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A Gentle Lady
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A Gentle Lady By Rellik(c)

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction. It does not relate to any real person, living or dead. Any similarity to a real person, whether living or dead, is purely coincidental and completely unintended. While actual places are mentioned in this story, it is not to be the conclusion that any part of this story is real, or ever happened. The following story is a work of fiction containing graphic descriptions of sexual acts between adults. All of the sex depicted is consensual, the author does not promote incest or sexual relations with underage children. The story is written purely for entertainment purposes only. Those who are offended by such material are strongly encouraged not to read this. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. This story is protected under U.S. and international copyright law and may not be reprinted, reposted, or otherwise reproduced without express written permission. This story may be posted to appropriate USENET newsgroups as long as it remains entirely intact and unmodified, including copyright message.

Up until today I was a Royal Marines Commando, My name is Denis Smock. I am 27 years of age and extremely fit. I was discharged for striking my superior Officer and for bringing the service in to disrepute. Well that was what they said. I had been charged for striking S.V Boot Lieutenant of Royal Marines, Fortunately I had two non Marine witnesses which stated that I had been struck first and only retaliated. What the witnesses didn't know was that I had goaded the long streak of piss, and his two snotty friends, Boot was 6ft 2inand I was only 5ft 9in and thought that he could better me. Granted he managed to hit me on the side of the head with one blow but missed with the other. I on the other hand had landed a kick to his crutch and as he came forward I drove a two handed punch to the side of his head, crushing his face into the concrete ground. His two officer buddies immediately arrested me, not knowing of the witnesses, once they came forward with there sworn statements. I knew I could stretch this to my advantage and wanted the charge laid in an open court. Since Boots family was something in the city, it would have looked bad to have this officer and his two friends dragged into and open court. So he got a slap on the wrist and I got thrown out as Services No Longer Required. I joined the Marines since I was an orphan, and had no home or relations in the country. Now here I was strolling through a posh part of London, with no where to go and just strolling in general. I would stay in a hotel somewhere to-night and look for somewhere to stay to-morrow. I had left all my personal belongings in two suitcases at a Left Luggage Office. As I walked I could smell all the different smells coming from the houses kitchens which were located in the basement of these Victorian houses. The downstairs as the snobs called them where you keep the servants until required. Anyway I was coming up to this house's stairway when a car pulled up and the chauffeur had got out and was helping this well dressed lady out the rear door. Three late teen youths attacked them one hit the old chauffeur and the other two had the elderly lady on the ground hitting her and trying to pull her handbag from her she was holding on tightly. I ran up behind the one with his back to me and kicked him in the balls jumped over the lady and hit the other one with an open palm under his nose. He went down like a felled tree. The other, seeing the fate of his two mates run away, but shouting obscenities over his shoulder. The one I had kicked was writhing on the ground I picked him up and smashed his head into the iron palings. The chauffer had gotten to his feet, and was sitting in the car door holding his chest. I helped the elderly lady to her feet. "How are you love, "I said to her She looked at her two attackers and said,"Well I am in a better state than they are, thank you very much, I think I have a few bruises and my leg is very stiff." She then looked at the chauffeur and said, "Henry you go home this young man will help me upstairs I'm sure." "Of course I will, where is your house?" I asked her "This one is mine, but my servant is off today, could you help me up the stairs, please, "she asked I helped her up the stairs to her front door and she almost collapsed in my arms, trying to save her from falling I grabbed a handful of soft breast. She didn't seem to mind but I moved my hand away as soon as I had her steady. "Look I better make sure you get in alright you are a bit unsteady on your feet." I said to her. I held her as she opened the door and I helped her in. There was a second set of doors but they were not locked and opened at the turn of the knob. I shut the front door for her. "Which way love," I asked her. She pointed to the right and then fainted into my arms. I picked her up, she was really no weight at all, and carried her into the room she had indicated. This was a small lounge like room with a two low sofas facing into each other either side of a large gas fireplace. I laid the lady down on the first one and placed her handbag and gloves on the occasional table. God I thought what do I do, if some one comes in they will think I have assaulted her. I can't just leave her, I saw that her knees had been scratched and noticed that there was blood running down her leg, from her outer thigh. I pulled up her coat and dress and saw she had a deep cut about 2 inches long and bleeding quite bad. On the occasional table was a white tea towel like thing so I got it and placed it over the wound and pressed it tight. The way I was sitting I looked right down to her pubic region and say she was wearing bright red frilly French knickers type panties. There was no way I could stem the flow of blood and not notice them so I just ignored them and tried to put my eyes else were. Soon she came too and saw me sitting there with my hand on her thigh, and was about to scream. "Wait lady! You have a bad cut on your thigh and I am holding a cloth on the cut to stem the flow, I had to lift your dress to get to it, and I didn't know what to do next since you had fainted." I explained to her. "I am extremely sorry, I have put you in an embarrassing situation and I am very grateful for your help, honestly," she said. "Are you hurt anywhere else," I asked. "A few bruises I think here and there, but they should be fine," she went on. "Where can I get a bandage or plasters, to put on your cut," I asked "I have them in my bathroom, but that is upstairs." She replied. "I will carry you up then, I carried you in here and you were no trouble. But first lets tie that towel on to stop it falling off, or can you hold your hand on it. Otherwise you will be dripping blood all over the place. I said to her. "You couldn't possible carry me all the way up to the third floor." She said "You just watch me," I said. I laid her handbag and gloves on her stomach and placed her hand on the towel and told her to keep it pressed and I slipped my arms under her and lifted her up. She automatically put her arm around my neck and we made our way up the stairs. "How very romantic this is, I've never been carried in a man's arms before and it is wonderful." she said to me. Once we got to the third floor she indicated that I turn right and we walked to the end of a short passage and entered the door at the end. It was a large bedroom, definitely female with all the frills and lace and a wonderful aroma of scent. "Through that door there, "she said, pointing to a door on the right. This led into a large bathroom with a huge bath sitting atop two steps up to it, a shower recess and a three basin vanity unit. Mirrors running round the walls, door included. "My you like to look at yourself, with all these mirrors, "I said to her. "You know women we always like to be looking at ourselves, "she said. I saw a box on the wall with a red cross on it near the vanity; I sat her on the toadstool seat and went to the box. All she really had was a packet of sanitary pads and two crepe bandages and two small plasters. I took a sanitary towel and the crepe bandage over to her. "This will have to do; anyway they are like our field dressings and make excellent wound dressings I said referring to her sanitary pad. I got her to ease the towel off the wound and when she saw it. She remarked, "You were right it is rather bloody." I put the pad over the wound and then went to wrap the crepe bandage around her thigh. But she closed her legs tight. "Lady if you don't open your legs I can't put the bandage on, I've already seen what you are wearing, so forget the modesty." I said to her. "I hope I can trust you," she said with a smile. "You have so far why stop trusting me now" I said to her. "Oh go on then,"She said and opened her legs wide enough so that I could get my hands through. I just couldn't prevent it but every now and again my hand rubbed against the lips of her pussy as I wrapped the bandage around her thigh. "You love doing this don't you," she said to me. "Well I won't deny it but it has been unintentional so far." I said "So you intend to touch me there in the future," she returned with a laugh. "No, the thought never entered my head," I replied. "Liar!" she laughed I started laughing too. "You see I can read your mind, can't I," she asked "I hope not it would get an R rating," I replied "Come help me up, please," she asked and as she did her handbag fell to the floor and out poured bundles of fifty pound notes. "Aren't you glad I chased these louts away, you would have lost that lot." I said to her whilst repacking them into her bag, and handing it to her. She put her arm around my shoulder and we managed to walk her to her bedroom half way to the dressing table she was able to walk on her own, with a slight limp. "Would you mind staying for a little while, I would like to talk to you, are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" she asked "All these questions and the answer is yes to the first and no to the rest." I replied "If you go down to the small lounge you first put me, I want to tidy up and I will come down shortly, don't worry there is a one-man lift that will bring me down, there is a drink in the cabinet if you wish." She said I strolled down the stairway and there was an eerie silence one gets from an empty house, I wouldn't like to live in a house this size it is just too big. Maybe in the days when it was built there were servants galore, but now-a-days no one wants to be a servant to anyone else. There were paintings on the wall but I have no interest or appreciation of art. I was first and foremost a Bootneck and I was very content with my position in life. I strolled into the small lounge and I lit the fire to cheer the place up a bit, and wandered over to the cabinet. On opening it I found it contained a huge collection of square bottles all labeled with their contents. I saw a Drambuie and took a glass of that. And sat down on the sofa and lay back looking at the ceiling which was all scrolls and twirls and someone had painted angels all over it. I was quite content just trying to count how many blond or dark headed angels were there. The door opened and the lady walked in. "I see you got yourself a drink, would you pour me a port please, she asked I remember seeing the port decanter and I took a stemmed glass I wasn't sure if it was the right type or not and filled it and took it over to her. "You are going to get me tipsy with this amount," she said then having a big sip and sitting on the sofa opposite. "Please tell me about youself? My name is Gertrude, but call me Gerry," she said So I filled her in with all the details and she sat and listened without interruption all the way through. "I heard about your case, and I know the Boot's very well, their son is rather a big head serves him right." She smiled at me. "So you have no place to stay to-night, there is a made up guest room on the second floor I would like you to stay there to-night, as it is getting too late now to get proper accommodation. Say no more I insist, you did say you had no where to go now you have. "We could have dinner here, this is my Chinese food night, and there is an excellent restaurant near here that I always use. I will order for two, it will be nice to have some company again." She pulled out her cell phone and spoke for about five minutes, and switched off and said the meals would be delivered in ninety minutes. Gerry had changed and was wearing a silk low cut dress with what looked like a collar doubled over, with a double gold chain around her neck. I kept looking at the chain for it kept disappearing down the deep cleavage of her large breasts. Her dress went to her ankles so the only thing I had to focus on was her breast cleavage. She had a pretty face, shoulder length brown hair parted on her left side, she was wearing medium sized diamond stud earrings. Her lipstick was a deep red glossy colour. And I could see a faint trace of foundation powder. Yes I would say she was pretty. Even after the meal arrived we sat and talked about everything in general, these few hours we learnt a good deal about one another, we were in a way similar all alone in the world, no immediate family, she had a few nieces of her age all spinsters of widows, and living one day to another Society say the respect the elderly, but it is only lip service, more elderly live a life of loneliness than any other's, They get pushed into nursing homes, or no member of the family visit them from one month to the next. Gerry says she never married, never had the time, she was always organizing some charity event or another and the years just slipped by, and she was left suddenly alone. She had her friends of course and they met almost every day. Or talked on the telephone, but that was no compensation for a family. Her father had been an industrialist and made his money during the WWII, her only brother and mother had been killed in a car accident, her father had died ten years ago. She said she couldn't run the company so sold it, and now all that remains is the capital which on her death will be distributed to all her relatives or the national treasury. It was almost midnight when Gerry showed me o the spare room on the floor beneath hers. The bedroom had an adjoining bathroom suite the same as hers. "Good I'll have a nice shower before I get turned in." he told Gerry. "You should find a packet of disposable razors in one of the vanity cupboards. "She told me She wished me a good night and told me she would wake me at seven, and left the room.

Chapter 2

After my shower and shave I crawled into the lovely soft bed and was dropping off to sleep when I heard the squeak of the door opening and the figure of Gerry creeping over to the bed. I sat up, and she jumped in shock of finding me awake. "What's the matter Gerry?' "I want you to just hold me in your arms, I don't want any sex, just comfort, could you do that for me please?" she asked. "Are you going to trust me that far, you are a very attractive woman you know, and I am a very virile chap? Are you willing to take that chance?" I said to her. "I think you are more gallant that you think you are," she told me "Come on then get in out of the cold," I said to her. She quickly snuggled up against me and I could feel her now unrestricted breasts through her nightgown pressing against my chest. She had my leg between hers and I could feel her public hair on my thigh. I also had a raging erection. I put my arm around her and just held her in that position, she wasn't in contact with my penis so everything was in order. To my surprise I did go to sleep and woke the next morning with Gerry still cradled in my arm. I lent down and kissed her nose, and her eyes opened. And she looked right into my eyes. "Again please but this time a bit lower, "she said. I bent my head to kiss her and she brought her arm up and put it around my neck and pulled my head down to her open mouth. She released me and said, "Good morning Denis." With a lovely smile She then got out of bed and disappeared out of the room. I got up, showered and dressed and went down below. I made my way to the main door when Gerry appeared. She looked really worried, "Where are you going?" she asked. "I don't know I suppose I was going to go and look for somewhere to stay," I told her. "Don't you like it here with me?" she asked "Gerry I love being with you but you can't keep me it's not right, I'd be a sponge to you," I tried to explain. "Denis you come with me and have some breakfast, which I have just cooked, and we will go and get your baggage and you will bring it back here, you are to be my special guest. You saved me from these louts, and there is another thing you must know. I really like you; in fact it may be even deeper, so please think about that. You were very considerate last night and I truly appreciate the anguish you must have gone through to keep your hands off me in my private region. So no more of this foolishness, get in that room," she said with a laugh. I couldn't help it I slapped my things and burst out laughing. She ran towards me and threw her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the lips. I love you Denis, I do you know," she said After breakfast, Gerry asked me for my baggage tickets and got on to her telephone and asked Henry to come and get my baggage tickets and go and collect them from the lost luggage Office. "There you see, you can now stay here with me, there is no need to go out, I hope it won't be a bore but I have a few friends coming to-day, we play whist once a week in each others home. We take it in turns. Its mine this time I would like you to meet my friends. You are to be my bodyguard, in more ways than one I hope," she implied not too subtly. "I must it is quite a switch from a totally male environment to a female one, I hope that I don't disgrace you in their presence, Gerry," I said to her "Here are my Baggage tickets, that you were looking for," I said handing over the two blue tickets. "I would like to go for a walk though, and just walk around the neighborhood," I said to Gerry. "Then you better have a door key to let yourself in case I don't hear you." She said handing me a bunch of keys, "You are now a resident here you see you have the keys of the door." "Gerry you shouldn't be so trusting, handing a stranger the keys to your home," I said "You not only have the keys of my home you have the keys to my heart, I truly mean that Denis," she said cuddling up to me. "Go on say I am a silly old fool for feeling this way," she mumbled into my chest. "Gerry I won't ever hurt your feelings, so come on become happy again and stop worrying about me." I said to her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left her house, and continued on the stroll I had been on the previous day. This was a very expensive suburb and some of the beautiful people lived here and flaunted there wealth or supposedly wealth. This was the suburb of the film stars, Arab millionaires and the so called upper crust of Britain, and here was a common Bootneck with an address like this. I wonder what Lieut SV Boot RM would think if he saw me in this suburb, no doubt call the police. I am glad that Gerry thinks he's a dick head as well. I couldn't see a pub anywhere, what a bummer an English suburb without a pub. I just walked and when I came to the shops I just window shopped, until I came to a shop selling greetings cards. I went in and chose a 'Thank you' card and an 'I Love You card with a real mushy poem, for Gerry. I think that she deserves a bit of loving she seems to have given a lot for various organizations and received nothing in return, it is now time to turn that around. I used the table in the shop and just wrote in the Thank You card From Denis to Gerry in the 'I Love You' card. I wrote 'I am returning your love, Denis' and I put a few exes' on the bottom. I'm not or never was a sentimental bloke so I hope she understands my feelings. During my stroll I had been pondering all of what Gerry had been saying to me and that she sincerely had fallen for a guy like me, the funniest thing my feelings for her were the same. It was just that I was unable to tell Gerry my feelings. My old mates would think I was mad thinking this way over a woman almost twice my age. Age has nothing to do with it, it is the person behind the facade that counts. I or should I say we are going to get a lot of ridicule. I walked around for about four hours and made my way back, I had some quaint looks from Chauffeurs and other servant types as I walked down the street or should I say Crescent. Especially from the ones who were parked at the kerb out side Gerry's home. When I started up the stairs, one chap came up to me and said "Hoy Mate, where do you think your going?" In the best upper crust language I said "Young man this is my residence, who pray are you?" "Beg pardon Sir no intentions meant," he said with bowed head. Then in my usual voice to cheer him up I said, "Yea Mate, I do live here and showed him my keys." We all laughed, as I was walking up the steps towards the front door. When I got inside I heard the female voices coming from the left room, I went over and opened the door and walked in. There were eight ladies sitting at two card tables and there were cups and saucers with sandwiches on another cloth covered table. Gerry jumped up and said "Ladies this is my bodyguard Denis Smock, after the episode yesterday I decided to ask this ex Royal Marine to protect me. You will see him about the house so please don't worry. He is living on the second floor Guest Room." All the ladies smiled and continued with their games, but kept giving me sly looks. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and took a small plate of sandwiches and went into the small lounge.

Chapter 3

I opened the door with my foot as both hands were full and just walked straight in. I was astounded by the sight I saw. There were two elderly ladies with their panties round their ankles and each had a hand on the others privates. "OOPS!" I exclaimed "I'm sorry I thought everyone was playing cards." "This is private," one started to say, as they both withdrew their hands and pulled down their dresses, and noticed that I was holding a cup and saucer and sandwiches in my hand. It suddenly dawned on them that I somehow was legally here. "Who are you I haven't seen you here before?" in a very throaty voice. "Oh I live here now I am Gerry's new bodyguard," I replied to her. Still walking towards the sofa's What a funny sight there they were trying to put on all the airs and graces and their panties were around their ankles. Sod them I will really make them more embarrassed. "Ladies It would be advisable to either remove these garments around your ankles or pull them up. You will trip and hurt yourself if you try to get up and walk away. I addressed them both. They sat for a second not knowing what to say or do, as in unison stepped out of their undergarments and placed them in their bags. The lady nearest the fire, who had spoken the first time then said to me who by this time had plonked down on the sofa opposite them, "Please don't mention what you saw to anyone, we beg of you," in a very pleading voice completely opposite from the demanding tone she had used when I first entered "Ladies, what you do is entirely up to you, I am sorry that I interrupted you in your activities. What I saw remains your secret, as far as I'm concerned. It was quite a thrill though," I answered her and started laughing. I think it was contagious as they too joined in the laughter. "I think we have a friend her Mavis," The first lady said to her companion. "My name is Bette, and this is Mavis, that is what we like to be called by our friends," she said with another laugh, "it would have been funny if we had tried to stand and walk away wouldn't it." and laughed out loud again. "Have you been acting as Gerry's bodyguard for long, she never mentioned it the last time we met," said Mavis in a soft voice. She had one of those voices you sometimes hear that no matter what subject they are talking about make you think they are referring to a sexual situation. I narrated all what happened and then we went into the circumstances why I had landed outside Gerry's home. "You were quite right to give Steven a thrashing he has needed it for years, the arrogant little swine." Bette said. "Steven so that's his name is it. How do you know him?" I asked her. "Steven Boot! He's my nephew worst the luck. You stick with Gerry if she likes and trusts you then you must be alright. We would like you to include us as your friends too. We had better be for what he knows about us," Bette said with a hearty laugh. "When Gerry comes over to my house next week I will ask her to bring you with her as my guest," Bette said "The same applies when it is my turn," Mavis chipped in. "Oh I will be going wherever Gerry goes, I'm her bodyguard," I told them "If you were my bodyguard you would do more than guard MY body, "Bette said with a hearty laugh. Mavis chipped in and said "You can watch my body any time." Just then Gerry and a few of her friends entered the room, and she said," I see you have all met and seem to be getting on champion, from the amount of laughter that we have heard coming from this room." Bette told the group in general, "We have invited Denis to our homes,"indicating with her hand Mavis and herself, "at our next card meeting, so he's not coming as purely Gerry's bodyguard but as our guests, and please treat him as such. He's a wonderful considerate man." She rose and as she did she looked down at me and gave me a wink then cast her eyes to the floor and burst out laughing again. I rose and bid all the ladies present goodbye as they left the room. I seem to be installing myself into Gerry's circle of friends, maybe through fear of blackmail but I hope not, as I did like Bette and Mavis. They appeared to be genuine happy people, and enjoyed a laugh. Maybe if was through embarrassment at first, but later their personalities was showing through Gerry retuned in to the small lounge, once all her guests had departed. "My you have surely made friend with Bette and Mavis; I've never seen them so taken with anyone as they have taken with you. Bette even said to me to take care of you as I have a treasure in my hands, and if I was her I would make you more than my bodyguard. I think that she fancies you for herself," Gerry said with a little laugh. She by this time had come and sat down on the sofa beside me, it was then I gave her the two cards. She sat and read them, and sat very still for a few minutes. I was wondering what I had said or done to cause this silence. She then threw her arms around my neck and was crying like a baby. "You just wouldn't know what these two little cards mean to me, I have so much wanted someone to care for me, and want me for myself, and you have filled my heart with so much love. I love you so deeply," she raised her head and through the tears kissed my face all over. "I will never be able to satisfy all your sexual demands I know. Don't deny it! I know there is a large age difference. I want you to be my lover. To the outside world you will be my bodyguard. I am sorry it can be no other way. My social generation would ostracize me if I took you for a husband; they shun this new partner thing that is so prevalent nowadays. But in this house I WILL be your wife, I would like you to share my bed and life what's left of it. If you are to satisfy your lusts I don't want to know about it. I think that you would find enough willing and discreet participants in the group of ladies you saw to-day. They cannot afford a scandal and would never disclose their sexual adventures with anyone. There was an old saying I once heard that you could refer to these ladies. 'They don't tell; they don't swell; and they sure would be as grateful as hell.' Are you willing to do this? I won't force you, but please love me," she told me. "Gerry, I have been wandering the streets today, thinking of ways to let you know how I felt for you. I know it has been only two days but I have never, ever felt this way about any person I have ever met. I know that I am a bit rough around the edges but that is me and I can see no reason to change for anyone. " "I am comfortable as I am, and I feel comfortable around you. This is another thing; I was always a bit apprehensive around women. But since I met you I seem to have lost that apprehension. What I am trying to say is that I do love you very much. I understand you have a standing in your social group. You must abide by their unwritten rules and I accept your conditions. The rest the less said the better." I replied to Gerry I held her close to my chest and she seemed to relax into me." I have waited so long to be this comfortable with a man and hope that we can be honest with one another and continue to feel this comfort." Gerry sighed. There was a knock at the door and Gerry sat up and called out,"Yes!" A middle aged woman appeared and entered the room, "You wanted to see me My Lady," "Yes Mary I did I wanted to introduce you to Denis, and discuss a delicate matter with you in his presence," Gerry said, "Come and sit here," pointing to the other sofa. "Denis this is Mary she is the lady who comes in to clean and do general duties for me, Mary this is Denis." She introduced us and we shook hands. Betty seemed a bit nervous as she sat down on the sofa. When I gave her a good look she wasn't as old as I first thought she was, in fact I would say she was in her early forties, premature greying and seemed to have a low opinion of herself by the way she postured her body. With a bit of make-up, and a bit of grooming she would be quite pretty. "Mary!" Gerry said, "I know that since your family break-up, you have been having a hard time, and I just did not need you full time. I now ask you if you would consider coming to work full time here as house keeper. You could hire a part time cleaner for three days a week, or what you think would be sufficient. I would prefer it if you lived in as you know there is a large furnished flat in the basement. That would be yours if you accepted the position." "My Lady you are so kind. I've been struggling to live on the small social security and the wage you pay me. The rents are so expensive that I have little left for anything else. Yes I will take the position; in fact I would love the position. When do you want me to start?" she hurriedly said. "Well as of now, if that is suitable!" Gerry told her "I have to give one weeks notice to my landlord, I was just going to pay my rent now after you had spoken to me" she told Gerry "Have you much to move to come here," she was asked "I can pack it all in a few cases, My Lady," she replied Gerry. "Denis will go with you now, you pay the landlord and give notice and move into the flat today, Denis will help you with your things and he will get a taxi to bring you back here, will that be alright?" Gerry asked her "That would be wonderful, My Lady," she replied. "There is one more thing that has to be settled first, nothing of this matter has to leave this house, I know you can be trusted as you have worked here for many years, but once you take up this position of housekeeper you become a member of this household, which is a bit different from just working here. Denis in this house is my husband, to the outside world and any visitor he is my bodyguard. The fact that we will be sharing the same bed would or could not be hidden from you. So do you understand the situation? I wouldn't like any scandal to befall the household, which is now your home as well," Gerry explained to Mary. "My Lady, I would never do anything to soil your name, you have been kind to me when others turned there backs on me. Nothing that is heard or said in this house has ever been spoken about from my lips, and nothing ever will," she said so sincerely. "If you wouldn't mind just waiting in the hall a minute, I would like to speak to Denis," Gerry said to Mary. Once Mary had left the room, Gerry said to me, "Don't say anything please I have not told you this but my capital is in the tens of millions and in fact gets bigger every year, I can afford a house full of servants put what was the need when I was on my own. Now I have you I am going to need more time to spend with you. Please take her to her landlord, collect her things and bring her back, she has had a very hard life and I will leave it to Mary to tell you if she wants to if not, then we will leave it. The poor dear needs a bit of comfort." She handed me a fifty pound note and said this should take care of the taxi fares." She gave me a kiss, "Off you go." I collected Mary in the hall and we left the house together. No sooner were we on the pavement when a taxi came into sight and I waved him down. We gave the address of the landlord and we were there in about fife minutes. I asked the cabby to wait. We entered this small dirty looking shop which displayed a sign saying 'Properties for Rent', and I thought what type of property owners would rent through this agency. When we entered I stood back and Mary paid her rent and told the clerk she was giving notice to terminate. "No way," he said "we have changed the rules only yesterday, and it is now two weeks notice." Mary was taken back with this declaration." No one told me," she said "Well I'm fucking telling you now," he said to her. "Watch your language when you are speaking to a lady," I said to him. "And who the fuck are you, anyway," he said Before I could say anything Mary said quickly, "He's Lady Barron's bodyguard." Since most bodyguards come from either a service or criminal background, this remark made the clerk put his bottom back on to the seat and he said, "Oh I'm sorry I spoke to the lady like that, I've had a bit of pressure today and it slipped out." "But you also used bad language to me!" I pushed "I'm sorry really, I didn't mean it," he stuttered. Just then the door opened and in walked an old Marine mate of mine Chalky White, and he must have heard part of the conversation, and at the same time saw me, "Denis you old bastard! It's good to see yea, has this bastard been trying to give you a hard time?" "He was but, we now we have an understanding," I said and laughed. Chalky turned to the clerk and said, "Walter you came close to ending up in hospital, you chose the wrong bloke to tackle when you crossed Denis, he is a real hard bastard, the last time someone crossed him the bloke couldn't piss for a week and needed plastic surgery and that was after only two punches." The clerk Walter went white as a sheet I turned to Chalky and said, "At the moment I am in a hurry to get this lady somewhere, now I know where you work I'll be getting in touch, must dash." "Denis is this lady a friend of yours?" Chalky asked "Yes! Or I wouldn't be helping her," I told him. He leant over the counter and took the money that she had paid the clerk and handed it to me, "Say it's a way of an apology from Walter, be seeing you." I took Mary's hand and we left the shop. I handed her the money that Chalky had given me and said to her, "A present from the landlord for being a nice lady." We got back into the taxi and drove to her flat. I paid off the taxi and she took me to this dingy one bed room flat which had the toilet on the landing. The whole building made my flesh creep. When we got in she retrieved three suitcases from the top of a wardrobe and started packing the few possessions she had. Whilst she was doing this we had a nice long talk. "Thank you for the money, that was a very pleasant surprise, I will be able to get some personal items I have needed for some time now, like new underwear, as the stuff I have is falling to pieces." She said "Mary if it's falling to pieces then chuck it out now, no need carting it with you, leave all the stuff you don't want. Better still stick it in a plastic bin bag and drop it in the recycle bin." I said to her. "Yes let's have a clean new start, I would like that!" she said "You really frightened the clerk in the shop! Did you actually injure the person your friend mentioned so badly?" she asked "I'm afraid so Mary, he just pissed me off. Now he has regretted it ever since." I said to her. "No one ever protected me like you did, never, in all my life," she said and then sat on the bed and burst out crying. I went over and took hold of her shoulders sat on the bed and pulled her to me, "Come on Mary, it was nothing, any chap would have done the same to stop the clerk from swearing at you, he was treating you like dirt," I said "That is the way I have been treated all my life, treated like dirt, beaten, kicked and misused by all the men I have met, even my own father," she said sobbing onto my chest. "Well they won't be treating you anymore like that now you have moved into Gerry's home." I said. "Who is Gerry?' she asked. "Why Lady Barron, I'm sorry that is what I call her, but you know who I mean," I explained. "She took me in and gave me the money to rent this flat, gave me a job when no one else cared. She found my one night living on the street, my so called de-facto husband gave me a good beating and threw me on the street with nothing but the clothes I was wearing." She told me. I just let her unload and hoped that it would help her to get her self esteem back if she had any to start with, but from what she had said so far that had been knocked out a long way back. "It started with my father, sneaking in and having his way with me when I was only twelve, then his mates from the pub unless I didn't want a beating. He beat me so much that I cannot have any children," she said and burst out into another sob shaking bout of remorse, "I eventually run away from home only to get my self attached to another drunken lout, who used me as a punch bag when he felt like it. I had to stay as there was no where else to go. He had a car run over his head one night as he lay drunk in the middle of the road. I then ended up with my ex de-facto who wasn't much better, so you see no one has ever stood up for me the way you done today. I had begun to believe that men who stuck up for women were only in story books. No one was more surprised as I, when you jumped to my defense. As I said that was the first time in my life that is happened. That will make me more determined than ever to protect My Lady's good name." She said and stood up. "I have only told my story to My Lady and now you, I now have two people in my life that I respect and have given me some pride. I hope I can do the job she has trusted me with." She said with a little smile on her face. "Come on lets get the hell out of this dump." I said to her taking one of the bags, she the other one we left the third on the bed. Unfortunately, in the district we were in you don't find many taxis, but we came to a street of shops and I could see a taxi rank there. As we walked towards it we saw a Ladies Lingerie shop, "Mary lets go in here I want to give you a present, we entered and I said to the young girl attendant, I want you to fit this lady with six sets of the underwear of her choosing, she hasn't to pay for it I will." Mary spluttered and wanted to pay but I insisted so off the pair of them went while I sat and waited. Soon they returned Mary with a large bag held close to her chest. I paid the lady it was less than I expected, and we walked out the door. "I got the most gorgeous underwear, I have always longed for," she said excitedly. "I must see it some time then," I said to her. "Oh! Men. You are all the same, "she said with a laugh. We soon got a taxi that took us back home; I carried her bags to her flat in the basement. This was the first time I had ever been down here and it was spacious, this was where the kitchen was and servants quarters. Mary's small flat was a palace compared to the hovel that she had vacated. The unit had a large bedroom with attached bathroom, and a small lounge with television, with a very nice choice of furniture. I dropped her bag and left her to get herself organized and climbed the stairs to the hall. Gerry was waiting for me. "How did it go?" She asked. I told her that everything went fine. That Mary had broken down and told me about her past life. About me telling her to throw out her old clothing and taking her to the shop and buying her six sets of replacements. "She must have got to you! Thank you for doing that for her, she would have appreciated that more than you will ever know, I too know her background remember, I must go and see how she is settling in. Have a drink I will be up shortly." She said departing down stairs. I got a glass of Drambuie and picked up the evening paper and read it from cover to cover. Gerry said she would be up shortly, that must have been almost an hour ago. Maybe she was discussing with Mary her new duties and responsibilities or just women talk. Anyway it wasn't until another half hour that Gerry returned. She came straight over and held my head in both her hands, planted a kiss on my lips. "Oh everything went fine," she said,"you really gave me a very cut down version indeed, you knight in shinning armour. You now have Mary eating out of your hands; you definitely seem to have a way with us women". "Oh it was nothing Gerry," I said, "I would do the same for any lady." "That's the point, you called her a lady, no one ever called Mary a lady before, you stood up for her and you bought her the most beautiful underwear. Have you seen what you bought for her?" Gerry asked. "What would I doing looking at her underwear," I said "I only bought it for her as her old stuff was falling apart and she was going to but replacement with the money she got back from the agent," "YOU got back from the agent," she cut in. "well the money I got back from the agent for her, she was going to replace the rags she had. She broke down then and told me her story. So to cheer her up a bit, I got the assistant in the shop to go with her, and out she came out with it in a bag. I don't want to see ladies underwear. Of course if they are in it, it would be different matter." I said jokingly, and laughed. Gerry laughing said, "You randy devil, just you wait." It was just shortly after that Mary knocked, and entered the room. The transformation was astounding. She was wearing a blue working dress buttoned down the front., with a matching belt. Her hair instead of being dull was now brushed and was shinning and was shoulder length with curls at the end. Her face had been made up. And her eyes seemed to have a twinkle in them. Instead of the drab stockings she previously had been wearing she was now wearing shear stockings, and on her feet rather than sneakers she had a pair of black shoes with about a three inch heel. "Mary you look fantastic," I said to her. "My Lady helped me and wanted me to show you, I want to thank you again for what you done for me, I will always be grateful to you." She said leaving the room. "I've got a real charming housekeeper I'll have to put a chain on you if you keep looking at her like that," Gerry said with a smile. "Gerry, that lady worships the ground you walk on, and would never touch anything that was yours, I know," I told her. "She would go to you if I asked her, you know, also she holds you in the same regards, so cut this talk out, enough about Mary," she said We sat down with my arm around her shoulder and hers round my waste sipping our drinks. "Tell me about the clerk, I believe he almost wet himself, and when your old friend appeared and told him you were a real hard case," she asked. "Gerry I would rather forget the incident and I don't want to mix with the people in my old life it is just that my old life, I have you now and you are my new life." I said giving her a kiss on the top of her head. She cuddled in a lot closer to me and we stayed like that for ages just enjoying each others closeness. We ate a light meal prepared by Mary and I was surprised to find that she was a very good cook. After that we went upstairs to Gerry's now our bedroom. My two suitcases had been emptied and all my clothing stowed away in wardrobes and drawers which still smelt of Gerry's scent. What the hell, it was over everything anyway. I went into the bathroom got undressed and nipped into the shower, and was nearly finished when the door opened and in stepped Gerry. "Now I will get my back scrubbed nicely," she said handing me the soap and a back sponge. It was hard keeping back from her as I had a huge erection, and she kept moving back on to me. Every time she moved back it went between the cheeks of her bottom. I tried to take my mind off it by concentrating on washing her back. I am sure she deliberately done it, she dropped the soap bent down to pick it up and drove her bottom hard on to me. "Oh I have a feeling," she started to sing and wiggled her bottom on to me. I reached round her and took a breast in each hand and pulled her closer. She then let out a sigh, rested her head on my shoulder and said, "Denis you would never know how nice a feeling I have at the present moment. I really have reached the contented cow stage. To me this is heaven on earth, you holding me like this and the feeling I have with your thing pressing on my backside. Let's get dried and get to bed." We tenderly made love that night with me deep inside her, her legs wrapped around me, her arms around my neck. We went to sleep that night locked in that position. In the morning I was wakened my her kissing my face and muttering," Your not so hard as you make out, you are so tender and loving, I couldn't ask for more, Our Lord must have had pity on me, and sent you to me to love. I do love you my Darling! Oh my god you are growing inside me, what a wonderful feeling, How can I explain it, don't stop whatever you do." She went on. We made love that morning as gently as the previous night. She was a very contented lady, but she said after we had got up, "I feel as though I had been riding a horse all day, I feel rather tender, definitely not used to bedroom athletics, give me time though I'll soon be fit, "Gerry said with a laugh. The days passed quickly, Mary had hired another lady to do the cleaning, and since she was another of Gerry's Good Samaritan deeds was given one of the servant rooms in the basement. Her name was Alice. In fact I haven't even seen her yet she was meant to work only week-days but Gerry saw her working during the weekend. It seems that Mary and Alice are now good friends.

Chapter 4

It was another day for the ladies to assemble and play their games of whist. This time there were a lot more present than at Gerry's, there were seventeen ladies including the hostess and me. I was introduced to them all, but I just couldn't remember all their names. They were all elderly ladies ranging from mid fifties to mid seventies. They must at some time during the week been discussing Gerry's bodyguard and the circumstances of the reason for hiring me. When being introduced they all made some remark that they wished that it had been them I came to the rescue. Mostly I put down to, small talk for something to say. Mavis came over to where I was standing and said, "Well we will be spending a couple of hours together while this lot is playing, and they have a break half way so we will be able to join them then." After about half an hour just chatting and no doubt passing the recent gossip, the ladies took their seats and Mavis and I went to a small lounge almost in the same location as the one in Gerry's house. There were many Victorian Terraced houses in this part of the city. There was only one large settee in Bette's lounge so we plonked ourselves down on it. We started chatting about the weather and current affairs which lasted about two minutes. "I was really embarrassed by what you saw when you walked into the room last week, I, like many ladies here today live alone, and I get the urge to have sex. Self gratification is helpful but another person helping you is even better. Nothing though could replace a man. Why I am saying this to you, is that I would like you to give me that relief. I know you think that this is brazen, but I have to tell you the truth or we would sit here all day and I would go home more frustrated than ever. "You want me to just fuck you," I asked in wonder. "Yes that is what I want," she said "Here in this room?" I said bewildered. "No Bette has a small bedroom on the first floor we could use, will you please?" She pleaded. "Ok let's go," I said to her. She grabbed my hand and we actually ran up the stairs into this little room with a single bed with the top turned back, she locked it and started stripping. Seeing the bed as it was, I said to her, "You and Bette arranged this didn't you?" "Of course we're not going to have a nice specimen like you wasting your time just sitting around, if you come to these gatherings you will be busy I can assure you." She said. Well they were being honest about it, and I was game to try. Now Mavis wasn't the worst piece of arse to look at maybe on the plump side but she had the shapes all in the right places, and knew what she wanted. When I looked over after I dropped my underpants, was Mavis flat on her back with her knees apart and feet flat on the bed. There was this dark patch of hair and the pink one eye staring right back at me. She was glistening with moisture. "Come on hurry we haven't much time," she pleaded I got down right between her legs no preparation, nothing. I asked if she wanted me to wear a condom. "Don't be silly I want real cock not rubber," she said with a panted voice I slipped the head of my cock into her and she just thrust herself onto me. At the same time raised her hips off the bed to get betted penetration. I leant behind her grabbed a pillow and placed it under her buttocks. Slowly withdrew and plunged in, Mavis let out a long sigh of satisfaction. She rolled her hips beautifully when I reached bottom. I saw that the nipples of her breasts were standing proud on those large mounds of flesh, so I reached down and took one breast in each hand and gently squeezed them they were gloriously soft. I then slid my hands down and took a hold of her hip bones and pulled her into me. God did she like that, her hips were rolling like mad trying to screw herself onto me. I had the feeling that this lady wanted it a bit rough so I started pounding into her. I had hit the nail on the head. "Oh God Yes, Yes that's they way shove it in as far as you can get it." She shouted. I really got down to it and as I thrust into her she was thrusting back. To get more penetration I slipped my arms between her legs so that the caves of her legs were on my shoulders and I thrust in. "Christ," She said," You've shoved it up to my throat, god you are big, keep working I love this." I felt the ripples running through the length of her vagina and Mavis let out a wild." OH you did it; you have also filled my passage." As she was shouting I had shot my load, and she had felt it enter her. I lowered her legs as I thought it would be uncomfortable in that position. "Why did you lower my legs I felt fantastic with you buried in me?" she panted "Next time Mavis, I'll remember," I said to her. It was then she threw her arms around my neck and really tongue fucked my mouth. "Oh I wish you were my bodyguard, you have done more for me in twenty minutes than I have done in years. You have a friend in me Lover." She said kissing me again. We better get back they should be finishing soon for tea." We quickly dressed and returned to the lounge. And sat down like a pair of innocents. She leant over though and licked a handkerchief she had and wiped the lipstick off my face. "Denis You won't be catching Bette and me at that again. I've had what I needed; Bette will be after her share in two weeks you know." She said. "I will definitely be putting in a good report about you, so no doubt by the time she meets you she will need to wear a nappy." The door was quickly opened and Bette thrust her head in and said "Tea is being served." Mavis whispered to her as we left. "I have already been serviced, and I loved it." Bette smiled and whispered, "Talk to you afterwards." They weren't very subtle these two. When I went into the room Gerry came straight over to me with a cup and saucer for me, and whispered in my ear, "There are a lot of ladies here are getting a bit hot between the legs, seeing you here, even although they haven't said anything they are jealous of my good fortune, darling, If they weren't here I would give you a big kiss." "After you start playing I'm going for a walk, I'll be back before you finish." I said to her. "Please take Mavis with you she will be so lonely on her own," she pleaded, and gave me a wink. Does she know that I just knocked off one of her friends or does she just want me to look after Mavis, I'll never know. So after they started Mavis and I took a stroll around the street. We just went for a slow walk. "You know I feel your sperm running down my thigh," she said," what a wonderful sensation." We got to an empty shop entrance and she asked me to stand in front of her, I heard the rustling of materials and she came again and took my arm. "That's better I wiped myself and tucked my hankie in my panties," she said "Mavis you don't have to tell me everything your doing, it's rather embarrassing," I said. "That's a fine thing to say you pumped it in me, and I loved it," as she squeezed my arm to her body. "You know I think that they knew that we had fucked each other, and they are jealous as hell," she said. Now that's two who have said the same thing. There must be jungle telegraphs between them all. We were just turning to come back when these two, louts came up alongside and said to Mavis, "You getting fucked by your son then love." That did it I grabbed hold of this cocky little bastard and smashed my forehead into the bridge of his nose, I felt the bone break, and his mate went to give me a hit with a wild swing so I just grabbed his wrist in the left hand and gave him a hammer blow to the temple. He went out like a light. I leant down to broken nose and said to him, "Right now you apologize to this lady, or I'll give you a right going over." Just then I heard a car stop and a voice say ""Can I help Lady Mavis." The bloody cops, now I've had it I thought. "These two young people were using obscene language to me." and Lady Baron's bodyguard tripped this one up and he damaged his nose, he was just helping him up." 'What about the other one" he indicated. He tripped over his friend and seems to have knocked himself out. "Leave this to us we know these two louts, we will have a word with them. Tell the Judge we were asking for him." God its not what you know but who you know and it seems I have moved into the right group. "Oh wait until I tell the others what you did to stop those louts from insulting me, you were so fast, where did you learn to do such things, are you hurt? "She ranted on. "Please Mavis forget it, I wasn't going to allow them to insult you, that's all," I said to her. But I had a feeling it was going to be a waste of time. She at least kept quiet, but held on to my arm with two hands. As we approached Bette's home the drivers with their cars had arrived to pick up their charges. Mavis's driver was there and he gave me a funny look as he saw his mistress hanging on to my arm like a love sick teenager. When we got in the games had finished, and the ladies were all chatting. Mavis went running to Bette and all the others gathered round to hear no doubt an exaggerated tale of her rescue. Gerry who had been listening also came over and said, "Another, hero worshipper to your fold, God they'll be into your pants before long." Little did she know one already had, or did she?

Chapter 5

We made our way home and Gerry was laughing almost all the way there, she was seeing the funny side of all her friends, ogling at me and almost dribbling at the mouth in envy of Gerry. "You know I'm the happiest woman alive having you around. You make love to me when I want it and never complain, just stay that way I really love you," She said sticking her tongue in my ear. I eventually got to meet Alice when we got back. She was vacuuming out the small lounge where I went to have a read of the paper whilst Gerry went to see Mary. They always had a meeting at this time of the evening. "So you must be Alice?" I said to the blonde lady. "Yes!" she replied looking down at the floor. "Come on you don't need to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you," I said to her bending down and looking up into her bent face. "How is your room, is it comfortable enough for you?" I further enquired. "Oh yes, it's the most comfortable that I have ever had, and you and the Lady are very kind." She said and went to step back but caught her foot on the vacuum, and started to fall backwards. I leant forward and grabbed her and pulled her towards me, somehow she twisted and the top she was wearing burst open. She had the largest pair of breasts I'd seen outside of magazines, but the best part of it I had grabbed to stop her falling, my hand slipped under her top and I grabbed her breast at least she did not fall. "Oh I'm very sorry Alice, that was purely unintentional," I said to her. "I know it was my fault I shouldn't have stepped back, but I did enjoy the grope," she then laughed, what a change to the sour face she had earlier, and now she was looking up at me. "I'm not complaining, you have lovely breasts, well from a man's point of view, but they must get in the way, sometimes." I said with a grin. "Not much good when you try to run, I get beaten to death," she said and laughed, "anyway no harm done only the buttons popped out of the holes." I let her get on with the cleaning, I also noted that her back end was quite wide also, must be to counter the top weight. The following week's whist party brought the biggest shock of all. It was at a lady called Carolyn's house. Who should be there but Mrs. Boot and her son Steven. Gerry was over the other side of the room and talking to some of her friends, and I was standing in the hall holding a glass of Drambuie. Whenever he saw me he came straight over, "What are you doing here Smock?" he asked in a very loud voice. "He is my guest I invited him, I have not invited you, so would you please leave and learn to conduct yourself better," Carolyn said to him. His lower jaw dropped, and he turned and all the ladies were staring at him. He turned on his heels and stormed out the door. "I could never stand that Steven, always so pushy, enjoy yourself, it looks though that you are going to keep Mrs. Boot company for at least the first half, she lost the cut, and she will be playing the second half as the other lady has to leave early." Carolyn said to me All the other ladies sat at the table and the lady who Steven had accompanied in, who appeared quite thin, walked over to me, the strangest thing though she had a smile on her face, I was expecting her to completely ignore me, or wear a sour face. She slipped her arm into mine and linked our arms, "Come I will show you where we will hide during the game." "I know your name Denis, I have heard it a lot over the past few months, Please call me Gwen," she said squeezing my arm. We went down a small passage and into a very small sitting room with two chairs and a small two seater settee. I made to sit on one of the chairs but she indicated that I sit on the settee with her. "So you are the fellow who put Steven in hospital, why did you stop," she asked. "Beg pardon!" I asked. Was I hearing right? His own mother asking this. "I know what you're thinking, I'm his step-mother, and I can't stand him. That was why we got him into the Royal Marines; he is out of our hair. She had put her hand on my thigh and was running her long fingers up and down my inner thigh. I don't think this was accidental she was deliberately doing this and I was getting a reaction from between my legs, my penis I could feel was swinging up my left leg and her hand brushed against it through my trousers. "My actions seem to have aroused a monster, mustn't restrict the blood supply." and as quick as a flash she had my zipper down and my pride and joy was pointing to the ceiling. "Oh Yes that IS lovely," and took hold of it with her left hand and with her right pulled me to her and planted a red lipped kiss on my mouth. She tasted lovely she had a very sweet tasting mouth, with a very agile tongue. She just seemed to flow down my body and engulfed my cock right into her mouth she was rubbing her fingers down the lower side of my cock and she was watching my face. Her tongue was working wonders with my cock and she started lifting and lowering her head. But every time she lowered it she was sinking further and further down the shaft. I had to slip down the settee until a was sitting on the edge, leaning back I placed my hands either side of her head and I was helping her to get greater depth, I felt her nose strike my pubic hair but still she seemed to be getting deeper. I could feel the head of my cock deep in her throat, she had to come up for air, but she never stopped for long before she was all the way down, and massaging my testicles at the same time, it created a sensational feeling. She came up just as I was about to blow and she took my whole load in her mouth, after I had finished she opened her mouth to show me my sperm, and she then swallowed it. "I really like the taste, and I need the vitamins," she laughed. She swilled her mouth with the gin and tonic she was drinking and swallowed it. "No taste no smell, gin is such a lovely mouth wash, "she said and leaned and kissed me full on the mouth, she was right, no smell no taste except gin and her sweet taste. "Well you have had something Steven hasn't had; he's been trying to get into my knickers since I married his father, and he is useless, he must have been at the end of the queue," she said and burst out laughing." God I wish I had longer we could really make the sheets burn. We again linked arms and strolled up to the room where they were playing cards, and sat on two chairs until they had finished. Gerry came right over and said to Gwen, "I thought you two would be at each others throats, but I see Gwen you and Denis appear to be the best of friends." "No, I swallowed my pride and got rid of the problem Gerry, You take care of him you lucky girl," Gwen said to her, behind Gerry's back Gwen stuck her finger in her mouth and winked at me. "That's a relief we all thought that you two would be at each others throats, what happened," Gerry asked me. "We just sat and sorted it out it appears our Steven isn't a very popular boy at home either," I said When the ladies resumed play and Gwen tool Margaret's place at the table, Margaret had a little wait for her car to arrive, we had a little chat sitting on the chairs in the hall. She only lived three doors up from Gerry, she like Gerry lived alone with two elderly retainers. She told me just to drop in to see her anytime, no need to wait until Gerry is visiting, and she would enjoy my company, for she has very few male visitors these days. As she rose to her feet to leave she rested her hand on my thigh. Rather higher than necessary. I got up quickly and took her arm and helped her to her feet. "Not as spry as I used to be, remember the invitation stands," she said giving me a peck on the cheek. She took the arm of the car driver, and she looked behind her and gave me a warm smile and waved her hand. When the game was over and the ladies all had their post game chat, Gerry and I made our way home. "Denis, during the next two weeks except for our weekly whist game, I will have to leave you to your own accord, I have scheduled the meetings with my lawyers, and accountants. This is an annual occurrence and is nothing out of the ordinary, its just that before I never had you near," Cuddling in to me, "So I will leave it to you to do as you wish with your day. They are usually out the house by six at the latest, that leaves the evenings free for us, What about taking in a couple of movies these evenings?" she said "Oh and I have taken on a Cook, I'm sorry but she is one of my poor and unfortunates and she is living in the basement, you can always go down there and have a chat with your fan club." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek. That night we seemed to want to cling to each other, she was so warm and soft and just melted in my arms, she had put her full trust in me to look after her. It was this evening that I introduced her to the doggy position. I was buried deep into her woman hood and working her up with my tongue, Gerry had my head clamped tightly with her soft thighs. When I got up from that position she turned on to her stomach and was pushing her pelvis into the bed saying how lovely she felt. I saw that lovely behind and I placed my arms around it and gently lifted her bottom up until she was kneeling. I placed the head of my penis to her sex entrance and gently inserted myself into her warm receptive body. She thrust herself back very hard on to me and murmured, "Oh Denis, that is just marvelous, why haven't we done it like this before, You are in so much more you are pounding at my womb. Oh Yes, this is lovely," as she was thrusting and rolling her hips. This was the first time that Gerry actually was thrusting as hard as she was and said," Please Denis, push hard into me and go faster, I need you to go faster." I then started to pound into her, and she was sighing in pleasure. After a few minutes she flopped on to her stomach and I lay on her back. "I'm sorry I didn't let you finish Darling but I was completely exhausted, you had me riding the wind, darling it was wonderful." I made to get off her, "No! Stay where you are, I want you to stay where you are, please hold my breasts I want you to caress my breasts." She went on. So we lay there locked for quite a long time, until eventually I slipped out of her all limp. She turned on her side and we embraced and kissed each other until we went to sleep. In the morning before rising I felt her kissing my nose. I opened my eyes and she was smiling at me, "Boy that was terrific last night, you continue to make me feel good. Today I am going to be a bundle of energy, now I have been recharged, Is that because I've had the plug in." she said with a laugh. She sure had a funny way about her at times. "Well I need the energy, because the next couple of weeks are always tense. I thank my lucky stars that I haven't fathers business to run I'd never cope. Now I have you here, you will give me strength." She said kissing my nose again, "Lets get up lazy bones, now we have a cook she will be expecting us to be punctual for meals. Cooks are funny that way and are easily upset, so up you get." So I rose, showered and dressed into a pair of jeans and a pullover and we wandered down to the dinning room.

Chapter 6

I took Gerry's advice and wandered down to the basement and the three ladies were sitting around the table there drinking tea. "Would you like a cup of tea Sir, "Mary asked. "Mary please don't call me Sir, You know my name its Denis, and that applies to all of you. Don't try and raise my station in life, and yes!" I said to her giving her a tap on the bottom. The Cook was a Pakistan lady, she was dressed in a sari which somehow didn't look out of place, it seemed part of her, her build was just a little on the slim side but her face was shallow as though she had been underfed for quite a while. She had her hair in a large bun on the back of her head. She had small hands I noticed. Her face would be very pretty if it was more fuller, she had a very dark complexion. She didn't want to use her Pakistani name but wanted to be referred as Marge. Mary went through all the events of the day I brought her here, and as she was telling them she was rubbing her foot up and down my leg. When she had finished she took a quick look at the clock and said." I have to go and set up the morning break for Lady Gertrude and the people in the Sitting room upstairs." With hat she dashed out the door." Marge said,"Mary thinks you are wonderful, and from what she says and I see, you seem a very nice chap. I wish that my family were as nice." She looked down at the floor and the tears were dripping on the floor as she had lent forward on her forearm, which was on the table. "Marge what was your trouble, "I asked her. "I was brought over here as a bride but the dowry my family paid was not enough, and the household of my husband treated me as a slave, all the men of the family took advantage of me and the women made me work very hard. I thought that I was coming to a very easy life, but it was many times worse than I had in Pakistan. I was afraid, as I was told many bad things would happen if I left. One day I just had had enough and I left with just a few things, I met up with an English girl and we came down here. But we had no where to live and men kept abusing me, and calling me 'Black Ham' I tried to kill myself. But Lady Gertrude came and found a small room for me to live in. Everything was fine until a gang of my countrymen started running protection and demanded I pay my Giro over to them. I had nothing left to pay for food, so I came to see Lady Gertrude, who gave me this job." She related to me. "God I have never heard and seen so much grief in my own country since I have come here, we were shielded from all this in the Forces. We go and fight in other countries and there is enough evil bastards living here. The government should turn the troops on to these bastards first before worrying about some other country. Never mind Marge you are safe here in this house, no one here will be harming you." I said to her. "She rose from her chair and came over to me and put her arms around me, you tell My Lady that I will be a good cook for her," she said. "Marge I really like your sari, will you always wear one?" I asked "I only have this one," she said. "Oh that's a pity as you look so pretty in it." "I know where I can buy Sari lengths here, I will be getting another soon,"she told me. "Where is it?" I asked her. She couldn't tell me the name of the street but she gave me the general area. "I love traditional curries Marge, will you be able to make some for me. If Lady Gertrude asks tell her I asked you to make them." Alice was just sitting there saying nothing and holding a mug in both hands drinking her tea. I wished them good bye and made for upstairs. Half way up I met Mary coming down. "Mary what size is Alice, she is very big!" I asked with a smile. "You can say that again, she's 42DD would you believe, you could get lost in there," she said with a smile. Since Gerry was going to be busy until evening I went looking for this Sari supplier. It was easy to find, but who did I bump into but Chalky and a few mates of his mates. One was a Bengali, we went for a couple of drinks and reminisced over old times and he asked if I wanted a job. I told him that I was a body guard now and quite happy. He said that a lot of our lads were doing that nowadays. Anyway the conversation got round as to why I was round this area, and I told him I was looking for some Sari lengths for a present for a friend's Pakistani cook. "You'll get ripped off," Nanda the Bengali said, "These buggers will see you are as green as grass and sell you the cheapest material, what type do you want?" "Christ I thought a sari was a sari, I didn't know there were different types." I said to him "You have like western clothes casual, working, and dress and what about the tops, what size is this cook?" he also asked. I looked around and there was an Indian woman sitting nearby and said "about her size" I said pointing. "I'll be back in a few minutes," he said getting up and went over to the woman, said something to her and then left the bar. "He's a real hard man that," Chalky said, "if any one can get you these he will and I bet they will cost you next to nothing, you wait and see," About half an hour later he came back into the pub followed by this Pakistani, who as carrying a large bundle about two foot square wrapped in brown paper and tied with rope. "Give this geezer fifty quid, there is a selection of saris in there; tell the cook it is also a present from Chalky's mates." Nanda said. The Pakistani took the money but I could see he wasn't very happy, but backed out and ran when he was outside. I thanked Nanda for his help, and he said it was nothing. We sat and had a few more which I paid for, shortly after we departed as they had to go somewhere. I soon found a Ladies shop and when I told the girl Alice's size she couldn't believe it. I wanted a couple of blouses dress and a working coat plus a couple of bra's to fit that size. They had only three bra's of that size, so I took them all. They were also able to supply the other items I wanted. I paid for them. I was thinking I'm spending all my termination pay on ladies wear. I got a taxi and went back home, and immediately went to the basement. The three ladies were having their afternoon cupa. They asked if I would like to join them and I gladly accepted. I mentioned that I hadn't eaten and Mary went and brought out of the refrigerator a plate of wrapped sandwiches. I handed Alice her package and said, "I hope that they are the right size and that they are a style that suits you, if not I'm sorry." I handed over the package to Marge and said to her." I have never seen what is in this package, I asked a friend to get them for me and this is what he brought, I hope you like it." They both tore open their appropriate presents and they both let out sighs of wonder. Alice was the first to thank me, she came round and planted a big sloppy kiss on my lips and said she had only one set of clothing, which she had to wash each night. She was to buy more once she had been paid, but she thought that these were more expensive than she would have paid. I turned to Marge and she was sobbing deeply with hands crossed on the table. I got up and put my arms around her shoulder. She turned into my chest put her arms around me and continued sobbing until I felt the tears through my pullover. "How can I accept these wonderful sari's They are too good for a woman like me. They must have cost a lot of money. I shouldn't have spent so much on someone like me." She wept. I lifted her head and said to her, "I asked you to wear the sari, if you had only one, then it was up to me to get others for you to wear. "But look at the quality and the number you have brought>" she said. I looked, felt and counted the folded lengths. There were twenty of them, some were of a silk material and some fine cotton, 20 underskirts which looked to match the sari's and on the top were about ten short jacket like blouses buttoned in the front. "Ok so some of them seem a bit fine, you can wear them can't you?" I asked. "Oh! Yes but I have never had so fine sari's ever," she said. "Come on Marge I want to see you pretty, you wear the sari for me," I said holding her close. She lifted her head and gave me a very tender kiss, on the lips also and said, "You have been very kind to us ladies not like the male swine we have been used to, we are not used to being treated as women, and it is hard for us to accept that you ask nothing in return for these gifts. Mary has many times in the past two days told me that she can't get over the fact you treated her so nicely, and treats her like a lady. I hope I can live up to your expectation. That is a long speech for me for I have never been allowed to speak to a man like this, and truly never expected I would ever do. So Denis once again thank you." "Marge I'm going to come down this evening and I want to see you in the best sari you can find in that pile, "I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I then sat down and ate my sandwiches and we all sat chatting for about ten minutes before I went back upstairs. After Gerry's guests had left we had a few moments together. Gerry seemed very happy it seems that her capital had increased significantly more than she had expected. But of course was now taking a bit longer to organize. We gave each other a hug and she went below to talk to Mary. In about twenty minutes Gerry was back up with a smile across her face. "You sentimental fool; you have done it again, now I have a basement of female staff that thinks you are God's gift to the underprivileged. Why did you do it?" Gerry said with a smile on her lips "Well I thought Marge looked just right in a sari, and asked her to keep wearing them, and when she told me she only had one, I got her a few more," I said "A few more! You got her twenty, and she says they are very expensive ones," Gerry said "Just say a friend got them for me and they fell off the back of a lorry," I replied to her. "God Denis, you are unbelievable, and what about Alice?" she asked I explained the accident I had had with Alice and when I found she had only one blouse I got some for her too. "You had a feel of Alice's Breast," she laughed," did it feel nice?" she teased. "Not as nice as yours though," I replied pulling her to me and grabbing her breast. "Watch the servants may come in, later please," she said. "Speaking about servants I asked Marge to put on her best sari after dinner, and I am going down to see it on, coming with me?" I asked her. "No I will lave that thrill to you, don't waste all your energy, I will need some later," she teased "No nothing like that, just a look at her dressed." I said A while after dinner I went down to the basement and there was this gorgeous lady in a salmon pink sari with gold edged thread running through it and an orange and red pattern along the bottom intertwined with the gold thread. The top matched the sari and only covered her arms to about half her upper arms, the loose part was over her shoulder and she had let her hair down and reached half-way down her back, and shone in the light. Her face had been made up and the shallowness seemed to have filled out. God I got hard just looking at her. "Marge you look fantastic and so beautiful a lady, how could they have treated you so badly." She ran towards me and held me close, and gave me a passionate kiss I dropped my hands to her plump bottom and pulled her into me. Mary said "I didn't get a hug and kiss like that." After I let Marge go I said to Mary, "Well what are you waiting for, come and get one." She immediately got up and I done the same for her. She whispered in my ear,"I love you Denis, very much." I looked into her face when I released her and she smiled and nodded her head. "Alice, Come on and get your hug you are as much of the family as the others" I said to her. She came over a bit slower; I think she was still a bit afraid of me. I pulled her to me and those fantastic boobs just flowed over my chest, her arse was just as soft and I planted a kiss on to her lips. 'I just can't get over the transformation that has come over you Marge; you are like a butterfly that has emerged from a cocoon." I think I had embarrassed her by saying that, but it was true. That night with Gerry was one of gentle passion; we made love so nice and gentle and fell asleep as usual in each others arms.

Chapter 7

Marge had on a new sari, a cotton one and she had her hair up in a bun at the back, she saw me watching her and she said, "Do you approve, you have a good eye for size as you can see the blouse fits correctly and the underskirt is just fine. "Marge, you have blossomed, really, in 24 hours you have completely changed, don't you agree Mary, Alice." I said to them all. "She's in love with you, can't you see it, "Alice said straight out," and she's not the only one, we all are." I didn't know where to look and I must have blushed, for they all began laughing. "Marge has got it bad for you Denis, she never stops talking about you," continued Alice. "I love you all, no one had better upset my ladies, or I will have something to say," I told them. "Do you call me a lady too," cut in Alice? "Of course, now start acting like one or I'll have to put you over my knee." I said to her with a smile "Oh Yes! please I would love that," she said. "Alice, thank you I was getting a bit pissed off at you walking around with your head hung down, stick your chest out and show you are a woman, Oh! Better not we'll never get past then," I said with a laugh. We all burst out laughing none more than Alice herself. Mary served me up lunch, well sandwiches on a tray in the small lounge, and as I was eating them Gerry popped in, to ask if I was being looked after, but when she saw the sandwiches she said, "The ladies are looking after you I see, see you later." And disappeared That afternoon I took a stroll and as I was passing I called in to Margaret's home. I rang the old fashioned door pull on the side and could hear the bell ring inside. A lady in her late fifties answered the door. "What do you want young man?" She asked. "Margaret said to call in anytime I was passing," I told her "MARGARET! You mean Lady Margaret, she never said anything to me about this," she replied to my request. I heard a shuffle behind the lady and I saw Margaret. "Denis, how lovely, Joan this is Denis Lady Gertrude's bodyguard, when he calls in future you let him in I have invited him to call anytime,"Margaret said to Joan "Come in. Come in," she said as she took my arm and let me into her den. She seemed a bit unsteady on her feet, but then she had difficulty rising from the chair at Carolyn's and I put it out of my mind, although her breath smelt of alcohol. She turned to Joan and said,"I don't want to be disturbed for the next two hours, do you hear. "Come now sit beside me and tell me all about yourself. Do you want a drink? Make mine a large Gin straight'. I went over to the wine bar and poured Margaret a very large Gin and a Drambuie for myself. Carried them back and placed them on the table in front of us. "Fell down the stairs last week and bruised my hip, "she said and promptly lifted her dress to show me she even lifted the legs of her pants to show me the full extent of the bruising." 'You have a nasty bruise there Margaret, You should be more careful," I said. What else could I say? Stop flashing your body to me I don't want to see your cotton knickers. She wanted to know about how I helped Gerry and Mavis and then about my discharge from the Royal's So I just filled her in briefly about it all, but she kept running her hand up and down my thigh as she had done when she got up to leave at Carolyn's. It is very distracting when a lady is running her fingers lightly up your thigh, and definitely caused an uncontrollable reaction but this time my penis was not down my leg but up close to my body and its head was pointing upwards, so there was no chance of an unlikely encounter. I think that I had given Margaret a bit too large a Gin as she was definitely showing signs of intoxication. "Margaret! You don't look to good, how are you feeling?" I asked "I think I have had a little too much to drink, I think I will lie down." She said As I was helping, Margaret to lie down she spotted the bulge in my jeans, and rubbed the back of her hand up and down my shaft through my jeans. "That's what I would like," she said, "Please don't leave me lying here, come sit beside me." She wouldn't lie down so I lifted and propped her in the corner of her settee and sat on her left to stop her from falling. She grabbed my hand and lifted her dress and placed my hand on her pussy right between her legs, I think that she had wet herself she was too wet for just desire." "No Margaret, I won't take advantage of you in this state," I said to her, and withdrew my hand and pulled down her dress. I saw a bell cord by the fireplace and gave it a pull, in a few minutes two ladies appeared one was Joan and the other a little younger but not by much. "Joan I think Lady Margaret has had a little too much to drink and needs to lie down would you mind taking her to bed." I asked "This is Jean, Denis she lives here also, Yes, we'll take care of My Lady, she will drink too much and then blacks out, she will be alright in a couple of hours, Thank you for calling us," Joan said. "Look Joan I'll let myself out, let me know when she is alright will you?" I said "Right you are Sir, we have her now." Joan said I left the house, God that was a close shave, I keep away from drunken women, and you don't know how they will turn. They are likely to call rape, and then you are in the poo, I thought. I returned just as the group of men was leaving the house and I met Gerry at the door. As we walked to the lounge I told her what had happened. I omitted a few details. No use giving Margaret a bad name. "She does that sometimes, just can't hold her drink. Don't worry Joan and Jean will care for her!" About three hours later the bell rang and Mary answered the door and Joan came in with a note from Margaret addressed to me marked very personal. 'Sorry I made such a fool of myself; I deeply apologize for my conduct. Please call again soon. Sincerely yours Margaret' There's no reply Joan, just say I will come and see her soon, and thank you for caring for her. After Joan left I handed the letter to Gerry. "What does she mean she made a fool of herself", Gerry asked. "If you must know she wet herself, I didn't want to cause her any embarrassment that's why I didn't tell you," I told Gerry "Yes that would be very embarrassing indeed, Poor Margaret," she said and the matter was dropped. "Denis let's go to bed early! This has been a very trying day for me and I feel so very tired. Gerry I thought, this has been a rather hectic day for me also. We retired early and we dropped off almost as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

Chapter 8

I decided to get out the house early and get a bit of exercise so I just dressed casually in jeans, shirt and a small bomber jacket. This time I would keep to the more affluent suburbs of the city where there was no chance to meet Chalky or his friends. I must have been walking for about two hours, when this large car pulled alongside me and the window was wound down and Gwen called out," Denis, its nice to see you, what are you doing around here, looking for me?" with a laugh. I leant in through the window and said, "No Gwen, I was just taking a walk, Gerry has business all day and I was just strolling." "Get in I'm just on my way home," she requested. So I got in and in just a few minutes, we pulled into an underground garage, and parked in a signed parking bay. She switched off then lent over and planted another sweet tasting kiss on my lips. "Come let's have coffee," she said. We alighted from the car and took the lift to the top floor. We arrived at a small well decorated foyer with three doors, one by the lift was marked 'Stairs' and one either side which were both ornate and definitely main doorways to apartments. The décor of her apartment was superb, and the view from the wall length windows was fantastic, you had a view of the whole surround. "Gwen this view is fantastic," I said. "The view I got is fantastic too," she said. I turned and she was looking straight at me and slipping out of her dress. God I thought is this all these females think about, not that I was complaining for she was a nice looking lady. What I had thought was thin was a very nice trim body indeed, with well rounded hips and firm grapefruit sized breasts. I must have looked a bit apprehensive, for what she said next, took me back a bit, "Don't worry about my husband, he's gay and lives in the apartment across the hall. We only appear together for social occasions and our marriage is for convenience only, this fact has not to be disclosed even to Gerry, discretion has to be shown, so come to Gwen." In fact she was virtually a single woman, trying to get her gratification any way she could. That put an entirely different light on the matter entirely. I walked to her and we really got down to where we had left off the other week, as I was going to get real satisfaction from screwing this sweet tasting lady. Lniked arm in arm we went down a passageway into this beautiful bedroom. Her bed a King size at the least was set on a dais with two steps up. God I thought when you are up here you will feel like being on top of a mountain. The shedding of clothing was as rapid as we both could make it and we both ran and jumped on to the bed and came together in a crushing embrace, I slid my hand down that slim body and followed the contours down until I felt her pubic hairs and I run my fingers through them and she gave a little shudder as following her curves landed at the Promised Land. I slid my fingers down and she opened her legs to let me gain access, I slipped my fingers between the lips of her crack, God did she start wriggling on to my fingers then. Crushing her breasts into my chest, whilst wildly moving her head trying to drive her mouth even closer to mine, all the time this sweet tasting tongue shooting in and out of my mouth. As fast as I could say it she had reversed her position and put a knee both side of my head and had engulfed my penis well into her mouth. In front of me was this wonderful sight of her gaping vagina, omitting a combined odour of her femininity and her scent. This morsel was so appetizing that I just took her hips and brought this object to my mouth and drew my outstretched tongue from the little puckered hole slowly up to her clitoris collecting her juices on the way up. A muffled moan came from her head area; I knew it wouldn't be clear as she had my penis still embedded almost to the root in her lovely mouth. When I put my tongue back in my mouth to taste her juices they tasted fantastic. I then puckered my tongue and inserted it into her vagina and tongue fucked her trying to put as much in as I could. She turned again and lay flat on her back with her knees wide both feet flat on the bed. "Denis please get that thing inside me, I'm ready to explode,"she panted at me. I got between those gorgeous legs and immediately she raised her hips to allow me easier access to her sex. I placed the head of my penis to her entrance and she thrust up driving me deep inside her. I leant slightly forward and drove into her with a short thrust of my hips. Her arms came up and wound round my shoulders pulling me down on to her body. And we violently thrusted together, driving me deeper into her. Gwen let out a shout, no, it was more like a scream," Bloody hell that was heaven, I have reached heaven," and thrust even harder until I discharged into her, I feel you gushing inside me, this is better than in the mouth, isn't it Denis." "Gwen, I really like the way you handle things but I'd rather fuck you than have a blow job, to put it crudely," I said in her ear. "Oh me too! if it was like this every time, Oh yes that was terrific, "she said We lay there for many minutes just soaking and the sensation was great and her body scent was mixed with my body odours. "Lets have a shower and get that coffee I offered you, did you mind waiting for the coffee?" she asked with a smile. "It was the best wait I've had," I replied to her. We got up, showered and went through to her breakfast bar and had the promised coffee. "Oh by the way, I have a screw loose on one of my wardrobe doors, I am useless with tools would you be so kind as to put the screw in as the door is sagging," she asked. She handed me a screw driver set and showed me the door, which really was hanging funny, I opened the door and saw immediately the problem, two screws had just become loose on the hinge mechanism and I only needed to tighten them up and the door was again functional. The wardrobe was one with about six drawers and I could see that the drawers were filled with underwear. The underwear must have been doused in perfume, and the aroma was sensational. "You are a darling Denis, "she said, and pulled me to her and crushed her mouth to me once again with that mouth probing tongue of hers. "I wish we had all day together maybe another time , Please, " she said, "but I have an urgent appointment, and I really have to dash, I feel on top of the world." She said with a smile and twirled in front of me with arms out wide. I refused a lift in her car and continued my walk. I eventually arrived back about two o'clock, and I wandered down to the basement to see if they had the kettle on as I felt like a drink of tea or coffee. The ladies were all there sitting at the table, having an afternoon cupa so I had arrived on time. They had been worried that I had not returned for Lunch and Marge was like a mother hen looking after her chicks, fussing over me. God she has got it bad, she does worry about me. We sat and chatted for quite a bit. At about three Gerry came down. "The lawyers have all left for to-day, and I am glad that I have got you all here, it will save me telling you later." She said. Mary in the mean time had poured Gerry a tea in a cup and saucer and I noticed had put in on a tray and placed it near where Gerry was sitting. We were all drinking from mugs. "I have made arrangements with my lawyers, in the event of my demise that this house will be placed in a trust, and will be kept in that trust to provide you all with accommodation until a time when you, either die or no longer wish the accommodation. Capital has been set aside to pay for upkeep, and all running costs, well beyond your life expectancies. When the house is no longer required the house is to be sold and the money raised is to be distributed to charities. So ladies welcome to your home. Denis I will be discussing this matter further with you. Denis let's go upstairs." Gerry told us There was total silence as the ladies just sat and stared at each other, as Gerry and I left to go upstairs. As we ascended the stairs Gerry took my arm in both of hers and pulled me tight into her," I love you Denis," she said.

We just got up stairs when the telephone rand and Gerry went to answer it. On the way there she indicated by cupping her hand for me to make her a drink. I went into the small lounge and made a drink for each of us and sat waiting on Gerry. When she came down and picked her drink up and had a sip, She said," That was Gwen on the telephone," God I thought what has she said to Gerry," she asked me to thank you for sorting out her problem, and that the door really swings great now, these were the words she said to tell you, apparently she saw you whilst you were out walking and asked you to fix her wardrobe door. She seems to think her husband is useless at doing things for her." I explained that she had spotted me and asked what I was doing up her way and I told her I was just walking as you were busy with your meetings. She asked me if I would like a coffee and would I mind putting the screws back on the hinges of her wardrobe door; the building maintenance man was off sick. So since I had nothing to do I fixed it. She had an urgent appointment and had only come home to change. So I wasn't really there long. Gerry then told me that her husband was a judge, and in fact Gwen was a QC. She doesn't practice much now, but is the very senior partner in a large Law Firm. She was very good apparently. I thought she was excellent as far as I was concerned, and she wasn't practicing with me she was really and truly working to the full. I never mentioned anything about her husband and her relationship. "A bank account has been opened in your name, with (I won't tell you the name)Bank and an amount will be deposited into it quarterly. In addition to what I told the ladies downstairs, you will be the trustee of the property and I am sorry to tell you this but also the fund which does take a lot of work, you will have lawyers to advise you but yours will be the final say, I told you I have no relatives so after you die the monies will be distributed to charities" she said "Christ, you would think you are going to die tomorrow," I said to her as I pulled her to me and kissed her tenderly. "That could happen, the day that we met was the day I had been to see the cancer specialist. He told me I had terminal malignant growth on my brain, and that I could last for years or even days. The growth apparently grows then recedes and rests and grows again therefore prognosis is difficult. These few weeks have been the happiest in my life and it has all been due to you, since I have found that deep down you are a very caring person, even though you don't know it. Everyone that you have come in contact with since you and I have met has nothing but love and affection for you. You treated Mary, Marge and Alice as human beings worth worrying about. You have defended the good names of my friends, you have no idea what that means to a woman. Please keep it up they need your help. Now let's not dwell on the gloom let's enjoy our life what we have left of it." She said. I pulled her to me and held her so tight and the tears run down my cheek at the thought of losing this gentle lady. Three weeks later Lady Gertrude Barron Died suddenly at Home.

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The author of this story: Rellik

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