionally he glanced over to Ashley's table. Finally, their eyes met and an unspoken communication took place. They silently acknowledged each other, but instinctively felt that they should keep their distance for the time being.

Soon the events of the day took them away. They went to their assigned areas and conducted business. Roger didn't encounter any of the four foxes again until after lunch. He had a seminar to attend and discovered Meghan there. He watched her wiggle down the aisle and settle into a seat. He sat off to the side where he could observe her. He was intrigued by the thought that she had contemplated bedding him.

He shook his head. Where was he getting these thoughts? This was dangerous. He tried to concentrate on the seminar, but found his eyes constantly drawn to the beautiful little dark-haired, blue-eyed girl. After the seminar, Roger tried to slip away unnoticed, but Meghan was too quick. She spotted him. It was an awkward moment for each of them. The simply nodded at each other and headed their separate directions.

As she walked away from him, Meghan was surprised to find herself disconcerted by the encounter. She wasn't sure she recognized the tingling between her legs and she quickly dismissed it as inconsequential. She headed to the exhibit hall to check out more equipment. She joined up with Ashley there and the two of them focused on their work.

Toward the end of the exhibit time, the two girls bumped into Roger. They greeted each other awkwardly, and then moved on together, discussing business issues. They stopped to look at a booth. Meghan moved a short distance away. Roger kept his eyes on her and her cute, tiny figure. Ashley pretended to be looking at a sample in front of her. Without shifting her gaze, she spoke softly so only Roger could hear, "I've been thinking about you all day."

Roger glanced at Ashley, then quickly averted his attention. "And I've been thinking about you."

Ashley felt relieved somehow, feeling reassurance. But she wasn't sure what reassurance she really wanted. She had already concluded that the sexual relationship couldn't continue. She wouldn't be able to do anything about her husband, and didn't really want to change anything there.

Roger walked around to the other side of Ashley and picked up another item. He glanced beyond Ashley toward Meghan again. "We have to get together and talk," he said.

Ashley nodded, looking away. "I agree," she said.

"After supper," Roger said simply.

"Okay," Ashley replied. She moved away and reconnected with Meghan.

Roger watched the two beauties walk away, Ashley gently swaying and Meghan with an enchanting wiggle.

A large group met for supper. All four foxes and Roger were in the group, but they didn't sit close to each other. Ashley and Roger made eye contact often during the course of the evening, but nothing overt happened between them. Supper lasted well into the evening. Finally about 8:30, the group broke up.

Stephanie and Wendy tried to get Ashley to go dancing with them, but she declined, pleading that she was tired. They smirked knowingly, but said nothing. They talked Meghan into going and the trio headed off. Ashley headed for the elevators.

Roger watched the foursome break up. He waited until the three were out of sight, and then headed toward the elevators. They got on the same elevator, but it was crowded with others. Ashley got off on her floor. She signaled to Roger with her eyes to join her. He rode the elevator to his floor and got off. As soon as the doors closed, he punched the down button, got on the next one and returned to Ashley's floor. To his relief, he discovered that she had lingered in the corridor.

When she saw him, Ashley inserted the key card into her room lock and opened the door. She entered, but held the door open while Roger came down the corridor. As soon as it was clear, he swiftly entered Ashley's room.

Inside the room, Ashley moved over by the bed. "We've got to talk," she said, kicking away her shoes.

"I agree," Roger said, moving toward her.

Ashley swiftly unbuttoned her blouse as Roger approached. He responded by removing his shirt and tossing it aside. By the time he arrived at her location, Ashley had unfastened her pants and was beginning to slide them down.

"Here, let me help," Roger offered, gripping her garment and slipping it over her curvaceous hips.

Ashley stepped out of them and fumbled with Roger's belt buckle as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. He reached behind Ashley to unclasp her bra. "It's up front," Ashley said and she unlatched the garment, allowing it to fall away from her gorgeous breasts. Her hands returned to struggle with Roger's pants.

"I've been thinking about you all day," Roger told her as he fondled her breasts.

"Me too," Ashley confessed as she unzipped his fly. She struggled with his pants, trying to get them down. Finally she gave up and just fished his cock out. She shrugged off her bra, dropped to her knees and began sucking on that huge appendage.

"M-m-m-m," Roger murmured. "I like the way you talk."

Ashley bobbed her head back and forth, moaning her approval in response. She held on to his cock as she popped it out of her mouth and looked up at him. "Let's talk in bed. I want you to fuck me now."

Roger chuckled. He reached down and pulled her up off of her knees. "I'd like to do nothing better," he said, drawing her to him. Her breasts pressed against his chest. She felt his cock imprinting her abdomen and, through her panties to her pussy. He tenderly kissed her. She melted in his arms. He lifted her off the floor, clutching her buttocks. Ashley wrapped her legs around him. He shuffled over to the bed as they were grinding their bodies together.

As their lingering kiss abated, Roger leaned over and deposited Ashley on the bed. He reached down, hooked his fingers around her panties and swiftly pulled them to her ankles. Ashley helped by lifting her buttocks, and then kicked the skimpy garment away. It landed on the floor. Roger then removed his pants and briefs in one swift motion, kicking them back toward the door.

Ashley spread her legs as Roger crawled on the bed, kneeling beside her, his stiff phallus waving upward. Lovingly and tenderly, he caressed her body, teasing her breasts and toying with her erect nipples. Ashley's breathing quickened under his touch and she squirmed with anticipation. Roger's left hand moved down her body, heading toward her moist and eager valley. Her legs wiggled, urging him on to his destination. She moaned softly.

Impulsively and impatiently, Ashley reached out with her left hand and gripped Roger's cock. She tugged at it. He shifted his body, moving closer to her face. She lifted her head and pulled the monstrosity toward her lips. Roger sank his hips toward her. He shifted again and lowered his face toward her lush valley. Soon they locked in a sixty-nine embrace, Ashley sucking vehemently on Roger's cock and Roger enthusiastically lapping at her precious ravine.

They both moaned and groaned, enjoying the attention the other was giving. They began thrashing about, rolling on the bed. Ashley exerted a great effort and rolled over on top of him, smothering his face with her excited pussy. She energetically sucked his cock. Both were moaning, groaning and gasping. Perhaps it was the thighs pressed against their ears that help prevent the writhing couple from hearing the door open and close.

Meghan had departed the lobby with Stephanie and Wendy, but they were having trouble deciding where to go. Meghan grew impatient. She had been somewhat irritable all day. Somehow she'd been conscious of eyes on her body, she suspected Roger's eyes, but she'd never been able to catch him watching her. She had dismissed it as preoccupation with Ashley's encounter. She told the other two that she was tired and was changing her mind about going out. She left them and headed back to the room. She'd just get some rest.

So, not much time had transpired when she slipped the key card into the slot at the room she was sharing with Ashley. As soon as she opened the door, she heard muffled moans and whimpers. Her immediate thought was, "What in the world? Had someone left the TV on?" Then she noticed discarded garments strewn about the floor. She saw skimpy panties out in her path and immediately comprehended that Ashley was here. She had brought Roger here! Carefully Meghan closed the door, so as not to make too much noise. She stood there momentarily. What should she do? Should she leave and give them privacy?

That moment's hesitation allowed curiosity to get the better of her. She stepped forward, passed the bathroom and peeked around the corner at the bed. Sure enough, her suppositions were confirmed. There were two naked bodies on the bed, locked in an embrace. Ashley was straddling a man's face, Roger's Meghan knew, and was vigorously slurping on a huge cock. Meghan could tell it was huge from across the room. She stood there transfixed, watching the lusty action on the bed.

Curiosity drew her closer. She approached the bed, mesmerized by the sights and sounds emanating from the bed. Ashley's hair was draped down, forming a curtain around her face and the staff that was implanted in her mouth. Her blondish red hair bounced as her head bobbed. Her left hand held firmly to the stiff probe. Meghan was astonished by how much of the male organ extended above Ashley's grip. It was enormous.

Unconsciously and tentatively, Meghan reached out toward the engorged organ that occupied her attention and interest. Ashley detected that motion and looked up to see her friend's approach. She lifted her head from Roger's cock and smiled at her friend, nodding toward the large stalk rising from the pubic forest of Roger's groin. Ashley oohed, as Roger kept lapping at her hot box. Meghan's dainty hand replaced Ashley's at the base of Roger's pole. She couldn't quite get her hand completely around it.

The dark-haired beauty gasped in amazement at the sheer size of the monster she clenched. She felt compelled to suck it, so she leaned forward and hesitantly brought her lips to the bulbous crown. Her tongue darted out and teased the tip and tasted the salty pre-cum oozing from the head. Quickly, Meghan enclosed the appendage with her lips. Before long she was sucking and bobbing her head up and down Roger's impressive cock.

Abruptly, she stopped and lifted her head. What was she doing? The incongruity of the situation struck her. Here she was in a hotel room with her hand wrapped around a huge cock and her best friend was naked and getting her box eaten out by a man who was not her husband. This is not something she could have imagined or even planned. She stared at the cum oozing out of the head of the cock as she squeezed it.

A dispassionate thought played in Meghan's mind as Ashley swayed and moaned in response to Roger's fervent tongue lashing: she would either have to leave and let them enjoy their love-making, or she could get undressed and join them. Of course, she could just sit back and watch, but that seemed like such an invasion of privacy to her. Her curiosity outweighed her modesty on that score. She really didn't want to leave, so she stayed.

Meghan sat on the bed and played with Roger's balls, running her fingers up and down his stiff shaft. Ashley leaned forward toward her friend and started unbuttoning Meghan's blouse. Meghan was momentarily surprised, but she turned loose of Roger's equipment, stood up, and unfastened her garments. Soon she was standing beside the bed, naked.

Ashley dismounted from Roger's face, panting. She was hot as a firecracker, both because of what Roger was doing to her and also because Meghan was there, watching.

When Ashley moved off of his face, Roger was suddenly aware of Meghan's presence. He stared at her slender nude figure with his mouth gaping open. He was astonished that she was present and more surprised that she was disrobed. His eyes drank in her lovely trim figure. He noted her pert, firm, upturned breasts and admired how they defied gravity. He had often mentally undressed her and imagined how they would appear. He was not disappointed. His eyes followed her torso, observing her tiny waist, and focused on the enticing and carefully trimmed bush at the apex of her legs. A dark triangle pointed toward the exotic, moist treasure valley that is the target of a male organ.

Meghan grew self conscious of Roger staring at her. She moved her arms, one to cover her breasts and the other, her left hand, to shield conceal that precious treasure cove. Why did she get herself into this situation, she wondered?

Ashley sensed the awkwardness of the situation. She maneuvered on the bed and straddled Roger's body, facing him, her torrid muff tickling his belly. She felt his stiff projectile against her back. She reached out toward Meghan. "C'mon over here, Meghan. Sit on his face. He's marvelous."

Roger sank back into the bed, extending his hand toward Meghan as well to encourage her to come closer. He marveled at his good fortune to have this second young beauty coming to bed with him. He enjoyed the moist warmth of Ashley's pussy pressing against his belly while his throbbing cock brushed her back and drooled on her spine.

Meghan hesitated, her heart pounding. Tentatively she shifted forward as she continued to hold an arm over her breasts and a hand over her sex box. Eventually she held her right hand out to Roger and her left hand to Ashley and allowed them to gently pull her to the bed. As she yielded to their gentle, but insistent tug, she remembered that no man but her husband had ever seen her this way. That thought caused her to shiver. Her nipples hardened and poked out. She wasn't sure if she was ashamed or excited. Both emotions played with her mind and titillated her body. She crawled onto the bed with them.

Roger's hands roamed her body, manipulating her breasts and squeezing her rigid nipples. Thrills and chills surged through Meghan's body. The gentle touch dissolved any remaining hesitation and her body took over.

At Ashley's urging, Meghan maneuvered her legs and straddled Roger's face. He savored the aroma of her sex and tasted her honey pot. It was similar to Ashley's, yet different at the same time. He worked his tongue into her valley. Meghan moaned her approval and leaned toward Ashley.

Ashley braced her friend, but at the same time she was choreographing her own body and positioning Roger's ready phallus at her love hole. She reached down and gripped that powerful stalk to guide it home. At the same time Meghan's wiggling caused her to lose her balance and pitch forward. As Ashley sank on the pole, she caught Meghan, encountering her breast. Ashley held on, distracted by the incredible penetration and by the firm flesh she held. Meghan moaned, responding to Ashley's touch and Roger's tongue. Ashley gasped and groaned, enjoying the sensations rippling through her body.

Ashley descended her body down his pole, taking more and more of him inside her until she was completely impaled and seriously penetrated. Soon she was bouncing up and down, whimpering with delight at the completion she felt with Roger occupying her. Her breasts jiggled with each rise and fall, enticing Meghan to reciprocate and cover Ashley's quivering breasts with her hands.

Meghan recognized that Ashley was getting fucked, or at least she was fucking Roger. Meghan was not normally a visual person. She like touching and feeling, but she was curious. She had never witnessed anyone else fucking. She tried to lean back to observe the union between Ashley and Roger, but she couldn't get the right angle. She was still enjoying the attention Roger was giving her pussy, but her curiosity increased, so she reluctantly disengaged her sizzling box from Roger's lips and shifted beside the copulating couple to get a better view.

Roger was grateful, since he'd been smothered by her delectable delight. He wouldn't complain, but now he could concentrate better on the activity Ashley had initiated and enjoy her tight pussy.

For her part, Meghan was fascinated with the enormous stake penetrating her friend. She was amazed at how it stretched Ashley. Meghan relished the aroma of their sex. Her nose was close to the union as she inspected the slick appendage poking her friend. Impulsively, she moved her face forward and licked at the gooey pole when Ashley rose. Then, when Ashley dropped her body down again, Meghan's tongue teased her exposed clit.

Meghan never imagined herself doing anything like this in her life. She had always been a bit of a prude, and considered herself to be a one man woman, exclusively for her husband. But the passion of the moment lured her. When she tasted the tangy mixture of Ashley's love nectar with Roger's salty cream, Meghan enjoyed a forbidden and thrilling pleasure of taste, smell and touch. Her body shivered at the decadent action she was taking. Why was she enjoying this so much? She would never have dreamed of anything like this.

The tiny dark-haired beauty flushed with excitement and desire. She wanted that cock. But Ashley was busy bouncing up and down on it. Ashley's cries of pleasure filled the air, further exciting Meghan. Impulsively, Meghan pushed her face into the convergence of their bodies, lapping at Roger's cock and teasing Ashley's clit every time she came down. Meghan felt that, if Ashley could enjoy the big "O", then Meghan could have the cock for herself, so the dark-haired beauty queen focused on contacting Ashley's tender love button. Ashley comprehended what Meghan was after, so she slowed her bouncing action to give Meghan better access. Ashley sank down low, taking all of Roger inside her. Meghan energetically attacked that junction, encountering pubic hairs that tickled her nose, but scoring on Ashley's magic knob.

Excitement overwhelmed Ashley. She pressed downward, trying to take even more of Roger into her. She wanted to encourage Meghan to keep up her action, since it was bringing Ashley to the edge. Ashley panted, groaned, cried out, "Oh, oh, yes. Oh, yes. Aaaagh, yessssss!" Then her body exploded in a spine-tingling upheaval. Ashley gasped and surged downward, squeezing her cunt around Roger's probe. The two grappled, wedging Meghan between them until she extricated herself from their writhing tussle. Their bodies slammed together as Ashley collapsed atop Roger. Meghan quickly moved behind her, examining the penetration from that angle. She toyed with Roger's testicles as he surged in and out of Ashley's tingling tunnel. Their gasps, grunts, groans and cries permeated the room and the air was thick with the sweet smell of hot sex.

Roger gasped as Meghan teased his ball sac. Ashley's antics atop him were too much and he exploded inside her, filling her with sticky cum. Meghan noticed the surge as Roger lunged into Ashley. She heard Roger gasp and Ashley moan. Their bodies slammed together frantically as they cried out together in the throes of a fabulous orgasm, then their activity ebbed.

Meghan realized that Roger had shot off inside her friend. Now she was disappointed. She didn't think it was likely that Roger would be able to get it up again for quite a while. Usually Meghan's husband was through when he got his rocks off. And now, Meghan felt horny and was frustrated with the thought that she would not get to try out that huge cock.

Ashley rolled off of Roger, recovering her breath. "Wow," was all she could say.

Meghan looked at her eyes. They were full of excitement, satisfaction. Meghan shifted her gaze to Ashley's fresh fucked pussy. Excess cum was oozing out of her hole and her pubic bush was decorated with dribbles of creamy male juice. "Is that all you can say?" Meghan asked. "You could have at least saved some for me," she pouted.

Ashley giggled knowingly. "Don't fear. He'll be back shortly. Just suck him and he'll be ready for you in no time."

Meghan looked back at Roger's semi rigid, slime-covered equipment. It was still impressive. "Really?" she asked doubtfully.

"Yes, really." Ashley sat up. She was still flushed and glowing with satisfaction from her successful coupling. She reached out for Roger's member.

Roger lay there silently, listening to the two gorgeous girls discuss him as if he were a lump of meat. Actually, it was flattering and he didn't want to disturb the dream in case it wasn't real. He watched Meghan and inspected what he could see of her body. She was trim, not an ounce of fat on her. He already knew she was small, but her waist was incredibly tiny. Yet she wasn't skinny. She had muscle tone to her. And her breasts, well, they were simply stunningly appealing. They were firm and shapely, pert and upturned. There was no sag to them at all. They were magnificent twin peaks and the nipples crowned them elegantly.

Roger admired the adorable innocence displayed in her face. Her dark eyes twinkled and gave only a hint of the volcano that was raging inside her. He watched as she reached for his manhood with her left hand, joining Ashley's as they debated on what it would take to resurrect that instrument of pleasure. Roger contemplated the two hands gripping him. Both had wedding bands. He would never have guessed that this was ever even remotely possible. Yet here were two of the most delectable dishes he'd ever known, fawning over his cock. That thought helped restore some rigidity to his member.

Meghan lowered her face to the expanding tube. Ashley released her grip and rested her left hand on Roger's chest as she stroked Meghan's hair with her right. Meghan licked the tasty morsel and began sucking the succulent juices from his slippery monstrosity. She recognized the taste of another woman on the stalk she was sucking, and that comprehension energized her, to her surprise. She was pleased to be sharing this experience with her friend. In fact, it emboldened her to suck enthusiastically. She was pleased to see the object of her attention stiffen and return to its impressive rigidity and size. She was also amazed that it happened. She raised her head to admire her work.

Roger took advantage of the change in action to sit up. He was ready to take over this situation. The two naked women on the bed turned to him. "Let's get you taken care of," Roger said to Meghan as he swung his legs out of bed. He got up and walked over to where he had tossed his pack of meeting materials. Meghan and Ashley stared after him. He fished around in the pack and produced a small jar of Vaseline. He returned to the bed. He had planned on using this on Ashley if the opportunity arose. Now was as good a time to get it out as any. "Ashley, move over here." Roger pointed toward the head of the bed. "Meghan, you move over to the middle and stretch out." He crawled on the bed and gripped one of her legs, pulling her to where he wanted her. Turning his head toward Ashley, he said, "I'm gonna work on her awhile. You can suck this if you want." He shook his firm phallus at her, and then turned his attention back to the tiny body occupying the center of the bed.

Roger looked at the tiny, sexy girl staring wide-eyed back at him from the bed. She was uncertain now about what she had gotten herself into, although she knew beyond doubt what was about to get into her. Roger moved her easily as he maneuvered his face between her legs. He placed one of her legs on his shoulder and left the other spread on the bed.

Ashley followed Roger's instructions and stretched herself out across the top of the bed. She focused her attention on preparing Roger's spear so it could impale Meghan.

Roger gently and tenderly moved his fingers over Meghan's stomach, inching down toward her neatly trimmed bush. His feathery touch was a source of passionate pleasure for her. Meghan moaned and fidgeted as he moved inevitably toward her treasure trough. Her legs sprawled wider to entice him to approach her prize. His fingers circled closer and closer, finally reaching the rounded eminence of velvety soft flesh decorated by her dark bouquet of pubic hair. Roger's fingers invaded her valley from the top and promptly encountered her inflamed clitoris. Meghan gasped and cried out, rolling her hips in response. Roger teased that torrid part while Meghan screamed her approval.

Ashley was excited by Meghan's sounds as she remembered how Roger had pleasured her the night before and then again earlier too. She bobbed her head up and down on Roger's veined monster with enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Roger's fingers traveled further down Meghan's valley, navigating through her pink labia folds toward her hole. Roger's tongue snaked out to resume the assault on Meghan's clit, much to her delight. Once again Roger enjoyed the fragrant aroma of Meghan's sex and tasted her juices. Meghan rolled her body, thrashing back and forth as she screamed with delight. She gripped Roger's head and held him tightly to her groin, wrapping her legs around his neck to lock him in place. A tremendous orgasm erupted and saturated her body. Meghan gasped, and cried out in ecstasy as her body trembled passionately.

Meghan gripped her head and bucked her body. In the midst of her bouncing around she bumped her head against Ashley's thighs. Meghan opened her eyes and saw that she was just inches away from Ashley's sopping pussy, still saturated with Roger's thick seed. Impulsively, Meghan thrust her tongue at Ashley's honey pot and began lapping at the exotic mixture of juices mingled there. Ashley responded by parting her legs to give her dark haired friend easier access. She also popped her head up from Roger's meat to look down her torso and verify Meghan's actions between her legs. Ashley was surprised and very pleased. This was unexpected. Neither Ashley or Meghan have ever even discussed this, but it seemed natural under the circumstances.

Roger raised his head from Meghan's cunt, giving her some needed relief. Meghan had focused her attention on Ashley anyway, tasting Roger's love juice deposited in Ashley's love hole. Roger reached out and retrieved the jar of Vaseline. He lapped at Meghan's pussy while loosening the lid. Then Roger's tongue traveled down her fragrant valley, pausing to tease her hole before continuing beyond the valley to her anus.

Meghan gasped, wide-eyed. No one had ever tongued her there before. Her husband had only tentatively played with her back door. She was astonished at the thrill his oral contact gave her. She started to lift her head from Ashley's muff, but her friend caught her and clasped Meghan's face to her valley. Ashley was enjoying Meghan's attention too much to let her stop now. The dark-haired beauty was bringing Ashley close to another orgasm. While the red head was surprised at the turn of events, she didn't want to miss out on an unexpected orgasm. She shifted her body to help Meghan, unaware of what Roger was preparing for her little friend.

Roger continued licking Meghan's back door, driving her crazy with bliss. He scooped a generous supply of the lubricant with his finger. Meghan was wiggling and squirming, her head trapped by Ashley's legs and her torso trembling under Roger's face. Then Roger lifted his face to watch Meghan's reaction as his lubricated finger gently probed Meghan's backdoor, then penetrated. Meghan went wild. Her screams of delight were muffled by Ashley's pussy. Meghan was besieged with exotic feelings racing through her body starting at her buttocks and exploding in her brain. Her toes curled. She pitched and bucked at the fabulous sensation. She wanted more, but couldn't cry out. Instead she ravenously ravished Ashley's burning box, eagerly pulverizing the red head's clit. Ashley went off.

Roger's tongue tantalized Meghan's clit. Meghan went off. Intense cries of pleasure filled the room. Ashley released Meghan's head, and Meghan screamed, "Oh, gawd, Oh-h-h, don't stop! Don't ever stop! Oh, gawd, I want you." Her bottom was bouncing on the bed, making it difficult for Roger to maintain contact with her clit.

He lifted his head. "You want me to what?"

"Aah, aaggggh," Meghan replied. "I-I, oh, gawd, I want you to fuck me."


"Fuck me," Meghan almost screamed. "Fuck me now!" She was beside herself. She never talked that way.

Ashley was shocked too, but grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I told you he was great."

Roger repositioned himself, placing his knees by Meghan's hips, resting her muscular little buttocks on his thighs. This elevated her slightly from the bed. He laid his cock atop Meghan's lower abdomen. Meghan lifted her head, panting to see what Roger was doing. She was on fire. She wanted him and she wanted him now! She was aghast to see that his member stretched up her abdomen to nearly her breasts. Her eyes widened with alarm. That cock would ruin her. It would absolutely wreck her pussy. She hadn't contemplated that she would have to absorb his immense size. Now that it was about to pierce her, she was skeptical that she could handle his mass. Her husband was no where near this well endowed.

The sudden thought of her husband awakened the enormity of what she was doing. Her mind disengaged and observed her legs spread wide and hanging in the air near Roger's shoulders. Her tiny waist was supporting an enormous cock that moments ago she was begging for. Mesmerized, she watched as Roger backed that monster up and aimed it carefully at her hole.

Ashley watched this event, glued to the union. She had not comprehended the idea that Meghan was so small and Roger was so huge. She glanced into her friend's eyes and only saw ardent yearning there. She shivered in sympathy and appreciation of what Meghan was about to receive.

Roger carefully inched into the diminutive channel.

"Aaagh, oh, oh," Meghan panted.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Oh, gawd, no. Don't stop. Fuck me now, you monster."

Roger pushed further in, then retreated. Meghan gasped. Ashley cooed in appreciation. Roger shoved further. Everyone watched as Meghan's funnel adjusted to the love stick it was absorbing. She wiggled, trying to move against him, to take more of him. Roger leaned into her and more slipped inside. Meghan felt incredibly stretched. She spread her legs further apart as if that would expand her ability to take him. He sank further in. Meghan dropped her head back, unable to watch any more. Instead she enjoyed the glorious sensation of completion like she had never felt before. He leaned forward into her and that action crushed her exposed clit.

Meghan went ballistic! Her body erupted in a frantic explosion. She squirmed and thrashed, screaming her pleasure. She thrust her pelvis upward and gripped his hips to pull him into her. He retreated. She gasped, "No!" and pounded his hamstrings with her heals. Roger propelled his piston back into her tight little orifice, marveling at the snug grip her snatch maintained on this probe. This was the tightest fit he could remember. It was almost like fucking a virgin. Roger rammed his sausage into her, submerging it completely in her.

Meghan felt his pelvis collide with hers, crushing her clitoris again, detonating yet another ferocious explosion within her body. She screamed with satisfaction as she realized she had taken all of that monstrous cock. Never in her life had she felt so completely occupied, so wholly jam-packed, and so wantonly insatiable. The eruptions continued throughout her body sending her into spasmodic convulsions, jerking and twitching around his pleasurable invasion.

Roger was flabbergasted at the wildcat beneath him, but her barbaric response ignited him and he began driving his piston in and out of her with fervor. Meghan lost count of the number of times she enjoyed orgasmic upheavals, and her body flailed beneath him as he pinned her to the bed and repeatedly nailed his big boner into her. The exquisite sensations were almost more than she could stand, but she didn't want it to ever end, she was so completely captivated. She had never imagined that sex could ever be like this. Then, in the midst of another fabulous orgasm, she felt Roger surge into her, pinning her firmly down. He seemed to swell within her and then he erupted with a gusher that inundated Meghan, saturating her womb and flooding her. She felt him heaving against her as he enjoyed aftershocks of his own satisfaction.

Meghan encircled him with her arms and legs as his rhythmic thrusting subsided. She felt fulfilled that she had been able to bring pleasure to this lover who had satisfied her so completely. She held him closely to her body, enjoying the intensity of his weight on her as their breathing slowly returned to normal.

Ashley circumspectly held her position nearby on the bed while the couple recovered, then began disentangling themselves from each other. When Roger rolled off of Meghan, his cock exited her with a "pop". Ashley noticed the surplus of cream oozing from Meghan's expanded love hole.

Meghan inhaled deeply when Roger rolled off of her. Her body tingled delightfully in the afterglow of the lovemaking session. The intake of oxygen began clearing her mind and realization and reason began to return to her. The result was confusion. What had she just done? She had just fucked another man! And she had enjoyed in immensely. What would she tell her husband? Immediately she knew she could tell him nothing. He would never be prepared for anything like this.

Meghan's initial reaction was that she wanted to do this again and often. But she also comprehended that complications would arise. She couldn't go sneaking around behind her husband's back. And what about Roger and his wife; how would he react and what would she do? What about Ashley? She was here now, still decorated with residue from Roger when he fucked her shortly before nailing Meghan. And she had been intimate with her best friend, and had enjoyed it. What now? What next? This was a mistake. How could she face people at work, knowing she'd been with a co-worker? Then again, how would they know? How could she face Roger? Would he want to do this again? So many confusing thoughts rushed through Meghan's mind. She quit staring at the ceiling and looked over at Roger, lying beside her.

His breathing was nearly back to normal. He sensed Meghan looking at him and glanced over toward her, taking in the vision of Ashley's naked body as well. "You two sure surprised me," he commented.

Meghan sat up abruptly in the bed. Her body was still tingling agreeably. So many new sensations assaulted her, she felt confused. She wanted to feel ashamed. She also enjoyed a sense of happiness and contentment that she couldn't ignore, nor did she want to. "We've got ourselves into a fine mess here, haven't we?"

Ashley grinned at her friend. "Maybe, but wasn't it fun?"

Meghan giggled. "You know, it was incredible."

"I'm glad you two enjoyed yourselves," Roger added. "I know this was totally unexpected. Did you plan this?" Roger remembered that Ashley had told him about the discussion the four foxes had about Roger. He was concerned about a plot to compromise him and ruin his career. Was he being paranoid? He was sitting up now, too.

Meghan leaned against him, tenderly. "No, we didn't plan this. I'm as surprised as you are. I certainly didn't intend for it to happen."

"But aren't you glad that it did," Ashley asked?

Meghan thought on that for a moment. "Okay, I guess I am glad. It was not like anything I could imagine. I just don't know what's going to happen next."

Ashley moved over to Roger. "Next," she said, pushing him down, "we're going to see if he has any more in him." With that comment, she went down on Roger, licking the residue of Roger and Meghan's lovemaking session off of his instrument.

Roger sighed and enjoyed the attention that Ashley was bringing to him. He admired the curve of her body and the way her buttocks stuck up in the air as she knelt before his groin.

Meghan grinned and snuggled close to Roger to watch. She was surprised to see Ashley's efforts produce results as Roger's cock began to stiffen. Meghan knew from experience that her own husband could not produce a third erection within an hour. She was impressed.

Roger enjoyed Meghan's nearness and relished the vision of Ashley's lips stretched around his meat. He also appreciated the view of Ashley's beautifully rounded buttocks beyond her bobbing head. It reminded him of what he'd intended to do with her. He glanced around and located the open jar of lubricant. It was just out of his reach, so he returned his attention to Ashley's efforts.

When he felt stiff enough, he reached down and lifted her head. Ashley looked into Roger's eyes. Roger smiled and indicated the lovely body next to him. "Why don't you work on her for a while," Roger suggested.

Ashley hadn't really considered that, but she remembered how much she appreciated and enjoyed Meghan's efforts on her, so she shifted her elbows and parted Meghan's legs, exposing her semen splattered crevice.

Meghan was surprised at this turn of events and, at first, was reluctant to let her friend do it. But she didn't know how to stop it, so she relented and allowed Ashley access to her soppy valley. As Ashley lowered her face into that furrow, Meghan enjoyed an unexpected thrill. Her genitals were still sensitive and Ashley's tongue went straight to the right place to elicit a pleasing response. Meghan moaned her approval and sank her head back into a nearby pillow.

Roger watched until Meghan reacted, then he rolled away from her and got out of the bed. Ashley turned her head to see what Roger was doing. "Keep it up," Roger insisted, so Ashley returned to her duties and enjoyed the succulent sauces in Meghan's flooded groove.

Roger walked around to the end of the bed, snatching the jar as he went. He stood there momentarily admiring the perfection of Ashley's ass. Her knees were drawn together as she bent over to tongue Meghan's slit, and her rump presented Roger with a lovely vision. He could make out her sex gash as it disappeared between her legs up her torso. But Roger was concentrating on her exposed back door. He scooped a generous supply of lubricant and crawled onto the bed behind Ashley.

By this time, Meghan was thoroughly enjoying Ashley's mouth and tongue. She wrapped her legs around Ashley's neck to help hold her in place. Her soft moans announced her pleasure.

Roger approached his target and touched Ashley's ankles, signaling her to spread them. Instinctively, she did so. As she spread her knees she thought that this would be a delight. Roger would fuck her while she ate out Meghan. That thought excited her. Then Roger's lubricated finger hit her anus. Ashley reacted with a start. She would have raised her head, but Meghan's legs held her tightly in place. Ashley started to make noise in protest, but her sounds were muffled by Meghan's velvety tush. Roger's finger accomplished its invasion, penetrating into Ashley's chute. She was ecstatic at the enjoyable sensation. She was equally amazed at the pleasure it brought her. She resumed eating out Meghan with renewed vigor.

Roger took his cock in hand. It was not fully stiff, but he didn't need it to be. It was still well lubricated from Meghan's juices and Ashley's salvia. He aimed it straight at the channel his finger occupied. When he withdrew his finger, Ashley murmured her disappointment, but her eyes flew open giving her a view of Meghan's breasts and face as Ashley comprehended what had replaced Roger's finger at her back door. She stiffened. She'd never had anyone there. Roger was too big, way too big for that. She wanted to protest.

"Relax," Roger commanded. He pushed. The head of his cock slipped in.

Ashley squirmed, partly in pain, partly in pleasure. She obeyed and relaxed, trying to allow him access. Roger pushed in further. Ashley moaned. The pain was replaced by a delicious pleasure. Soon he was rocking back and forth. Ashley enjoyed the sensation as her body adjusted to his. She continued lapping at Meghan's drenched love pot and succeeded in bringing her to yet another climatic orgasm.

Meghan cried out with delight and rolled from beneath Ashley, panting and enjoying the afterglow of lovemaking. Ashley absorbed Roger's mass, groaning and moving with him to keep him embedded in her. He felt her squeezing his cock. He felt it begin to swell as his satisfaction grew imminent. He thrust deeply into her and reached around to find her pleasure button at the apex of her gash, just below her furry bush. He squeezed and twisted that tender bump. That was enough to set Ashley off again. She gasped, cried out and squeezed her packed rump around Roger's probe. As the orgasmic upheaval tingled through her buttocks, she pitch forward on the bed, leaving Roger's spurting tube shooting his seed at her plush backside.

Roger collapsed between his two lovers. He was completely spent. With some difficulty, he rolled to his back. Both Meghan and Ashley snuggled up to him. The three lovers lay together, recovering their breathing, each lost in their own thoughts. They all had smiles on their face.

Roger was thinking of his career and wondering how these events would impact him at work. He already knew that he wanted to continue this, which was a switch from his thinking prior to the encounters of love. He wasn't sure how he would handle this with his wife, because he didn't want to destroy his marriage either.

Meghan was definitely confused. She knew beyond any doubt that she'd been royally fucked and had enjoyed more intense orgasms than she'd ever had before. She also knew that she thoroughly appreciated what happened, and that thought made her ashamed. She never wanted to cheat on her husband and never imagined that she would actually enjoy it if she did. She had always rebuffed his suggestions of swapping or other extramarital sex as unthinkable. Now she was contemplating her actions. She knew she could never do this again, but at the same time, she wanted to more than anything.

Ashley was thinking about how she could keep this going. She had never been so excited or fulfilled in her life. Gradually, her thoughts returned to her husband. She, like Meghan, was uncertain how to handle this within her marriage, but she was convinced that she wanted to have more of Roger in the future. She also thought about Brenda, Roger's wife. Ashley wanted to look at her with satisfaction, knowing that she had enjoyed what Brenda had said was unattainable. At the same time, she knew that these events had to be concealed. No one at work could know this. She wouldn't be able to face anyone who knew this. Her conservative upbringing was returning and she was regaining her senses about the practicality of the circumstances and the consequences.

All remained quiet and their breathing normalized. Gradually they drifted off to sleep, still cuddled together. Roger never quite got completely to sleep. He shifted his head from time to time, checking each of the beautiful nude bodies clinging to him, wondering at his incredible good fortune.

After some time, perhaps several hours, Roger realized he'd finally dozed off. He awoke and stared at the ceiling, wondering how to extricate himself from the two lovely ladies without waking them. He had to get back to his room and get some sleep so he could get up and complete business tomorrow. With great and deliberate effort, he managed to slip from under Ashley's slumbering embrace. When he turned to Meghan, he found her eyes wide open, looking into his own.

She smiled at him and kissed him with a gentle peck. "Do you want to get up?" she whispered.

"Yes," Roger whispered back.

Meghan softly rolled out of the bed, allowing Roger to crawl out on her side of the bed. Roger headed to the bathroom to relieve himself. Meghan followed him, to his surprise. He glanced at her as he moved to the toilet.

"Do you mind if I watch?" Meghan asked innocently. She was surprised at herself. She'd never asked this of her husband. What was she doing?

Roger was not expecting her to follow him, but he said, "No, I don't mind." He lifted the seat.

Meghan moved beside him, her cheek resting on his shoulder. She reached toward the dangling implement. "May I," she asked?

"Sure," Roger responded quizzically. No one had ever asked to hold his dong like this before, but he liked the attention. Her feathery touch excited him as she gripped the tool and held it while he urinated. She aimed it carefully into the toilet, and shook it as he completed his mission. Involuntarily it began to stiffen in her hand. She squeezed it tenderly, watching it grow under her caress.

"Are you going to leave?" she asked softly.

"I do need to get back to my room."

She leaned against him, pressing her breast into his arm. "Will you fuck me one more time before you go?" she asked softly. She continued to hold onto him as he turned toward her.

Roger gazed deeply into her beautiful brown eyes. She was lovely, innocent-looking and sexy as hell standing there naked beside him holding his cock. He looked down at her hand wrapped around it. The diamond and her wedding band were prominent on her dainty fingers. "I'd like to do nothing more," Roger replied, looking back into her eyes. He bent over and kissed her tenderly. Her arms encircled his neck as their tongues tangled. Their bodies pressed together, trapping Roger's emerging erection between her thighs. As it stiffened, it climbed her thighs until it rested with increasing firmness between her legs.

Roger reached down to her hips and lifted her easily. The petite young woman wrapped her legs around his waist to cling to him and help him lift her. She looked into his eyes with her big blue beauties. Roger thought that she was one of the most beautiful creatures he'd ever been around, and he appreciated the sensation of her legs wrapped around him.

Meghan was eager to experience him again, a sentiment which greatly mystified her. She'd never expected that she would be so shameless, especially with another man. As Roger stared into her eyes, the sensation she experienced confounded her. Meghan felt lust. She felt desire. She couldn't describe it as love, but experienced longing for more of whatever she felt. Her honey pot itched with eagerness, enjoying the increasing pressure from his emerging erection. He was stretching beneath her and pressing against her crack, almost encircling her underside toward her anus. She shuddered as she remembered him lubricating her there with his finger and penetrating Ashley there with his dong. Meghan shifted her body. She didn't want him trying to backdoor her. She wasn't ready for that.

Roger had no intention of trying out Meghan's ass. He was elated that she wanted to fuck again, and he wanted to do her skillfully, satisfying her totally in the process. Roger lifted her bottom. Meghan helped by rising up while she braced herself with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She leaned forward toward him. Roger captured her mouth with his in a tender kiss.

Meghan enjoyed the kiss. It surprised her, but she responded affectionately. She felt his firm phallus pressure her underside as it relocated closer to her love hole. She shifted her body to help it locate its target. When she felt it at her entrance, she dropped her body down, absorbing part of his pole.

Meghan moaned softly through her lips pressed tightly against Roger's. She remembered that she didn't want to awaken Ashley, sleeping in the other room. But he was still magnificently large and it was stretching her appreciably to take him again. Her kiss grew passionate as his penetration inched deeper into her. She parted her lips, panting and sucking on his tongue. Her hips gyrated, propelling her body against his and taking more and more of him inside her. She wiggled and squirmed against him, bouncing around as his probe drilled her deeply. Finally her pelvis rested against his, crushing her clitoris between their bodies. Meghan's enjoyment turned to ecstasy as her body erupted in a telling orgasm. Meghan gasped in surprise at her body's unexpectedly quick response. She loved being filled by his phallus.

She squealed and undulated, surging against him and rising and falling around his pole. Her juices gushed generously and her pussy muscles gripped him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Up and down, up and down she rode him eagerly. She broke the kiss and bit her lower lip as the intensity of her fucking him increased. Another orgasm swept through her body. Her mouth opened in a silent announcement of pleasure. Meghan's eyes opened and she found him staring into her face. That was a gratifying sensation. He kissed her again. That tenderness set off her body one more time. She pressed herself against him tightly as she enjoyed the aftershocks of her mating. She was clinging tightly to him, with him embedded deeply within her, rearranging her insides. Their motion ceased while they stood there intertwined and entrenched.

Meghan realized in that instant that Roger had not cum. She wanted him to. She whispered in his ear, "Fuck me. Fuck me hard!"

Roger surged against her, but it was awkward for him. He had no leverage. He disentangled himself from her and sat her down. Then he took her hand and led her back into the bedroom.

Meghan hesitated. She didn't want to wake Ashley. She started to whisper that to Roger. He put his fingers to his lips. They were being very careful not to disturb Ashley.

Over in the bed, Ashley didn't move. She had awakened while they were in the bathroom. When she realized that Meghan was getting fucked again, she smiled to herself, remembering how Roger had fucked her all over the room last night. Ashley decided to let Meghan have her fun uninterrupted, so she pretended to sleep. But she peeked at them as they got situated over the love seat.

Roger positioned Meghan at the end of the cushioned arm of the love seat in the room. He had her lean over, bracing herself on the love seat. Meghan feared that he was going to invade her backdoor and she knew she couldn't take that. To her relief, his probe sighted and entered her love hole.

She groaned softly as he slid his well-lubricated piston into her tight fissure. Once again he filled her completely, to her great pleasure. He rocked in and out of her, fucking her intensely as she requested. Meghan gripped the love seat and absorbed his instrument again and again. She worked hard to suppress her moans. She loved what he was doing to her. She wanted to wiggle to encourage him, but he had her pinned to the chair as he repeatedly nailed her, hammering his stick into her. He continued sliding in and out until he retreated too far and slipped out of her.

Meghan twisted, slithering off the end of the love seat onto the floor. She turned to face him and quickly captured his tool in her mouth, sucking him enthusiastically. Meanwhile she repositioned herself on the love seat and spread her legs widely. She guided him back into her love canal as she yielded completely to him. Meghan absorbed his onslaught, encouraging him to keep going. She felt her body go off one more time, then felt him tense as he lunged deeply within her. He detonated, exploding inside her with a torrent of semen blasting her womb. She held onto him as he surged and pulsed against her, crushing her love button again and causing her body to shiver in a satisfied response. Meghan tingled all over her body, trembling and vibrating with the excitement and afterglow of their lovemaking.

Roger was in an awkward position and soon he slipped out of her, and sat on the floor beside the love seat. Meghan's legs remained spread apart. Her tender cunt was oozing excess love juice that Roger had deposited. Meghan slipped forward and eased off of the couch, rubbing her moist pussy against Roger's shoulder and down his arm as she slid to the floor. She pressed her breasts against him, hugging him and resting her cheek against his shoulder, encountering some of the juices she just spread there. She felt her body let go of all the tension that had been within her. Tears began flowing. They were tears of release and happiness.

Roger felt her sobs. "What's wrong?" he whispered.

"N-nothing," Meghan whispered back.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I don't know," she whispered frankly. "I'm just happy, and I shouldn't be."

"Why not?"

"Because we're not supposed to be doing this."

"Why not?" Roger repeated.

"Because we're not married ... at least not to each other."

Roger thought on that one. He knew he had to be careful. "That's right, but this felt good, it felt right. We can be careful and sort out the future, but I, for one, am glad it happened, especially with you."

Meghan wiped her tears, then leaned forward and kissed him. Her body draped against him and her legs straddled his torso. "I never expected to do this with anyone but my husband," she whispered, "but since it happened, I'm glad it happened with you."

"Me, too," Roger assured her. He held her for several more minutes before the awkwardness of their position began to cramp his legs. "I hate to break this up," he told her, "but I'm cramping up. Besides, I need to get back to my room."

Reluctantly, Meghan released him, disentangling her arms and legs from around his body. When he got up, he helped her up. They moved silently around the room, gathering his clothes. He slipped them on, taking one article of clothing at a time from Meghan as she helped him. She stood near him, still completely nude as he dressed. As he gathered his stuff and prepared to leave, she retrieved her panties. Remembering that Ashley had left hers in Roger's room last night as a souvenir, she decided to give hers to Roger as well. She took them to him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him and whisper, "Take these to remember this night."

Roger accepted her gift, stuffing the tiny garment in his pocket. He fondled her breast tenderly as they kissed, then moved quietly out of the room.

Meghan retreated to the bathroom to clean herself up. He had lubricated her well with his discharge. She washed it off her face, her legs and cleaned out her pussy, thinking how potent Roger was and amazed at the quantity he left in and on her. That task completed, she crawled back into bed being careful not to disturb Ashley. The strawberry blonde grinned in the darkness and let Meghan think she got away with a private fuck.

They drifted off to sleep, their bodies humming with satisfaction.

The next morning the girls arose, showered and dressed. They headed down to breakfast. They had a satisfied spring to their step, a residual of the enjoyable fucking each had enjoyed overnight. But in the harsh light of morning, each had second thoughts, especially when Wendy and Stephanie joined them and began asking questions. Ashley didn't want to give out too much information and Meghan certainly didn't want anyone to know that she'd been promiscuous. They were noncommittal about their activities, claiming to have just gone to bed. Well, technically, they had. They just hadn't been alone when they did. Then there was the fact that they had shared sex with each other. They were feeling a bit awkward about that and neither was willing to broach the subject.

Over coffee, Meghan gathered her thoughts while the other three chattered about plans for the day. She spread some cream cheese over a bagel and reflected that it was similar to the excess fluids that Roger had deposited in and on her last night. Suddenly a realization dawned over her. She had enjoyed unprotected sex with someone who was not her husband. Why she hadn't thought of that last night she didn't know, but she remembered that she and her husband were working on a family. Meghan had been off the pill for several months now. She had carefully calculated that she would be approaching the most fertile period of her cycle as she returned from this trip. Her husband would be waiting and ready, expecting that this would be the best opportunity to impregnate her. They'd talked about it before she left and both were looking forward to a passionate reunion when she returned. She couldn't have imagined that she'd have sex with another man while she was gone. She blanched. What had she done?

Stephanie and Wendy continued pressing Meghan and Ashley for information, but neither one was willing to discuss the previous evenings' events.

After breakfast the four foxes headed for the convention center for the last day of the conference. They split up to go to their various breakouts. Stephanie and Ashley headed to the same presentation room. Stephanie kept grilling Ashley about what happened the night before. "Come on, Ashley. You've got to tell me. Did you get together with Roger?"

Finally and exasperated Ashley turned to her friend. "All right! Yes, we got together and made love again. He ... well, he's a very good lover."

Stephanie wore a satisfied look on her face. "Did you spend the night in his room, then?"

"No, we were in my room." Ashley tried to turn her attention to the presentation which was starting.

Stephanie let that revelation sink in. She realized that Meghan had to be there too. Stephanie leaned over and whispered, "What about Meghan? Did she do it with him too?"

Ashley looked at her friend and reluctantly nodded.

Stephanie was shocked and stared at Ashley in disbelief. No way that their diminutive friend would do the nasty with a co-worker. She was too straight laced, too devoted to her husband. Stephanie sat back in her chair and stared vacantly at the front of the room, paying no attention at all to the presentation. Now she was curious about Roger. What kind of hold did he have over these two? What made him so special? Her mind was churning.

Meanwhile, Roger had risen early, showered, shaved and headed down to breakfast. He wanted to get in and out quickly. He had a lot on his mind and needed to sort things out. The encounters with his two coworkers unnerved him. This was not the type of action he would plan out for his career. He felt privileged to have that kind of attention from two beautiful ladies, but he was also concerned about the implications this might have on his career. And that career was important to him.

He headed over to the convention center and met up with a supplier named Jack Vaughn. They sat down in an open area and began exchanging ideas while they waited for the sessions to begin. After a while, Roger noticed that his colleague was staring off in the distance. He turned his head to follow the cohort's gaze and saw Meghan walking nearby with an attractive wiggle. She didn't notice them. "Man," the vendor said, "What an attractive woman. I'd love to get in bed with that."

Roger looked again and confirmed Meghan's beguiling walk. "Yeah," he said noncommittally. "That'd be great." He didn't mention that he's spent half the night fucking that cute little wiggle.

They returned to business, but moments later, Vaughn was distracted again. When Roger took a quick look, he saw that Stephanie and Ashley had captured his friend's attention. Ashley moved with an incredibly seductive sway and Stephanie's long legs gave her a striking figure and provided an alluring way of walking.

"Now there go another pair of hot chicks. Don't they work for your company?"

"Uh, yeah, they do."

"I don't know how you stand it. I'd walk around with a hard-on all the time if I had to work with those girls."

Roger looked at his crude friend, but understood what he was saying.

Jack continued, "I think I'd give an extra discount on some product to get one of those in the sack."

Roger's brain froze at those words. He hadn't considered anything but his problems with the girls. Suddenly he thought about opportunity. Naw, that couldn't possibly work. He returned to the product discussion with Jack Vaughn, but filed away the thought for later review. Now his mind was churning.

Roger's little meeting with Vaughn broke up and they headed out to separate presentations. Later, all the attendees from Roger's company were scheduled to gather together just before lunch to go over some last minute items. At that meeting, Roger sat near the door. Without his knowledge, Stephanie came and sat behind him. Roger did notice his two bed mates on the other side of the room. They both acknowledged him, but did not move. He observed, pragmatically, that they were gorgeous.

The company vice president leading the delegation spoke for several minutes, generally congratulating everyone on a successful convention and urging everyone to hammer down their deals so the company could improve performance for the coming quarter. Pretty much the same old stuff, Roger thought. He reflected on the thought that Jim Vaughn had brought up that had him ruminating on ways to improve his own performance at the company. The VP closed with a reminder that everyone needed to check out of their rooms. Late checkout had been arranged, but they needed to be out of their rooms by 3 pm. Roger glanced at his watch. It was quarter to twelve. He had time for a quick bite of lunch, and then he'd go finish packing and check out. Roger stood as the meeting broke up. When he turned, he was face to face with Stephanie. Right away Roger noticed that she had an intent, determined look on her face.

"Hello, Roger," she spoke softly.

"Hiya, Stephanie." Roger retorted. "How have things been going for you?"

She took his arm and started walking with him. Once they were out of the room, she said, "Not as well as they've been going for you."

Uh oh, Roger thought. She's gonna blow the whistle. Why couldn't Ashley and Meghan keep things to themselves? Roger immediately thought he was in trouble. Still, he played dumb. "What do you mean?"

Stephanie squeezed his arm. "You've been naughty, and you haven't shared like you're supposed to."

Roger stopped and moved Stephanie over out of the way. "What do you mean?" he asked, looking around to see who noticed them. Nobody had.

"I mean, you've been dipping your wick on company time, and you haven't with me." Stephanie had a shameless grin on her face. She once again took Roger's arm and started him back toward the hotel. Leaning close to him, she softly told him, "It's my turn to find out what you've got, and we don't have much time. Let's go back to your room quickly."

Roger allowed himself to be propelled toward the hotel. This was unbelievable, but now he began to realize that he'd been given a bonus beyond his wildest dreams. He also grasped that he could, in fact, turn this extra treat he'd discovered on this trip to his advantage. He moved swiftly with Stephanie to the hotel and grabbed an elevator to his floor.

As soon as they got inside his room, Stephanie turned and locked lips with him. Her arms encircled him and she unleashed a surprisingly passionate kiss. For some reason she was hot and wanted to experience what had satisfied Ashley and Meghan so admirably. She was a little surprised at herself, but she was definitely committed. She pressed her body tightly against Roger and felt his lump growing and pressing against her.

Roger was bewildered at this turn of events. The entire trip had been so unexpected for him. He was too aroused to be worried and too confused to protest. He noticed that Stephanie was grinding her abdomen against his groin. He responded by applying pressure there. He dropped a hand down her back and gripped her buttocks, squeezing it and holding her tightly against him. His free hand teased the side of her breast until their upper torsos parted so he could cup her soft mountain and massage that mound.

Roger broke off the kiss and began nibbling at her ear, inhaling the fragrance of her perfume, enjoying the heat of her body pressing against his. Stephanie's breathing quickened and she took pleasure at his tender contact. Her breast tingled in response to his caress. She moaned softly in his ear and crushed her pelvis against his.

Roger's hand left her hip and fumbled for the zipper to her dress. Her hair got in the way. In self defense, Stephanie stepped back, reached around and unzipped the garment. Watching Roger's eyes, she let it drop off her shoulders and slithered it over her hips. It dropped to her ankles. She stepped out of the crumpled dress, standing before Roger in her revealing bra, a half-slip covering her panties and her heels.

Roger reached out to touch the bare skin of a breast peeking from behind the thin bra. Stephanie kicked away her shoes and grappled with his belt. Roger stepped closer and unfastened her bra, freeing her magnificent mammary glands. Stephanie sighed as the cool air caressed her nipples. They had already hardened and now stood erect, saluting Roger.

About that time, Stephanie successfully unfastened Roger's pants and zipped down his fly. As Roger's fingers teased her breast and toyed with her nipples, Stephanie rummaged through Roger's briefs and retrieved his manhood. Her eyes dropped to view that instrument as she attempted to get her fist around it. Involuntarily, she gasped. It was huge! No wonder Meghan and Ashley had been so distracted when she tried to get information from them.

Though she was enjoying the attention Roger was giving her breasts, Stephanie sank to her knees to get a better look at the monstrous tool. She tugged at Roger's pants, pulling them down to his knees. She traced the veins on his phallus with her painted nails, then with her tongue. Then she gripped him with both hands and slipped her mouth around the bulbous head of the instrument. Soon her head was bobbing back and forth as she measured his manhood with her mouth and throat. Its thickness stretched her lips. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat. She still had a hand wrapped around it and couldn't get any more into her mouth. Once again she traced its length with her tongue, traveling down the underside of his apparatus to its base. She licked his ball sac, tickling her nose with his pubic hairs.

Roger was enjoying this. She was good! He was ready to explore more of her tall, slender frame, so he lifted her from her knees. She stood only inches shorter than him. Roger leaned down and kissed her breasts. Stephanie clutched his head to her and moaned her approval. He reached down and eased her slip and panties over her hips, leaving only her garter belt and stockings. Stephanie stepped out of her panties and stepped back to give Roger a view of her in all her glory. She put her hands on her hips and parted her legs slightly, cocking one hip toward the bed.

Roger was not disappointed. The statuesque beauty displayed a phenomenal physique. Her breasts showed firmness and tapered to a slender waistline accentuating voluptuous hips. Crowning the apex of her long, luxurious legs Roger observed a neatly trimmed but lush patch of hair, glistening with anticipation, anointed with the dewy dampness generated from Stephanie's desire. A fragrant, womanly aroma gently assaulted Roger's nostrils and his cock twitched.

Roger hastily stepped out of his pants, kicked off his shoes and ripped off his shirt. He wanted to feel that glorious body against his chest. He approached the shapely nude woman and reached out to touch her moist treasure trough. Stephanie moaned her delight and put her arms on Roger's shoulders to steady herself. She looked into his eyes and said, "I want you and I want you now!" With that declaration she athletically lifted one long leg and positioned an ankle on Roger's shoulder, replacing one of her arms. With that hand she traveled down Roger's torso, scraping him lightly with her fingernails until she reached his erection. She clasped her hand around that instrument and guided it toward her significantly exposed and highly lubricated gash.

When Roger's engorged cock made contact with Stephanie's valley, an electric-like spark passed between them. Stephanie continued to steer Roger's throbbing knob to her love channel until it docked at the entrance. A low hum escaped Stephanie's lips and Roger initiated his invasion. Stephanie sucked in her breath as he inched inward, up her canal. Her eyes closed and she tossed her head back while she held tightly to Roger's shoulder to stabilize her awkward position. Roger reached behind her and gripped her ass cheeks with his hands to help lessen her discomfort. He pulled her toward him and shoved his imposing pole deep into her womb.

Stephanie gasped and panted, "Oh, oh, ohmy, oh yes. Yes, yesss! Oh, gawd, fuck me, fuck me."

Roger responded by surging deeply within her, then withdrawing rhythmically as Stephanie gasped and cooed with each stroke. His thrusts became more powerful as she urged him on. Soon his momentum was propelling her floor-bound leg to her tiptoes, and then lifting her off the floor. Roger grasped her buttocks and lifted her. Stephanie clasped her arms about Roger's neck and wrapped her elevated leg around Roger's waist. Roger swung her around toward the bed and collapsed on that fixture. Somehow he remained embedded within her.

Immediately he commenced drilling her with ferocious strokes to her great delight. Stephanie had enjoyed a variety of sex partners and loved sex with her husband, but she realized quickly that she was getting a memorable fucking and she loved it. She hunched back at him in cadence with his plunges. She uttered cries of unbridled passion as his deep drives into her stretched her love canal and crushed her sensitive love button. She felt a powerful orgasm building beneath his forceful thumping. Her legs flailed wildly and her hands gripped his buttocks to pull him back each time he retreated from her. Their bodies were slamming together with increasing intensity as both were gasping and crying out in passion. Suddenly Stephanie screamed as a volcanic orgasm erupted deep within her, sending an unbelievable thrilling sensation from her groin, through her hips, down her legs and all over her body.

She drove her pelvis upward, tensing as the sensation overtook her entire being. Then she began bucking violently, alternately wanting him deeply within her, then unable to stand the intensity of the sensation.

Roger rode the wildcat, feeling her heals dig into his hamstrings and her fingernails gripping his buttocks. He implanted his cock firmly within her as she thrashed about. He wasn't through with her yet. When her frantic activity ebbed, Roger suddenly and swiftly withdrew from her sheath.

"N-no-o," she cried out in protest.

"Roll over," Roger commanded.

Obediently, Stephanie turned over; bringing her knees up so she could expose her lovely buttocks. Her cheek rested against the bed linens. Roger lined up his weapon at her love hole and thrust within her again, sinking deeply. Stephanie moaned her approval, realizing that she was being drilled far more deeply than ever before. For the first time in her life, she felt filled, packed to overflowing.

As Roger stroked in and out of her, Stephanie gripped the sheets and encouraged him. "Yes, oh, YES. Fuck me. That's fabulous! Fuck me so deep. Oh, gawd, you're so deep."

Roger rocked in and out. His hands clutched her hips as they slimmed down to her waist. He pulled her to him with each thrust. Stephanie was enthralled with the incredible sensation. Then Roger slipped a hand beneath her stomach and found her bush. He moved his fingers through the bush to her split valley and found the magic button. While he shoved his stake in and out, he flicked her clitoris. Stephanie went wild again as another cataclysmic orgasm exploded within her body. She couldn't believe how powerful it was. She shuddered and pitched her body forward, falling away from him, leaving him dangling in the air.

Gasping and giggling, Stephanie rolled over on her back. "Oh, you marvelous man, come here." She spread her legs as wide as she could and held her arms out toward him.

Roger scooted forward. Then Stephanie suddenly sat up, her legs still stretched wide in an incredible display of her limberness. She leaned forward and began sucking enthusiastically on his cock, stroking it with her hand. Roger was already near his own orgasm, so it didn't take much as his hips tensed while her head pitched back and forth, her lips tightly embracing his slippery cock.

Stephanie tasted the mixture of their love juices, then, to her immense enjoyment, he launched his seed into her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but it overflowed and decorated her cheeks, chin and breasts. She pulled her head back to view her handiwork. She continued stroking his implement with her hand, encouraging him to emit more semen. He spurted more at her. It landed on her breasts and dribbled down her stomach, then one more spray plopped just above her patch. Stephanie marveled at the quantity he shot at her. "My, my, you are potent." She fell back, and rubbed his love juice over her body, smearing it over her breasts and nipples and spreading the glop on her lower abdomen through her cunt hairs.

Roger watched this wanton exhibition. He grinned with satisfaction, but gripped his still half firm cock and aimed it at the spread gash between her outstretched legs. Stephanie's eyes widened in pleased surprise when he re-entered her love hole. He was still formidable, even in only a semi-rigid stage. He gored her for several more minutes before fatigue overtook him. Finally he collapsed atop her. Stephanie wrapped her legs and arms around him as their bodies slipped together, lubricated by his love juice that she had spread over her torso.

Her body purred as she held him close. This was truly a magnificent lover. That fact surprised her, because she would never have thought Brenda Hawkins' claims were valid. Now she knew better. As they lay together, body parts entangled and embedded, she pondered what she would do with this knowledge. She did not regard herself as promiscuous and this was certainly the boldest advance she had ever made. All of her previous liaisons had been initiated by her male partner and most of them had occurred before she had married. She thought about how she had rarely strayed from her marriage bed over the seven years of her marriage, yet here she was with her legs firmly wrapped around a lovely man and his shrinking cock still occupying her vagina. She pondered how she was going to extricate herself from this entanglement.

Gradually, Stephanie disengaged her legs from about Roger. Their breathing had returned to a semblance of normal. Roger rolled off of her and propped himself up on his elbow, gazing at his latest achievement: the conquest of Stephanie. Only he didn't exactly conquer her, just occupy her. His curiosity, his wonderment at all these events overwhelmed him. "What brought this about?" he finally asked her.

Stephanie smiled at him as she rubbed her still tingling breasts, well lubricated with his juices. "You've got a reputation now, Roger. I had to find out if it was true. And I was horny."

"Well, what did you find out?"

Stephanie sat up and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. "Oh, it's true, all right." She swung her legs over and got out of bed. "Now I have to figure out what happens next." She headed toward the bathroom, noticing that Roger's sperm had decorated her stockings and garter belt as well. "Look at that, you're everywhere."

Roger got up and followed her into the bathroom where she was peeling down her stockings and removing her garter belt. "What do you mean ‘figure out what happens next'?" Roger's concern about being discovered by the company ... and his wife ... was growing with each encounter. "You're not going to report me about sexual harassment are you?"

Stephanie smiled at him and touched him tenderly on the cheek. "No, silly. I was the aggressor this time, remember?" She turned on the water in the tub.

"Then what did you mean about what happens next?"

Stephanie turned to face him, her tall glorious body glistening with his issue. "Roger, you are an incredible lover. I've never been fucked better. I never thought I'd contemplate an affair, because I love my husband and we have a very satisfactory sex life. But I can tell you honestly, I want more of you. I want to see if you can make my body sing again like you did today. So, I have to figure out what happens next. I can't very well tell my husband that I found someone else to fuck, can I?"

Roger was surprised by the revelation. "No, I guess not," he replied. His head was spinning as he considered the lovely creature crawling into his bathtub.

She started the shower and pulled the curtain. "Are you coming in?" she invited.

Roger parted the curtain and stepped into the shower with her. They embraced while the water rinsed away the residue of their lovemaking.


While Stephanie and Roger were copulating, Ashley and Meghan were in their room, packing. Both were quiet, lost in their thoughts. Each felt a little uncomfortable at their sexual encounter with each other and at witnessing the other one mating with Roger. Both felt a longing to reconnect with Roger.

Finally, Ashley broke the silence. "About last night..." she began.

Meghan stopped her packing, straightened up and looked at her friend. "Yes?"

Ashley fumbled for the words. "I-I don't know exactly what came over me. I was glad when you came into the room. I wanted you to experience Roger and I didn't think you ever would."

"I didn't think I would either," Meghan replied, returning to her packing.

Ashley was silent for a moment. "I'm glad you did."

Meghan smiled wanly. "Me too."

Ashley was encouraged by Meghan's admission. "About us..." she began. "I, uh, I didn't expect that to happen. You're my best friend and I don't want anything to change that."

Meghan dropped her packing and ran to Ashley. She hugged her friend. "You're my best friend, too. And I don't want that to change either."

"I'm not a lesbian," Ashley stated, "but I wouldn't change what happened."

"I know you're not," Meghan replied. "And I'm not either. But I was surprised that I enjoyed it with you. You seemed to know exactly what I wanted ... what I needed."

Ashley returned the hug and stroked her smaller friend's hair. "We know each other pretty well, Meghan. I know what makes me happy. I should know what makes you happy."

"I guess so," Meghan nodded, sniffling. She returned to her packing.

Their conversation lightened as they discussed convention events. Ashley's brain was churning. She completed her packing, but saved out a change of clothes, stuffing it in her carry-on valise. She was thinking she'd like to get away and see if she could lay Roger one last time. She'd have to get away before he got packed and gave up his room. She didn't exactly want to tell Meghan, in case her dark haired friend wouldn't understand or approve. Ashley didn't see how she would be able to carry on with Roger once they returned to headquarters. Her own family life would resume with her husband, and it was dangerous to attempt anything at work. So she assumed this would be her last opportunity to enjoy Roger for some time.

"I've finished packing," Ashley announced. "I think I'll go see if I can round up a bell boy to move our stuff out."

"Okay," Meghan replied. As Ashley closed the door, Meghan wondered why Ashley didn't just use the phone. Meghan was almost through with her own packing chores when suddenly she stopped. Realization dawned on her. Ashley wasn't going to look for a bell boy. She was heading to Roger's room. The little girl was indignant that her friend would leave her behind. She was jealous that Ashley might get laid and she wouldn't.

Meghan tossed her last few items in the suitcase, slammed it shut and fastened it. She grabbed her work case and headed out the door.


Roger and Stephanie finished their pleasurable shower and toweled each other dry. Roger wrapped a towel around himself while he watched Stephanie get dressed. She couldn't wear her stockings or her garter belt, so she packed them in her work satchel. She hooked her bra and retrieved her panties.

"Wait," Roger exclaimed as she started to step into that undergarment. "Let me have those."

Stephanie was puzzled. "Wha - Why?" she asked.

"Let's just say I'd like a souvenir."

Stephanie laughed and tossed them to Roger. He held them to his nose and sniffed them. That tickled Stephanie more. "It'll be a breezy trip back to my room," she commented as she pulled her slip over her hips and donned her dress. She let Roger help her zip it up, then turned and kissed him tenderly. "Thanks for a wonderful afternoon." She gathered her things and headed for the door.

Roger followed her to the door. They were reaching out to open it, when there was a light knock on the door. Roger and Stephanie looked at each other, puzzled. Stephanie stepped back, out of sight so Roger could open the door and see who was there.

Roger was stunned when he opened the door and saw Ashley. He felt that he had been caught with his pants down. Here was one lover at the door and another hiding out of sight. True, he was still in his towel, but he was dumfounded at his predicament. "What, uh, what are you doing here?"

Ashley was pleased that he was in a towel. She quickly stepped inside while he was protesting. She reached for the towel as the door closed behind her. "I'm here for some more of that," she announced as she claimed the towel, leaving Roger hanging exposed. Then Ashley noticed movement behind Roger. Stephanie came forward as soon as she heard Ashley's voice. Ashley was shocked to find her friend there. She looked at Stephanie, then back at Roger, standing there completely nude. Realization dawned on her face. "Did you ..." she directed her question to Stephanie.

Stephanie had a smug look on her face as she replied, "Of course I did. You didn't expect me to let you have all the fun, did you?"

Ashley was momentarily hurt, but then she realized the incongruity of the situation and burst into laughter. "No, I guess not."

Stephanie laughed as well, but poor Roger was perplexed. Stephanie took Ashley's arm and led her further into the room. "You were coming to get some more?"

Ashley sheepishly nodded, then asked, "Did you wear him out or did you save some for me?"

"We had a good time," Stephanie admitted. "He's amazing. He had more spunk in him than I've seen delivered in a long, long time."

Roger followed them into the room, feeling like a piece of meat being discussed. His long dong waggled. The two girls turned toward him. Ashley replied, "He is marvelous."

Stephanie agreed. "Do you want help in getting him back up for you?"

"I don't know. Looks like you may have worn him out. I might need some help."

Just then there was another knock on the door. Stephanie and Ashley looked at each other. "Meghan!" they said together.

Roger stepped back and rolled his eyes. This was getting out of hand. Stephanie said, "I'll get the door, and hurried off to retrieve their friend.

When the door opened, Meghan was flabbergasted to see Stephanie there. "Wh, what???" she questioned. Stephanie grabbed her arm and pulled her inside, grinning.

Meghan felt another pang of jealousy as she realized that Roger had now nailed Stephanie as well. She followed Stephanie into the room where she saw Ashley and then discovered Roger standing naked over by the bed. She took in the scene and drove away the hurt she was feeling. She had wanted him all to herself, but knew that Ashley would be here. Now, Roger, who has spoken so endearingly to her last night, is standing there after bedding Stephanie too.

Roger felt Meghan's eyes on him and, incredibly, his cock began to stiffen. He couldn't describe it, but animal lust permeated the room. He was standing there with three of the loveliest creatures he had ever seen and he had fucked all three of them. And it seemed that he would have an immediate opportunity to do it again. That thought stirred his groin in an unimaginable way.

"Don't just stand there," he said. "Get your clothes off and let's get this party going." He didn't know how long he could last, but he was willing to try out. He thought momentarily about calling for reinforcements, but he didn't know who to call or how to get them. ‘Room Service' he thought momentarily, but immediately discarded the idea. He considered calling Jack Vaughan, but rejected that as impractical, realizing he wouldn't have time.

Ashley immediately obeyed Roger's command. She had come here to get laid, and if he was going to do it, she was willing. It didn't take her any time at all to shed her clothing and head for Roger.

Meghan did nothing for a moment, but, when Ashley's clothes came off, she realized that if she didn't do anything, Ashley would have him all to herself. So, Meghan removed her clothes as well.

Stephanie watched her two friends disrobe. She had just cleaned up and dressed. She still did not have any panties on. She thought about just hiking her dress and getting in on the act. But for the moment, she remained clothed, while she moved over toward Roger and Ashley.

Ashley was already on her knees, lapping at Rogers emerging erection. Stephanie, still dressed, joined her on the floor and the two of them licked Roger's tool. Meghan stood off to the side, her clothes now piled neatly in a chair. Though she was completely naked, she did not participate in the feeding frenzy. She just observed.

Roger noticed Meghan holding back and signaled her to come near. Reluctantly, the dark haired pixie slipped over to the edge of the bed and sat down, watching as her two friends devoured Roger's now mostly erect member.

"Okay, that's enough," Roger said, halting Stephanie and Ashley's activities by gripping their hair. "Now, go over and sit on the bed."

Stephanie was amused, but complied. Ashley was confused but complied. Now, all three were sitting in a row: first Meghan, then Ashley, then Stephanie, still in her dress.

Roger paraded in front of the three women as they watched him walk back and forth beside the bed. Finally he stopped pacing in front of Meghan. He gripped his missile, pointed it at her and asked, "Would you like some of this?"

Meghan looked up at him and nodded silently. She leaned forward, opening her mouth. He advanced to the edge of the bed so she could suck on him.

Roger looked at the other two watching. "Stephanie," he called while Meghan was slurping on his manhood.

Stephanie jerked her head up at him. She was growing more interested in this as events moved along. She felt a twitching between her legs as she watched Meghan consuming Roger's tool.

"Lie back and pull up your dress," Roger continued talking to Stephanie.

The lanky beauty submitted to his request, scooting back on the bed and pulling her dress up around her waistline.

Ashley turned to watch her friend relocate, and was astonished to discover Stephanie's pussy was exposed without any panties.

Roger left Meghan and touched Ashley, recapturing her attention. Ashley followed Roger's touch instructions and shifted onto her knees on the bed, expecting Roger to enter her doggy style. Instead Roger guided her between Stephanie's outstretched legs. Roger reached out for Meghan's hand and tugged her over behind Ashley. He leaned forward with Meghan and began tonguing Ashley's moist valley. Meghan got the idea and joined in with him. Roger back away and watched the dark haired pixie lapping at Ashley's treasure. Meanwhile, Ashley got the idea and lowered her face into Stephanie's snatch.

Stephanie was surprised at this unexpected turn of events, but before she could think to protest, she learned that she enjoyed the pleasure that Ashley was bringing her. Ashley grew excited, both at the freshness of Stephanie's muff, recently fucked and newly cleansed in the shower. Ashley also enjoyed the tongues toying with her own pussy and grew animated when Roger played with her anus.

Roger shifted Meghan onto her back and placed her face between Ashley's legs. He had successfully established a female daisy chain, something he had only imagined in his wildest fantasies. He listened as whimpers and moans of satisfaction emanated from the trio. He inhaled the pungent aroma of the three females in heat.

Meghan was uncomfortable. She was draped half on and half off of the bed. Her shoulders were braced against the edge of the bed and her feet were planted firmly in the carpet to maintain her stability and her place in the chain. Her lower torso wavered in mid air, unwittingly enticing Roger. He recognized her discomfort and stepped between her legs. Reaching down and gripping her buttocks, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand, Roger lifted her, supporting her and relieving the strain on her legs.

He stood there momentarily, his eyes drinking in the vision of the three lovely beauties in the throes of sexual play. While he watched Ashley enthusiastically lick Stephanie's cunt and Stephanie's head roll in obvious pleasure, Roger aimed his engorged cock at Meghan's tiny gash.

Meghan was startled at the sudden pressure against her valley, but she realized that Roger was about to enter her. Delighted, she spread her legs wide and rested her bottom in his hands. She also purveyed her excitement into her tender task of slurping up Ashley's gushing juices. When Roger entered her, Meghan pressed her mouth tightly over Ashley's clit to muffle her cry of pleasure. Roger's spear felt glorious as it pierced her, inching deeper and deeper. Meghan tried to wiggle to encourage him. Her legs locked around his back to hold him firmly inside her.

Roger began rocking in and out, steadily increasing the pace. Meghan cherished the thought that Roger had selected her to fuck. It made her feel special and she wanted to do all she could to pleasure him and to derive pleasure from him. She squeezed her legs, clamping him in place, while she undulated her body against him, all the while absorbing his deep incursion. The memory of how he had split her and saturated her last night energized her. His tempo increased. Soon he was slamming into her, crushing her clitoris with each fierce invasion. This was what she wanted. Her body responded with fervor and ignited in a momentous and tremendous toe-curling orgasm. She screamed her delight and clasped at her lover, disrupting her work on Ashley's cunt.

Roger sank deeply into her and unleashed a torrent of his sperm within the wiggling, wanton little nymph. He gasped, she gasped, he gushed, she cried out with joy.

The other two stopped and gawked at Meghan as she shivered in the throes of her magnificent orgasm. Roger drove his spike into her with such force that he scooted her further on the bed. Ashley moved nimbly out of the way as her friend savored her satisfaction, gripping the sheets while doing everything she could to remain joined together with Roger. As her quaking ebbed and her tender box tingled from his touch she relaxed her grip on him, hoping that he would cuddle her.

Roger withdrew his now softer phallus, covered with the love juices from their mating. He stood at the edge of the bed, panting. He moved toward Ashley. She grinned and returned to the edge of the bed. She reached out and grabbed that gooey thing and began slurping it, licking it, cleaning all the juices Meghan and Roger had generated.

Meghan lay there on the bed watching her friend bring Roger's cock back to life. Meghan was satisfied now, but she didn't move other than to rub her excited pussy and smear the love juices that now decorated her crevice, her love hole and her bush.

Stephanie reached out to stroke Meghan's breasts. The little one enjoyed the touch. Stephanie wasn't sure why she did that. It just seemed like the thing to do while she watched Ashley sucking Roger off. Stephanie thought that she could do that job as well as or even better than Ashley, but she drove away those thoughts of jealousy. This was such an unusual situation. Here she was, having just had her first sexual encounter with a woman, with two of her best friends, after having made extraordinarily passionate love with a co-worker.

Roger waited until firmness returned to his cock, then he told Ashley to lie down next to Meghan. He instructed Stephanie to get on her back on the other side of Meghan. Stephanie did that, pulling her dress up around her breasts so it wouldn't get messed up.

Roger stepped back to inspect the three beauties lying there nude or mostly nude on his bed. "Spread your legs," he instructed.

All three complied. Meghan spread hers wide enough to reveal her creamy cunt. Ashley overlapped one of Meghan's legs and Stephanie overlapped the other.

Roger wondered again at his incredible good fortune, then he took his morsel in his hand and mounted Ashley, piercing her quickly and deeply. Her legs flew around him as she gasped her approval. "Oh, yes, fuck me," she whispered to him. Roger drilled her rapidly, frantically, shoving it in and out at a torrid pace. Ashley loved it.

Then Roger dismounted, leaving her legs waggling in the air. He moved over to Stephanie and stuffed his member into her. She welcomed him back, spreading her long legs wide for him. Roger looked over at Meghan. She was watching him as he pummeled Stephanie. "Take care of Ashley," Roger gasped at Meghan.

The dark haired beauty grinned at Roger and rolled over to bury her face in Ashley's recently vacated muff. She could taste traces of Roger in that valley. Ashley was grateful for her friend's attention, but a little frustrated that Roger left her so quickly for Stephanie.

Roger pumped in and out of Stephanie with intensity. She was aroused by all the unanticipated but exciting activity. She had been warmed by Ashley and aroused watching Meghan's orgasm and the quick fuck Roger gave Ashley. Now she was nearly over the edge from Roger's incessant pounding. She gasped and gripped his gyrating hips, thrusting her pelvis tightly against his, taking him deep within her. A surprising orgasm titillated her body, prickling her senses. She cried out her satisfaction.

As soon as she had cum, Roger vacated her, leaving her moaning and writhing on the bed. He slipped his cock into Meghan's soppy passageway. She was on her knees with her bottom tantalizingly waggling while she tormented Ashley's clitoris. Meghan was surprised and pleased that Roger re-entered her. She concentrated on taking Ashley over the edge while Roger stroked in and out in his welcome invasion. Roger reached under and teased Meghan's clit. It was still sensitive and sent a thrill surging through her body.

Then Roger smeared some of the abundant love juice around Meghan's asshole. Meghan was thrilled at the sensation, until she felt his probe pressing against her puckered hole. Her eyes widened and she started to protest. Then Roger eased inside that tight cavity. Meghan screamed into Ashley's pussy. Ashley enjoyed her orgasm at that instant, going wild. Meghan tried to escape Roger's breach into her posterior, but she was trapped between Ashley and Roger. The initial pain gave way to incredible pleasure that Meghan couldn't imagine. She adjusted to his occupation, moaned and rocked back against him to take more of him. She could never have imagined doing this, but she was astonished at the waves of pleasure that swept over her.

Roger realized that this was a new experience for Meghan, so he eased himself out of her. She moaned, "No," as he left. Roger gave her a gentle shove and she rolled over on her side. Roger climbed between Ashley's legs and rubbed his cock on her pussy. It was still tingling from her orgasm, but the contact of Roger's cock at her valley was a welcome engagement to Ashley. She cooed as he found her love hole and pushed his way back in. Soon he was rocking in and out of her velvety love box. As he penetrated completely, he compressed her fiery clit. That invigorated Ashley. She bounced beneath him, her lively body vigorously bounced and bucked as his occupation took her to new levels of gratification. She couldn't believe how wonderful this felt.

Roger recognized Ashley's orgasm, so he backed away from her and returned to Meghan. She was very pleased that he returned to her and spread her legs for him. Soon he was back in place, enthusiastically fucking her. Meghan's ass still tingled from his temporary little invasion. While he was thumping her, she thought she'd like to try that again, but she didn't say anything. She just moaned her pleasure. Then she felt him stiffen and, incredibly, launch more love juice into her hot love box. She reveled in the thought that she was the one who was able to please their man as evidenced by his issue that he deposited into her womb.

Roger was exhausted. He rolled off of Meghan, into Stephanie's arms. She laughed. "You've been a busy boy," she said, kissing him on his ear. She held him tenderly while he recovered.

Ashley sat up and pondered the situation. Then she noticed the clock. "Ohmigosh," she exclaimed. It's checkout time. We're here fucking, and we're going to be late. They'll charge us an extra day." She leaped out of bed and began sorting through the articles of clothing lying around, trying to find hers.

Meghan sat up more slowly, savoring the moment. Then her panties hit her as Ashley tossed them in her direction. Reluctantly, she slipped them on, and gathered her other clothes.

Stephanie released Roger and got out of bed. She smoothed her dress and retrieved her things. Of course, Roger had her panties and she wasn't getting them back. She realized she needed to get back to her room to gather her luggage. She kissed Roger, then Meghan, then Ashley and headed out the door.

Ashley was dressed by now and Meghan almost was. Ashley helped her friend. "This has been fun," she told Roger.

"It's been more than fun," Meghan added. "It's been...well, educational. You really are a nice guy, Roger."

"Thanks," Roger said as he propped himself up on his elbows.

Ashley came over and stood before him. "I agree," she said. "You are really a nice guy, and an incredible lover." She leaned over and kissed his cock.

Meghan laughed. "Don't get him started again. We'll miss our plane." But she came over and kissed his cock, too. Then the two girls headed out the door.

Roger fell back on the bed in wonderment. Then he got up to get dressed and pack. He made sure that he packed the three pair of panties in a safe place where his wife would not find them. They ended up in his work brief case.

*** On the plane flight on the way back, Roger pondered the events of the convention. He was amazed at how things had turned out, but he worried about the impact on his career if anyone found out.

Stephanie sat next to Wendy and quietly filled her in on the events of the afternoon. She never did put on any panties and flew back home that way.

Ashley thought about returning to her world, her husband, and how things would be different. Somehow, she had to get things straightened out in her mind.

Meghan curled up and leaned against the window. Soon she was dozing. In the twilight state between awareness and dreamland she realized that she had never cleaned herself up after Roger had deposited his loads into her. She was leaking his love seed into her panties. With a start, she awakened. She was heading home to her husband. He was expecting her to be at her most fertile when she returned. They had planned to make love as soon as she returned home in hopes of conceiving a baby. He would be making love to her within hours of her dalliance with Roger. Would he be able to tell? Meghan worried about this the rest of the flight.

One thing that all the foxes agreed upon: Roger was an excellent lover ... and he was really a nice guy.


Things did return to normal at work. Somehow, the three put the convention episodes into perspective and realized that they had to continue a professional relationship at work. Wendy, felt left out and was put out with Roger for a while. She decided to attempt to be come friends with Brenda and was successful in getting to know her better. Then Wendy began an affair with Roger that lasted for quite a while.

Stephanie and Ashley each wanted to get back together with Roger, but the opportunity just didn't arise in the weeks following the convention. They settled down with their husbands and their memories.

Meghan's husband met her at the airport. He was glad to see her. They drove straight home, where Meghan retreated to the bathroom, removed her soiled, semen-stained panties and hid them. She cleaned herself up as best she could then came to bed with her husband and made slow delicious love with him, thinking of Roger the entire time. By the end of the evening, she was pregnant. Nine months later, she would deliver twins ... a boy and a girl. The girl she conceived with Roger, the boy belonged to her husband. She loved them both, and loved both their fathers. She often thought that Roger really was much more than just a nice guy.


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The author of this story: Rhino

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